Abelard, 134.
  Aitken, Mary, 117.
  Allingham, Mrs., her sketch of Carlyle, 121.
  Annan, Academy, 9.
  Anspach's History of Newfoundland, 13.
  Arnold, Thomas, visits the field of Naseby with Carlyle, 63, 64.

  Baillie, Joanna, her Metrical Legends, 13.
  Bentley, Richard, the last of English scholars, 162.
  Black, Adam, 191.
  Boehm, Mr., his medallion and statue of Carlyle, 116, 120, 121.
  Braidwood Testimonial, 85, 86.
  Brewster, Sir David, his Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 10, 11;
    writes a Preface to Carlyle's Translation of Legendre, 13;
    presides at Carlyle's installation as Rector of Edinburgh
      University, 90, 93, 96.
  Buchanan, George, 47.
  Buller, Charles, Carlyle becomes tutor to, 15;
    his death, 74;
    Carlyle's tribute to, 75-80.
  Burns, Robert, 67.

  Cameron, Mrs., her photograph of Carlyle, 120.
  Carlyle, Jane Welsh, Goethe's verses to, 20;
    described by Margaret Fuller, 68, 69;
    death of, 109;
    funeral, 110;
    inscription on her tombstone, 111.
  Carlyle, Thomas, birth and parentage, 8;
    early studies, 9;
    school-mastering, 9-10;
    first attempts in literature, 10-14;
    Buller tutorship, 15;
    German translations, 15-17;
    his marriage, 17;
    life at Craigenputtoch, 17-18;
    removes to London, 25;
    his affection for Leigh Hunt, 26;
    letter to Major Richardson, 40;
    his Lectures, 45;
    advice to a young man, 54;
    defence of Mazzini, 59;
    visit to Rugby, 63;
    his letter to Sir William Napier, 81;
    the Edinburgh Rectorship and Address, 87-109;
    death of his wife, 109;
    on the Jamaica insurrection, 112;
    latest writings, 115;
    medal and address, 116;
    closing years of life, 117;
    his Reminiscences, 118;
    portraits of, 119.
  Carlyle, John A., his Translation of Dante, 98;
    death of, 117.
  Chelsea, old memories of, 25;
  Carlyle fixes his residence there, 25, 26.
  Collins's Peerage, 152.
  Craigenputtoch, 17;
    description of by Carlyle, in a letter to Goethe, 18.
  Cromwell, Oliver, Letters and Speeches, 68;
    his Protectorate, 145
  Cunningham, Allan, on old age, 44:

  Demosthenes, 166.
  De Quincey, Thomas, his critique on Wilhelm Meister, 16
  D'Orsay, Count, his Portrait of Carlyle, 119.
  Dumfries, 18.

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, his visit to Carlyle at Craigenputtoch, 21;
    his Essays introduced to the English public by Carlyle, 52;
    Margaret Fuller's letter to him, 64.
  Eyre, Edward John, Carlyle's defence of, 112.

  Ferguson's Roman History, 140.
  Fichte, 37.
  Forster, John, 200.
  Fraser's Magazine, 20, 22, 115, 119.
  Frederick the Great, History of, 81, 87.
  French Revolution, History of the, 38.
  Froude, James Anthony, 118, 200.
  Fuller, Margaret, her Letter to Emerson describing Carlyle's
    conversation, 65-73.

  German Romance, 16.
  Gibbon, 23.
  Goethe, his Faust, 13;
    his Wilhelm Meister translated by Carlyle, 15;
    Carlyle's letters to him, 18;
    writes an Introduction to the German translation of Carlyle's Life
      of Schiller, 20;
    his verses to Mrs. Carlyle, ib.;
    Wilhelm Meister's Travels, 170-171;
    Verses by him, quoted, 186, 187.
  Grant, James, quoted, 46, 48-52.

  Hannay, James, on Carlyle, 47.
  Heyne, his Tibullus and Virgil, 162-163.
  Hoffmann, Carlyle's translation from, 16.
  Horne, R.H., quoted, 27, 28.
  Houghton, Lord, breakfast party at his house, 38.
  Hunt, Leigh, invited by Carlyle to visit him in Dumfriesshire. 26;
    settles at Chelsea, ib.;
    characteristic anecdote, 27;
    leaves Chelsea, 28;
  Carlyle's eulogium on, 29;
  Carlyle's opinion
    of his Autobiography, 33;
    quoted, 35, 46.

  Ireland, Carlyle's papers on, 74.
  Irving, Edward, 10, 40.

  Jeffrey, Lord, his critique on Wilhelm Meister, 16;
    Carlyle's Reminiscences of, 119.
  Johnson, Samuel, advice as to reading, 55.

  Kirkcaldy, 10.

  Knox, John, an ancestor of Carlyle's wife, 17, 196;

    grim humour of, 47;

    the portraits of, 115;

    belongs to the select of the earth, 142-143;

    his History of the Reformation, 184-185.

  Lally, at Pondicherry, 84.

  La Motte Fouqué, Carlyle's Translations from, 16.

  Landor, Walter Savage, 23, 38.

  Latter-Day Pamphlets, 80.

  Laurence, Samuel, his portrait of Carlyle, 119.

  Legendre's Geometry, translated by Carlyle, 13, 14.

  Leslie, Sir John, 9.

  Lewes, George Henry, 66.

  London Magazine, The, 15, 16.

  Louis Philippe, 74.

  Machiavelli on Democracy, 107, 146.

  Maclise, Daniel, 119.

  Mazzini, his articles on Carlyle, 58;

    Carlyle's defence of his character, 59;

    remonstrates vainly with Carlyle, 69.

  Milnes, R. M., see Houghton, Lord.

  Mirabeau, 23.

  Moore, Thomas, meets Carlyle at a breakfast party, 38.

  Musæus, Carlyle's translations from, 17.

  Napier, Sir William, his History of the Administration of Scinde 81;

    Carlyle's letter to him, 81-85.

  Necker, Carlyle's biography of him, quoted, 11.

  Nero, death of, 22.

  Newfoundland, Carlyle's account of, quoted, 12.

Ossoli, see Fuller.

  Past and Present, 53;

    quoted, 187-188.

  Paul et Virginie, 44.

  Petrarch and Laura, 67.

  Phocion, 167.

Quincey, see De Quincey.

  Richardson, David Lester, his Literary Leaves, 40;

    Carlyle's letter to him, 40-44.

  Richter, Jean Paul, 17.

  Robinson, Henry Crabb, 38, 39.

  Rous, Sir Francis, 148.

  Rousseau, at St. Pierre, 19;

    his Confessions, 23.

  Ruskin, John, his praise of Boehm's statue of Carlyle, 116, 121.

  Rugby School, 63, 64.

  Sartor Resartus, 36, 37.

  Schiller, Friedrich, Carlyle's life of him, 15;

    Supplement to, 115.

  Shakespeare, 67.

  Smith, Alexander, his account of the delivery of Carlyle's Address at

    Edinburgh, 87-92.

  Socrates, disparaged by Carlyle, 23.

  Sophocles, the tragedies of, 141.

  Sterling, John, 37, 38;

    death of, 62;

    Carlyle's life of him, 81.

  Stirling, Dr., Carlyle's letter to, 189-191.

  Tennyson, why he wrote in verse, 67.

  Teufelsdröckh, 36, 68.

  Thackeray, W.M., his verses on the death of Charles Buller, 15, 74-75.

  Tieck, 17.

  Turveydrop senior, on Polished Deportment, 49.

University of Edinburgh, 125.

  Watts, G.F., his portrait of Carlyle, 120.

  Welsh family, 17.

  Whistler, J.A., his portrait of Carlyle, 120.

Youth, the golden season of life, 130.

Zoilus, 19.


End of Project Gutenberg's On the Choice of Books, by Thomas Carlyle

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