[1] This geography was begun by Mrs. Stowe during the summer of 1832, while visiting her brother William at Newport, R. I. It was completed during the winter of 1833, and published by the firm of Corey, Fairbank & Webster, of Cincinnati.

[2] A ridiculous book from which Mr. Stowe derived endless amusement.

[3] Salmon P. Chase.

[4] The governess, Miss Anna Smith.

[5] An old colored woman.

[6] Wife of Professor Upham of Bowdoin College.

[7] Her brother George's only child.

[8] Bancroft's funeral oration on Lincoln.

[9] Greeley's American Conflict, vol. i. p. 65.

[10] Introduction to Illustrated Edition of Uncle Tom, p. xiii. (Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1879.)

[11] Afterwards embodied in the Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin.

[12] Author of Spanish Conquest in America.—Ed.

[13] Students in the Seminary.

[14] The Pearl of Orr's Island.

[15] Andrew Johnson.

[16] Die Christliche Mystik, by Johann Joseph Görres, Regensburg, 1836-42.

[17] George Eliot's Life, edited by J. W. Cross, vol. i.

[18] Die Christliche Mystik.

[19] Professor Stowe.

[20] Uncle Tom's Cabin, new edition, with introduction.

[21] Professor Stowe died August, 1886.




It is the great happiness of Mrs. Stowe not only to have written many delightful books, but to have written one book which will be always famous not only as the most vivid picture of an extinct evil system, but as one of the most powerful influences in overthrowing it. . . . No book was ever more a historical event than "Uncle Tom's Cabin." . . . If all whom she has charmed and quickened should unite to sing her praises, the birds of summer would be outdone.—George William Curtis.


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A charming little book . . . full of sweet passages, and bright, discerning, wise, and in the best sense of the term, witty sayings of our greatest American novelist.—Chicago Advance.

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The selections are from some of Mrs. Stowe's most true-to-life scenes,—full of pathos and mirth. . . . Nine most charming dialogues.—School Journal (New York).

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Transcriber's Notes:

Punctuation errors repaired.

Page 146, repeated word "the" removed from text. Original read (make the the whole nation)

Page 179, "propect" changed to "prospect" (over the prospect of raising)

Page 205, "everywere" changed to "everywhere" (affection that everywhere)

Page 205, "Frith" changed to "Firth" (of Solway Firth and)

Page 416, "neigbors" changed to "neighbors" (all the neigbors waiting)

Page 437, "nonenity" changed to "nonentity" (old book into nonentity)

Page 438, "aerial" changed to "ærial" (of my ærial visitors)

Page 505, "Tourgee" changed to "Tourgée" (Tourgée and others prominent)

Page 516, Stowe, Catherine, page reference added to (visits Cincinnati with father, 54;)

Page 522, Lowell, J. R. "interesti n" changed to "interest in" (Sutherland's interest in, 277)


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