Abduction, Prince Alexander of Bulgaria, 174 Abdul Aziz, 67 Abdul Hamid II, 54 Abdul Medjid, 67 Abraham, Founder of the Turkish Race, 55 Acropolis of Athens, 369 Adossides, George, 62 Adriatic Coast, 303 Agamemnon, Tomb of, 384 Agriculture in Bulgaria, 194 in Bosnia, 290 in Servia, 261 in Greece, 342, 363 Alexander the Great, 14 Alexander of Battenberg, 169, 174, 186, 196 Alexander of Servia, 248 Alexander II. of Russia, 167, 173, 207 Alexander III. of Russia, 173 Alix, Czarina, 251 Americans in Bulgaria, 209 American Board of Foreign Missions, 142, 148, 209, 224 American School at Athens, 328, 372 Anarchy in Bosnia, 274 Andrews, Eugene P., Discovery by, 372 Archaeological Institute, American, 328, 372 Architecture of Constantinople, 94 Areopagus, the, 379 Armenians in Constantinople, 103 Armenian Massacres, 161 Army, Bosnian, 280 Bulgarian, 200 Servian, 260, 269 Turkish, 84 Assassination of Stambouloff, 182 Assassinations of Sultans, 55, 67 Athens, Modern, 332 Streets of, 333 Climate of, 333 Parks of, 334 Public Buildings of, 357 the Acropolis of, 369 Riots in, 349 Athletic Sports in Greece, 360 Atrocities, Bulgarian, 14, 27, 167 Attar of Roses, 194, 207 Auctions in Constantinople, 124 Austria, Political Attitude of, 17, 34 Austrian Soldiers in Bosnia, 280 Administration in Bosnia, 273 Baird, Rev. Dr., 234 Bakhmeteff, Mr., Russian Agent, Sofia, 185, 216 Baldwin I., 190 Bazaars of Constantinople, 119 of Sarajevo, 284 Beet-Sugar in Bosnia, 290 Belgrade, City of, 257 Berlin Conference 1878, 14, 27, 273, 304 Beyler Bey Palace, 132 Bible in Turkish, 152, 212 Biography of Sultan, 62 Blackmail in Macedonia, 228 in Turkey, 46 Bosnia, Development of, 296 Population of, 276 Regeneration of, 273 Soldiers, 281 Boundaries of Bulgaria, 193 Bosphorus, the, 91, 105, 142 Bribery in Turkey, 97 Bridges, Constantinople, 40, 107 Brigandage in Macedonia, 227 Brindisi, Port of, 311 Brothers, the Sultan’s, 68 Bulgaria, Conditions in, 20 History, 165, 195 Relation to European Politics, 166, 171 Business in Turkey, 57, 96, 110, 120 Byron, Lord, 360 Castles on the Bosphorus, 143 Castle at Belgrade, 267 Cattaro, Town of, 303 Cattle in Bosnia, 290 Servian, 261 Cemeteries, Turkish, 112 Censorship in Turkey, 154 Ceremonies, Mohammedan, 82, 136 Chambers, the Sultan’s, 76 Churches, Protestant in Turkey, 149 in Bosnia, 281 Children, Sultan’s, 72, 85 Cistern of 1,001 Pillars, 161 Cities of Bulgaria, 193 Civilization, Early, in Balkans, 13 Clark, Rev. Mr., 224 Classic Spirit of Greece, 335 Clytemnestra, Tomb of, 385 Coat of Arms, Turkish, 53 Coffee-Houses, Turkish, 47 College for Girls, Scutari, 153 Commerce of Constantinople, 111 Concessions, German, in Turkey, 18 Conference, Berlin, of 1878, 14, 27, 273, 304 Consular Trials in Turkey, 156 Conspiracies in Turkey, 56 in Servia, 250 Constantinople, Picturesqueness, 91 Filth of, 40 Corfu, Island of, 312 Population of, 315 Climate of, 315 Corinth, Gulf of, 318, 325 Ancient, 322 Modern, 322 Canal of, 322 Excavations at, 328 Corruption among Turkish Officials, 97 Costumes, Servian, 263 Bulgarian, 198 Greek, 319 Cosmopolitan Population of Constantinople, 101, 107 Courts in Bosnia, 289 Turkish, 157 Cowardice of Sultan, 55 Crescent as a Symbol, 53 Crime in Bosnia, 274 in Greece, 340 Crown Prince of Greece, 351 Currant Culture in Greece, 318 Custom House, Constantinople, 97, 111 Belgrade, 257 Customs of Bosnia, 279, 287 Dalmatian Coast, 303 Damascus, Political Exiles in, 60 Danube River, the, 191 Dardanelles, the, 91 Delphi, the Oracle of, 382 Demosthenes, Home of, 380 Dickinson, Consul-General, 222, 230, 234 Diocletian, Palace of, 306 Diogenes, Home of, 328 Diplomatic Protests to Turkey, 18 Dishonesty in Turkey, 41, 97 Dogs of Constantinople, 113 Dolma-Baghtcheh Palace, 69, 131, 135 Dorys, George, Biographer of Sultan, 62 Draga, Queen of Servia, 248 Education in Bulgaria, 200, 213 in Greece, 338 Education in Servia, 265 in Turkey, 152 Editors in Turkey, 154 Electricity Forbidden in Turkey, 61 Embassies in Constantinople, 95, 158 Emigration from Greece, 355 England, Attitude of, 14, 34 Eunuchs, Turkish, 85 Excavations at Corinth, 328 Agamemnon’s Tomb, 384 Bosnia, 295 Delphi, 382 Diocletian’s Palace, 306 Mycenae, 384 Olympia, 385 the Acropolis, 369 Thebes, 382 Tanagra, 381 Exiles, Turkish, 59 Extra-Territoriality, 156 Eyub, Mosque of, 89 Fanaticism, Religious, 26 Ferdinand, Prince of Bulgaria, 178, 184, 197 Children of, 186 Firemen of Constantinople, 116 Football in Turkey, Dangers of, 58 Foreigners in Constantinople, 97 France, Political Attitude, 19 Franchises in Bosnia, 296 Fruits in Bulgaria, 207 Fuad, Pasha, 59 Funerals, Greek, 367 Galata, City of, 93 Gargiulo, Mr., 232 George, King of Greece, 313, 346, 351 Germany, Political Attitude of, 17, 34 Gladstone and Bulgaria, 167 and Greece, 314 Golden Horn, 36, 92 Government, Turkish System of, 35, 49, 97, 102 Grant, General, 64 Green Vaults of Constantine, 137 Greeks in Constantinople, 104 Greek Church in Constantinople, 352 in Bulgaria, 186 in Bosnia, 296 Greece, Climate of, 387 Costume of Natives, 319 Crime in, 340 Currant Culture, 318 Education in, 338 Hotels of, 387 Journey to, 312 Newspapers of, 338 Olive Trees in, 319 Peasants, 343, 363 Politics, 336, 346 Population, 362 Prisons, 342 Professions, 343 Railways, 311 Society, 337 Guilds in Turkey, 121 Habits, Turkish, 45, 109 Hadji, Rank of, 51 Hamlin, Dr. Cyrus, 146 Harem, The Sultan’s, 64, 70, 85 Haskell, Rev. Dr., 234 Hassan Pasha, 37 Heir to Servian Throne, 251 to Turkish Throne, 68 Helena, Queen of Italy, 252 Hellespont, the, 92 Historical Review, 13 Homer’s School at Stavros, 316 Holy Banner, Bosnian, 55, 136 Holy Mantle, 40, 55, 136 Hotel at Belgrade, 259 Hotels, Government, in Bosnia, 297 Horses, Bulgarian, 201 in Constantinople, 111 the Sultan’s, 88 House, Rev. John Henry, 211, 217, 232 Household, the Sultan’s, 79, 68, 85 Hymettus, Mount, 380 Intemperance in Turkey, 46 Ismet Bey, Sultan’s Foster-Brother, 75 Ithaca, Island of, 313 Jajce, Bosnia, 301 Janissaries, 135 Jews in Bosnia, 299 in Bulgaria, 203 in Servia, 264 in Constantinople, 104 John, St., of Ryle, 186 Justice, Turkish, 157 Kallay, Count von, Administration of, in Bosnia, 273 Kalpak, Bulgarian Headdress, 209 Karageorgeovitch Family, 244, 253 Kassuroff, Mrs. Ivan B., 214 Khans of Constantinople, 119 Kidnaping in Macedonia, 227 Kindergarten in Sofia, 212 Labor Unions in Turkey, 121 Lamsdorff, Count, 251 Land Laws in Bosnia, 289 Language, Bulgarian, 194 Modern Greek, 348 Servian, 266 Law Schools in Bosnia, 294 Law, Turkish, 157 Leishman, Minister, 232 Leonidas, Battle of, 382 Ludskanoff, Bulgarian Minister, 183 Luke, St., Tomb of, 302 Macedonia, Conditions in, 15, 30, 168 Macedonian Committee, 26, 239 Mahmoud Pasha, 69, 314 Manufacturing in Bosnia, 292 Marathon, Battle of, 381 Marco Bozzaris, 360 Mark Antony, Scene of Battle, 315 Market at Belgrade, 261 Marmora, Sea of, 91 Mars Hill, 378 Marsh, Rev. Geo. L., 211 Massacres, Armenian, 41, 103, 161 in Bosnia, 293 in Bulgaria, 15, 27, 31 in Macedonia, 15, 30, 168 Mecca, Pilgrimages to, 51, 83 Methodists in Bulgaria, 210 Metkovic, Town of, 304 Michael, King of Servia, 245, 269 Milan, King of Servia, 247 Milos, King of Servia, 245 Military Policy in Bosnia, 281 Minarets of Constantinople, 93 Mirko, Prince of Montenegro, 251 Missionaries in Constantinople, 148 Mohammedans Converted to Christianity, 151 Mohammedan Fanaticism, 26, 44, 49, 63, 188 Religion, 43, 54, 83, 112, 286 Monastery of Ryle, 186 Mosques of Constantinople, 82, 94, 111, 118, 126, 136 Mosques of Sarajevo, 286 Montenegro, Royal Family of, 251, 303 Moulahs, 43 Mountains of Bosnia, 278 Murad V., 67 Music, Sultan’s Love of, 77 Mycenae, 384 Natalie, Queen of Servia, 247 Naturalized Americans in Turkey, 100 Navy, Turkish, 36 Nephews, the Sultan’s, 71 Newspapers, the Sultan’s Ideas of, 80 in Turkey, 154 Greek, 338 Odyssey, Scenes of the, 316 Oil of Roses, 207 Olga, Queen of Greece, 348 Olive Trees in Greece, 319 Olympia, Games of, 385 Orient Express, 191 Ossa, Mount, 384 Ottoman Bank Affair, 42 Palace at Athens, 333 Belgrade, 260 Beyler-Bey, 132 Dolma-Baghtcheh, 69, 131, 135 Tcheragan, 67 Yildiz Kiosk, 55, 79, 131 Parliament, Bulgarian, 170 of Greece, 345 Parnassus, Mount, 324, 383 Parthenon, the, 369 Passports in Turkey, 100 Patras, Town of, 317 Patrick, Miss Mary M., 153 Paul, St., at Corinth, 330 Peasants in Bulgaria, 204 Greek, 325, 343 Peddlers in Constantinople, 110 Peet, W. W., 232 Pelion, Mount, 384 Pentelikos, Quarries of, 332 Pera, City of, 93 Philip of Macedon, 13, 53, 208 Philippopolis, 208 Photographs of Moslems, 50 Pigeons in Turkey, 118 Pilgrims, Moslem, 51, 83 Police, Bosnian, 282 Political Jealousies in Europe, 14, 34 Politics, Turkish, 56 in Greece, 336, 346 Popoff, Rev. Marko, 211 Population of Bosnia, 276 of Bulgaria, 193, 209 of Constantinople, 102 of Corfu, 315 of Greece, 362 of Macedonia, 32 of Servia, 264 Porter, General Horace, 362 Porte, the Sublime, 92, 135 Postal Service in Turkey, 160 Priests in Greece, 352 Mohammedan, 43, 102, 111 Prisons in Bosnia, 277 in Greece, 342 in Servia, 268 Products of Bulgaria, 203 Professions in Greece, 343 Protestants in Bulgaria, 209 in Constantinople, 149 Prunes, Servian, 261 Public Buildings in Athens, 357 Ragusa, Town of, 304 Railways in Balkans, 191 in Bosnia, 277 in Greece, 311, 325 in Turkey, 105 Ransoms paid in Macedonia, 228 Rebellion in Balkans, 15, 30 Religious Character, Sultan’s, 83 Religions in Balkans, 32, 34 Richardson, Professor, 374 Riots in Athens, 349 Robert College, 70, 142 Roman Occupation of Balkans, 14 Roman Remains in Bosnia, 295 Roman Catholics in Bosnia, 298 Roumania, Conditions in, 20 Rugs, Turkish, 112 Rumelia, Eastern, 15 Rumili Hisar, 143 Russian Interference in Balkans, 14, 34, 165 Russo-Turkish War, 14, 34 Said Pasha, 38 Salona, Town of, 306 Salamis, Island of, 379 San Stefano, Treaty of, 14, 168 Sarafoff, Boris, 28, 230 Sarajevo, Capital of Bosnia, 277 Schools, Protestant in Turkey, 150 in Bulgaria, 213 Mohammedan, 43 Scutari, City of, 93 Women’s College, 153 Schuyler, Eugene, 167, 172 Selamlik, the, 82 Seraglio, the, 55, 92, 132 Servia, Independence of, 244 Conditions in, 20 Kings of, 245, 269 Conspiracies, 250 Capital of, 257 Palace of, 260 Population of, 264 Political Situation, 243 Sheik-ul-Islam, 44, 83, 101 Shepherd, a Greek, 321 Shipka, Battle of, 207 Shopping in Constantinople, 120 Sisters, the Sultan’s, 70 Skupshtina, Servian Parliament, 259 Sobranje, the Bulgarian, 170, 176 St. Sophia, Mosque of, 126 Sofia, City of, 195 Softas, 43 Society in Greece, 336 Socrates, Prison of, 380 Spalato, Town of, 306 Stadium at Athens, 359 Stambouloff, Stepan, 175, 182, 196 Stamboul, City of, 92 Stavreff, the Assassin, 182 Stoiloff, Minister of Bulgaria, 180 Stone, Miss Ellen M., 16, 187, 217, 235 Streets of Constantinople, 95 Students in Constantinople, 147 Sublime Porte, the, 92, 135 Sultan, Family of, 54 Habits of, 35, 49, 50, 54, 61, 63, 75, 82 Jewels, 139 Policy of, 23, 63 Skill in Diplomacy, 17 Superstitions, 61, 75 Superstitions, Turkish, 118 Sultanas, the, 65, 85 Tanagra, Excavations at, 381 Taxes in Bulgaria, 202 Telephones in the Balkans, 192 in Turkey, 61 Temperance of Moslems, 46 Tesla, Nikola, 300 Thebes, 382 Themistocles, Tomb of, 379 Thermopylae, Pass of, 383 Timotheus at Corinth, 330 Tirnova, Ancient Capital, 188 Titles of the Sultan, 55 Tobacco in Bosnia, 290 Tombs of the Sultans, 89 Trajan, Emperor, 14 Travel in Greece, 312 Treasury of the Sultan, 137 Treaty of Berlin, 14, 27, 273, 304 Tsilka, Mr. and Mrs., 218 Turkish Characteristics, 45, 109, 112 Cruelties, 293 Virtues, 289 Invasion of Balkans, 14 Ulysses, Landing Place, 313 Vaciloff, Cyril, 222 Vatralsky, Stoyan, 216 Virtues of the Turks, 289 Vulkovitch, Assassination of, 182 Wealth of Greeks, 354 Wages in Bulgaria, 202 Washburn, Rev. Dr., 144 Women of Constantinople, 109 Worship in Bosnia, 296 Yachts, the Embassy, 159 Yildiz Kiosk, 55, 79, 80, 131 “Young Turkey” Party, 24, 67

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