Scene I

A richly furnished sales-room in Barssegh's house.

MICHO. Two, three, four, five, six and this little piece. It does not measure so much!


standing up and giving Micho a rap on the nose

]. You have what is lacking there. Measure again. Now you've got what is lacking. I will tear your soul out of your body if you measure so that in seven arschin


it comes out one werschok short.


measuring again

]. O dear, O dear!

BARSSEGH. Look out, or I will take that "O dear" out of your ear. Be up and at it now!

MICHO. Oh, Mr. Barssegh! [


] One, two, three—

BARSSEGH. Stretch it, you blockhead.


stretching the cotton

]. Three, four. [

Wipes the perspiration from his brow


BARSSEGH. What is the matter with you? You sweat as though you had a mule-pack on your back.

MICHO. Five.

BARSSEGH. Pull it out more.

MICHO. Six and this little piece. It lacks three werschok again.


pulling his ears

]. It lacks three werschok? There they are!

MICHO. Oh my, oh my!

BARSSEGH. You calf; will you ever develop into a man?

MICHO. O dear mother!


pulling him again by the ear

]. Doesn't it grow longer?



]. Dear Mr. Barssegh, dear sir, let me go.

BARSSEGH. I want to teach you how to measure.

MICHO. It reaches, I say; it reaches, indeed; it reaches. Let me measure again.

BARSSEGH. Now take care that you make it seven arschin.



]. Holy Karapet, help me. [


.] One, two—

BARSSEGH. O you blockhead!

MICHO. Three.


MICHO. Four.

BARSSEGH. Haven't you seen how Dartscho measures?

MICHO. Five.

BARSSEGH. Will you ever learn how to do it?

MICHO. Five.

BARSSEGH. If you keep on being so stupid my business will be ruined.

MICHO. Five—five.

BARSSEGH. I give you my word that I will give you the sack.

MICHO. Five—five.

BARSSEGH. Measure further.

MICHO. Five—[


:]; Holy George, help me! [


:] Six. I cannot stretch it any more or I shall tear it.

BARSSEGH. Measure, now.

MICHO. O dear; I believe it is already torn.


looking at the cloth

]. I see nothing. God forbid!


looking at the measure

]. It is short a half werschok of seven arschin every time.

The madman, Mosi, comes in at the middle door and stands in the background


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