Wind of the morn, of the morn of the year,

Violet-laden breath of spring,

To the flowers and the lasses whispering

Things that a man's ear cannot hear,

In thy friendly grasp I would lay my hand,

But thou comest not from my native land.

Birds of the morn, of the morn of the year,

Chanting your lays in the bosky dell,

Higher and fuller your round notes swell,

Till the Fauns and the Dryads peer forth to hear

The trilling lays of your feathery band:

Ye came not, alas, from my native land.

Brook of the morn, of the morn of the year,

Burbling joyfully on your way,

Maiden and rose and woodland fay

Use as a mirror your waters clear:

But I mourn as upon your banks I stand,

That you come not, alas, from my native land.

Breezes and birds and brooks of the Spring,

Chanting your lays in the morn of the year,

Though Armenia, my country, be wasted and sere,

And mourns for her maidens who never shall sing,

Yet a storm, did it come from that desolate land,

Would awaken a joy that ye cannot command.


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