Scene II


entering at right

]. Mamma! O aunt, are you here, too?

[Hugs her and kisses her.

CHACHO. O my only treasure! [

Kisses her

.] How fresh and pretty you are! Where are you going? Are you going out when I have just come?

NATO. What are you saying, dear aunt? I will come back again immediately. I am only going to make a few purchases at the bazaar. [

Turning to Salome

] Dear mamma——

[They begin to speak together in a low tone.



]. Yes, yes, her father is right! [


] I will go and see what the children are doing [

trying to rise

]. Come here, you pretty rogue, and give me your hand. I feel exhausted.

[Nato helps her.


offering her hand

]. Let me help you, too.

CHACHO. May God give you health and a life as long as mine! [

To Nato:

] O my heart's angel—if only I have my wish and see you wear the bridal wreath!

SALOME. God grant it, dear aunt!

CHACHO. He will, he will, my child! [

Going toward the entrance.

] Good heaven! how old I have grown!

[Goes out at the left.

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