Transcriber's Notes

Minor punctuation typos have been silently corrected.

Page 50: Changed "acquaintainces" to "acquaintances."
(Orig: menagerie of our very miscellaneous acquaintainces!)

Page 63: Changed "Methusaleh" to "Methuselah."
(Orig: but they are old as Methusaleh.)

Page 121: Retained "fluttered," but possible typo for "flustered."
(Orig: Poor Mrs. Van Arsdel was somewhat fluttered by this alarming)

Page 136: Retained "indeeed," (she may be stretching out word for
emphasis) but it's possibly a typo for "indeed."
(Orig: "Like him! Indeeed I don't.)

Page 182: Changed "Campcell" to "Campbell."
(Orig: flesh and spirit. Dr. Campcell, a broad-shouldered,)

Page 190: Changed "gaity" to "gaiety."
(Orig: in the gaity of her heart, that evening.)

Page 223: Changed "convalesence" to "convalescence."
(Orig: in different stages of convalesence were)

Page 246: Changed "blurr" to "blur."
(Orig: only one dark, confused blurr,)

Page 299: Changed "Eleusinean" to "Eleusinian."
(Orig: some special Eleusinian mysteries)

Page 306: Changed "perculiar" to "peculiar."
(Orig: Bolton professes a perculiar skill in an omelette;)

Page 312: Changed "slelect" to "select."
(Orig: slelect associations and good behavior)

Page 335: Changed "Betsy" to "Betsey."
(Orig: strong mind," said little Mrs. Betsy in a tone of awe;)

Page 337: Changed "coverved" to "covered."
(Orig: I dare say he's coverved with fleas.)

Page 361: Changed "audirons" to "andirons."
(Orig: winking and blinking roguishly at the brass audirons,)

Page 375: Changed "expeririences" to "experiences."
(Orig: the strangest feelings and experi- [new line] riences.)

Page 377: Changed "Methhodist" to "Methodist."
(Orig: words of an old Methhodist hymn;)

Page 392: Changed "expolres" to "explores."
(Orig: so many secrets, who expolres so many cabals,)

Page 394: Changed "gentlemen's" to "gentleman's."
(Orig: "Friendship is a humbug," was that young gentlemen's mental)

Page 434: Changed "ard" to "and."
(Orig: prove by her devotion ard obedience)

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