
   A small black Rail, with red eyes, M_ai_'ho.
   A small black Rail, spotted and
   buured with white, P_oo_a'n_ee_.
   Rain, E'_oo_a.
   A Rainbow, E'n_oo_a.
   Raft, a raft of bamboo, M_ai_to'e.
   Rank, strong, urinous, Ewão wao.
   A Rasp, or file, Ooee.
   A Rat, 'Yore, s. Eyore.
   Raw meat, flesh that is not dressed E'otta.
   Raw fruit, as plantanes, etc. that are Paroure.
     not baked
   To recline, or lean upon a thing, E'py.
   Red colour, _Oo_ra,_oo_ra,
                                                      s. Matde.
   To reef a sail, Epo'uie te rya.
   A Refusal, Eh_oo_'nooa.
   The Remainder of any thing, T,'Ewahei.
   To rend, burst, or split, M_oo_'m_oo_m_oo_.
   Rent, cracked, or torn, E'wha.
   To reside, live or dwell, E'noho.
   Respiration, breathing, T_oo_e,t_oo_e.
   A Rib, Awäo.
   Rich, not poor, having plenty of Epo'too.
      goods, etc.
   A Ring, 'M_ai_no.
   The Ringworm, a disease so called, E'n_oo_a.
   Ripe, as ripe fruit, etc. Para, s. Pai, s. Ooo
   Rise, to rise up, A'too.
   To rive, or split, Ewha_oo'_ wha_oo_.
   A Road, or path, Eä'ra.
   Roasted, or broiled, _Oo_a'w_ai_ra.
   A Robber, or thief, E_ee_'a (taata.)
   A Rock, Pa_oo_.
   A reef of Rocks, E'a_ou_.
   Rolling, the rolling of a ship, T_oo_'r_oo_re.
   A Root, Ap_oo_, s. Ea.
   A Rope of any kind, Taura.
   Rotten, as rotten fruit, etc. R_oo_pe.
   Rough, not smooth, Ta'rra, tarra.
   To row with oars, E'_oo_me, s, E'höe.
   To rub _a thing, as in washing the hands Ho'ro_ee_.
      and face_,
   The Rudder of a boat, or steering Höe,fa'herre.
        paddle of a canoe,
   Running backwards and forwards, Oo'atapone.
      endeavouring to escape,

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