Alexius Comnenus (Alexius I), 19-20, 22 Alexius IV, 20, 22, 107-109 Alexius Bushy Eyebrows (Alexius V), 109 Andronicus, 104 Anna Comnena, 19, 100 Ariadne, 49 army, 46, 47, 57-63 art, 95-99 Augusta, the, 48 Augustaion, 34 Augustus, the, 32 autokrator (ô-tok’rƏ-tēr), 44 bandon (ban’dƏn), 59 Bardas, 105 Basil I, 51, 105 Basil the Bulgar Slayer (Basil II), 17 basileus (bas’i-lūs), 45, 47 basilissa (bas-i-lis’Ə), 48 bazaars, 34, 89 Benjamin of Tudela, Rabbi, 17 bezant, 91-92 Blachernae, Palace of, 32 Book of Ceremonies, The, 50 Bosporus, 15, 25-26 Bouillon, Godfrey of, 14 Building of the Nineteen Beds, 29 Bukoleon, Palace of, 20, 28-32, 34, 87 Byzantine Empire, 17, 35, 38, 47, fall of, 111-116 national traits, 44-45, 54, 68-69, 74, 103-106 origin of, 39-44 people of, 23-25 royalty, 33, 47-54 significance of, 93-103 Byzantium. See Constantinople. caesar (sē’zēr), 41, 56 Caesar, Julius, 40, 58-59 campagia (kam-pā’ji-Ə), 51 cataphracts (kat’Ə-frakts), 59, 60, 61 Cathisma, 32 ceremonies, 33, 50-51 Chalké, 29 Charlemagne, 17, 99 Chrysopolis. See Scutari. Circus. See Hippodrome. Clari, Robert of, 28-29, 31-34, 43, 45, 107 Constantine the Great (Constantine I), 29, 41, 42-44, 73 Constantine Born-in-the-Purple (Constantine VII), 66-67, 99 Constantine XI, 113 Constantinople, 15, 16-17, 21, 25-35, 42-43, 45, 89 occupation during Fourth Crusade, 16-21, 107-111 seizure by Turks, 112-116 Cosmas Who-Sailed-to-India, 98 costume (military), 59; (royal), 50-51 crafts, 86 Crusades (First), 14, 20, 22; (Fourth), 13-22, 45, 107-111 Cyril, Saint, 78, 80 Dandolo, Henry, 15-16, 20, 110 Daphne Palace, 29 Demetrius, Saint, 72 Digenes Akrites, 63-64 Diocletian, 41-42, 43, 44 diplomatic corps, 47, 65-66 drungarius (drun-gâr´i-Əs), 47 Eastern Roman Empire. See Byzantine Empire. education, 99-101 eikons (ī´kons), 75 eparch (ep´ärk), 103 farming, 82-85 foreign trade, 82-83, 88-89, 91 Galata, 25 Golden Horn, 25-26 government, 46-56 officials, 55-56 Great Church. See Santa Sophia. Great Palace. See Bukoleon, Palace of. Greek Church. See Orthodox Christian Church. Greek Empire. See Byzantine Empire. Greek fire, 65 Gregory of Nyssa, Saint, 69 Harun al-Rashid, 101 Heraclius, 101 Hippodrome, 32, 35, 49, 50, 75, 110 Holy Chapel, 28-29 homoiousion (ho-moi-ōō´si-Ən) = homoousion (ho-mō-ōō´si-Ən) controversy, 74 How To Run the Empire, 66-67 Iconoclast controversy, 74-76, 78 industry, 85-88, 103 Irene, 17, 48 isapostolos (īs-Ə-pos´tƏl-Əs), 48 Istanbul. See Constantinople. John IV, 99-100 Justinian, 17, 38, 49-50, 51, 65 Kercuas, John, 17, 19 Khazars, 29 laws, 102-103, 104 Leo the Philosopher, 50, 99 Liutprand, Bishop, 29, 87-88 logothesia (log-ō-thē´zhi-Ə), 56 logothete (log´ō-thēt), 55 Logothete of the Dromos, or Grand Logothete, 55, 66 Lucas Notaras, 73 Magnaura Palace, 29 Manuel II, 99-100 Marmara, Sea of, 28 Mesé, 34 Methodius, Saint, 78, 80 Michael Paleologus, 111 Michael the Drunkard, 78, 105 Michael the Stutterer, 105 Michael Thinks-He’s-a-Soldier, 54 Micklegarth. See Constantinople. Midway. See Mesé. Mohammed II, 112-113 monuments and statues, 33, 34, 50 mosaics, 17, 95-98 navy, 46, 47, 64-65 New Rome. See Constantinople. Nicephorus Phocas, 19 Nika revolt, 32 nipsistarios (nip-sis-ta´ri-ōs), 56 orphanotrope (ôr-fan´Ə-trōp), 102 Orphanotrope, Grand, 102 Orthodox Christian, or Orthodox Eastern, Church, 17, 47, 48, 68-80, 101-103 patriarchs, 71 Pera quarter, 24, 25 Phocas, 51 politics, 32, 49 recreation, 32, 105 Richard the Lion-Hearted, 14 Roman Empire, 39-42, 81. See also Byzantine Empire and Western Roman Empire. Romulus Augustulus, 44 Sacred Palace. See Bukoleon, Palace of. saigon (sī’gƏn), 51 Saint Mamas quarter, 24 Saladin, 14 Santa Sophia, 17, 31-32, 34 scaramangion (ska-rƏ-man’ji-Ən), 50 Scutari, 25 silk, 86-88 Simeon Stylites, Saint, 72 slaves, 103 statues. See monuments. stemmata (stem’Ə-tƏ), 51 strategoi (strƏ-tē’goi), 47 strategos (strƏ-tē’gos), 95 superstitions, 71-72 Sycae. See Galata. themes (thē’mƏs), 95 Theodora, 49-50 Theodora, Saint, 49, 53-54, 75-76 Theophilus, 99 Theotokos (thē-ot’ō-kos), 72 Trajan, 40-41 trapezidae (trƏ-pē’zi-dē), 59 Tsargrad. See Constantinople. Turkish (Ottoman) Empire, 94-95, 112-113 Vandals, 44 Varangians, 23 Villehardouin, Geoffrey of, 14, 19, 20-21, 45, 107, 110 war, art of, 60-63 wealth, 82-83, 88, 91-92 Western Roman Empire, 41-42, 43-44, 46 Zoe, 49 Zoe Black Eyes, 65

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