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"J. B. Ford & Co, who are now printers and publishers to the Beecher family, have collected in a handsome volume the Lecture Room Talks of the Brooklyn preacher, held in the weekly prayer-meeting of the Plymouth Church.

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Prepared with a view to assist in training young women for the distinctive duties which inevitably come upon them in household life, this volume has been made with especial reference to the duties, cares, and pleasures of the family, as being the place where, whatever the political developments of the future, woman, from her very nature of body and of spirit, will find her most engrossing occupation, and is full of interest for all intelligent girls and young women.

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This exquisite book is a chapter from Mr. Beecher's great work, the "Life of Jesus the Christ." It is a series of pictures, in the author's happiest style, of the Angelic Appearances—giving a beautiful and characteristically interesting treatment of all the events recorded in the Gospels, as occurring about the period of the Nativity of our Lord.

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This journal has had a very remarkable success, in one year attaining a circulation surpassing that of any other religious weekly in the United States (one only excepted, and that one over twenty-two years old).


BECAUSE, First, HENRY WARD BEECHER is its Editor, and his Editorials, Star Papers, and occasional Literary Reviews and Lecture-Room Talks are sought for by thousands, while the auxiliary editorial labor is in the hands of cultivated journalists; the CONTRIBUTORS being representative men of ALL Denominations.

BECAUSE, Secondly, ITS FORM, sixteen pages, large quarto, Stitched and Cut, is so convenient for reading, binding, and preservation, as to be a great and special merit in its favor.

BECAUSE, Thirdly, It is called "the Most Interesting Religious Paper published," being quoted from by the press of the entire country more extensively than any other. The critical Nation (N. Y.) says it is "Not only the ablest and best, but also, as we suppose, the most popular of American religious periodicals. At all events it is safe to predict that it will soon have, if it has not already, greater influence than any other religious paper in the country."

BECAUSE, Fourthly, It has something for every Member of the Household, admirable contributed and editorial articles, discussing all timely topics; fresh information on unhackneyed subjects; reliable news of the Church and the world; Market and Financial Reports; an Agricultural Department; excerpts of Public Opinion from the press; careful Book Reviews, with Educational, Literary, Musical, and Art Notes; much matter of a high and pure religious tone; a Household Department; choice Poems; Household Stories; and Chat for the Little Ones.

BECAUSE, Fifthly, All subscribers are entitled to



A pair—no cheap colored prints, but splendid copies of Oil Paintings, by an eminent English artist. The pair, by a fortunate arrangement which one of the partners of this house was able to make with the proprietors of the pictures in Paris, during the late siege, are furnished to the Publishers at a rate entirely exceptional. So that, although the selling price of them is ($10) Ten Dollars, at which price thousands have been sold in America, and still are selling and will be sold by the picture trade generally, the Publishers of The Christian Union give away the two pictures, of course unmounted, to every subscriber to the paper. Or, if preferred, subscribers will receive a fine impression of Marshall's Household Engraving of Washington, of which Darley, the celebrated artist, says: "It is, beyond all question the best head engraved in line yet produced in this country, as well as the finest copy of Stuart's portrait I have ever seen."


One Year's Subscription (including unmounted Chromos) $3 00
do          do      (including Chromos mounted on cardboard,
sized, varnished, and ready for framing),              3 25

The Christian Union and Plymouth Pulpit, mailed for one
year to one address (including Chromos as above) for 5 00

Canvassers allowed liberal Commissions.

An old agent who knows, says: "I have never presented anything for sale that met with the approval of the entire reading community as nearly as does Henry Ward Beecher's CHRISTIAN UNION. Sorry I did not work for it sooner. Think it the best business for canvassers ever offered by any firm, to my knowledge."

J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers,

27 Park Place, New York City.


[1] It was; but alas! since the recent time of this story, insatiate commerce has taken the old Park and built therein a huge railway freight depot.

Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors and minor printer errors repaired.

In the original volume, there are two pages labeled #3. Renamed the second "page 3" as page 3b.

Audacia's last name spelled as both "Dangyrereyes" and "Dangereyes" in original text, left as is.

Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including obsolete and variant spellings and other inconsistencies.

(noble type of the Venus di Milo) has been replaced with (noble type of the Venus de Milo)


Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed.

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