
   To call a person at a distance, T_oo_o t_oo_'o_oo_.
   A Calm, Man_ee_no.
   A Calm, or rather to be so placed,
     that the wind has no access to you, E_ou_, shea.
   Sugar Cane, Tö, Etöo.
   A Cap, or covering for the head T_au_'matta.
   To carry any thing, E'a'mo.
   To carry a person an the back, Eva'ha.
   Catch a thing hastily with the hand, Po'po_ee_, s. Peero.
      as a fly, etc.
   To catch a ball, Ama'wh_ee_a.
   To catch fish with a line, E'h_oo_te.
   A Caterpillar, E't_oo_a.
   Celerity, swiftness, T_ee_'teere, s. E'tirre.
   The Centre, or middle of a thing, Tera'p_oo_.
   Chalk, Mamma'tëa.
   A Chatterer, _or noisy impertinent Taata E'm_oo_,
      fellow_, s. E'm_oo_.
   Chearfulness, Wara.
   The Cheek, Pappar_ee_a.
   A Chest, 'P_ee_ha.
   The Chest, or body, O'p_oo_.
   To chew, or eat, E'y.
   Chequered, or painted in squares, P_oo_re, p_oo_re.
   A Chicken, Möa pee'ri_a_ia.
   A Chief, or principal person; one of Eäree.
       the first rank among the people,
   An inferior Chief, _or one who
    is only in an independent state, T_oo'ou_
    a gentleman_,
   Child-bearing, Fanou, e'vaho.
   Children's language, Father, O'pucen_oo_, and Papa.
                                Mother, E'wh_ei_arre, and O'pa'tëa.
                                Brother, E'tama.
                                Sister, Te't_oo_a.
   The Chin, and lower jaw, E'taa.
   Choaked, _to be choaked as with Ep_oo_'n_ei_na,
             victuals_, etc. s. Er_oo_'y.
   To chuse, or pick out, Eh_ee_e,te,me,my ty.
   Circumcision, or rather an incision E_oo_re,te h_ai_.
      of the foreskin,
   A sort of Clappers,used at funerals, Par'ha_oo_.
   Clapping the bend of the arm smartly E'too.
      with the hand, so as to make a noise,
      an Indian custom,
   The Claw of a bird, A'ee oo.
   Clay, or clammy earth, Ewh_ou_,arra.
   Clean, not nasty, Oo'ma, s. Eoo'ee.
   Clear, pure; as clear water, etc. Tëa'te.
   White clayey Cliffs, E'mammatëa.
   Close, shut, Eva'h_ee_.
  Cloth of any kind, or rather the covering Ahoo.
       or raiments made of it,
   A piece of oblong Cloth, slit in the
       middle, through which the head is Teeboota.
       put, and it then hangs down behind
       and before,
   Brown thin Cloth, Oo'erai.
   Dark-brown Cloth, Poo'h_ee_re.
   Nankeen-coloured Cloth, Ah_ee_re, s. _Oo_a.
   Gummed Cloth, Oo'_ai_r ara.
                                                  Heappa,heappa, s.
  Yellow Cloth, A'ade, p_oo ee ei_, s.
                                                  Oora poo'ee ei.
   Cloth, _a piece of thin white cloth Par_oo_'y, by which name
       wrapt round the waist, or thrown they also call a white
       over the shoulders_, shirt.
   A Cloth-beater, or an oblong square To'aa.
       piece of wood grooved, and used in
       making cloth,
   The _Cloth-plant, _a sort of mulberry Ea_ou_te.
   A Cloud, E'äo, s. Ea_oo_.
   A Cock, Möa, e'töa.
   Cock, the cock claps his wings Te Moa Pa_ee_, pa_ee_.
   A Cock-roach, Potte potte.
   A Cocoa-nut, A'r_ee_.
   The fibrous husk of a Cocoa-nut, P_oo_r_oo_'waha,
                                                   s. P_oo_r_oo_.
   Cocoa-nut oil, E'rede,väe.
   Cocoa leaves, E,ne'ha_oo_.
   Coition, E'y.
   The sense of Cold, Ma'r_ee_de.
   A Comb, Pa'horo, s. Pa'herre.
   Company, acquaintance, gossips, Tee'ÿa.
   Compliance with a request, consent, Mad_oo_,ho'why.
   Computation, or counting of numbers, Ta't_ou_.
   A Concubine, Wa'h_ei_ne Möebo,
                                                     s. Etoo'n_ee_a.
   Confusedness, without order, E'vah_ee_a.
   Consent, or approbation, Mad_oo_,ho'why.
   Contempt, _a name of contempt given Wah_ei_ne,p_oo_'ha.
       to a maid, or unmarried woman_,
   Conversation, Para_ou_,maro, s.
   A sort of Convolvulus, or bird-weed,
   common in the islands, Oh_oo_e.
   Cook'd, dress'd; not raw, Ee'oo, s. E_ee_'wera.
   To Cool one with a fan, Taha`r_ee_.
   Cordage of any kind, Taura.
   The Core of an apple, Böe.
   A Cork, or stopper of a bottle or gourd
   shell, Ora'h_oo_e.
   A Corner, E'pecho.
   Covering, the covering of a fish's gills, Pe_ee_'eya.
   Covetousness, or rather one not inclined
   to give, Pee,peere.
   A Cough, Ma're.
   To Court, woo a woman, Ta'raro.
   Coyness in a woman, No'nöa.
   A Crab, Pappa.
   Crab, a large land-crab that climbs
   the cocoa-nut trees for fruit, E'_oo_wa.
   A Crack, cleft, or fissure, Mot_oo_.
   Crammed, lumbered, crowded, Ooa,p_ee_a'pe,s.Ehotto.
   The Cramp, Emo't_oo_ t_oo_.
   A Cray-fish, O'_oo_ra.
   To Creep on the hands and feet, Ene'ai.
   Crimson colour, _Oo_ra _oo_ra.
   Cripple, lame, T_ei_'t_ei_.
   Crooked, not straight, O_o_o'p_ee_o.
   To crow as a cock, A'a _oo_a.
   The Crown of the head, T_oo_'p_oo_e.
   To cry, or shed tears, Ta_ee_.
   A brown Cuckoo, with black bars and
   a long tail, frequent in the isles, Ara'were_wa_.
   To cuff, or slap the chops, E'par_oo_.
   Curlew, a small curlew or whimbrel
   found about the rivulets, Torëa.
   Cut, or divided, Mot_oo_.
   To cut the hair with scissars, O'tee.

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