[1] W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 4 sqq.; J. J. Jarves, History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands (London, 1843), pp. 1 sqq.; J. Remy, Histoire de l'Archipel Havaiien (Paris and Leipzig, 1862), pp. vii sqq.; C. E. Meinicke, Die Inseln des Stillen Oceans, ii. 271 sqq.; Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, xi. 528 sqq.; A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln (Berlin, 1894), pp. 1 sqq.; F. H. H. Guillemard, Australasia, ii. 533 sqq.

[2] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 94; W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 34, 379; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, Fifth Edition (Boston, 1839), pp. 69 sqq., 140; D. Tyerman and G. Bennet, Journal of Voyages and Travels, i. 366, 391; Ch. Wilkes, United States Exploring Expedition, New Edition (New York, 1851), iii. 373.

[3] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 13 sq.; C. S. Stewart, op. cit. pp. 213 sqq., 229 sqq.; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 426 sqq.; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. xiv sq.; Ch. Wilkes, op. cit. iii. 390 sq.; F. D. Bennett, Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe (London, 1840), i. 198 sqq. The vale of Anuanu, which runs up into the mountains from the plain of Honululu in the island of Oahu, is especially famed for its natural beauty.

[4] J. Remy, op. cit. pp. xvi sqq. Compare J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 99 sq.; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 21 sq.; Ch. Wilkes, op. cit. iv. 283 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 12 sqq.; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th edition, xi. 530.

[5] C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, p. 104.

[6] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 112 sq., 115 sq.; U. Lisiansky, Voyage round the World, pp. 123 sq.; L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. Deuxième partie (Paris, 1839), p. 570; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 23; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 104, 106; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 77 sqq.; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. xxxvii sq.; F. D. Bennett, op. cit. i. 209. The last of these writers speaks in unfavourable terms of the personal appearance of the women, whom he found less handsome than the men and very inferior to the women of the Society Islands.

[7] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 213 sq., vii. 121; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 23.

[8] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 215 sq., 219, 224 sq., vii. 126 sq.; U. Lisiansky, Voyage round the World, p. 126; Archibald Campbell, Voyage round the World (Edinburgh, 1816), pp. 161-63, 182 sq., 194-197; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 61, 215 sq., 420 (as to irrigation); C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 111-113; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 412, 426, 428, 430, 472; O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt (Weimar, 1830), ii. 96; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 68 sq.; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. xxiv sq., xliii; F. D. Bennett, Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the World, i. 213 sqq. As to the system of irrigating the taro fields, see especially O. von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits (London, 1821), i. 340 sq.

[9] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 113 sq.

[10] J. Cook, vii. 125.

[11] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 214 sq.; U. Lisiansky, Voyage round the World, p. 127; A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 180-182; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, p. 107; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 320-322; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 371 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 67 sq.

[12] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 218 sq., vii. 133-135; L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 611 sq.; A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 192-195; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 109-113; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 114-116; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 66 sq.

[13] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 220-224; A. Campbell, op. cit. p. 198; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 322; O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt, ii. 97 (as to the kava bowls); J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 66. As to the absence of mines in the Hawaiian Islands, see J. Remy, op. cit. p. xvi.

[14] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 227 sq., vii. 136 sq.; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 156 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 56 sq.

[15] U. Lisiansky, op. cit. pp. 116 sq.; A. Campbell, op. cit. pp. 169 sq.; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 411 sq.; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, p. 102; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 380; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 30 sqq. According to Jarves (op. cit. p. 33), "Rank was hereditary, and descended chiefly from the females, who frequently held the reins of government in their own right. This custom originated in the great license existing between the sexes; no child, with certainty, being able to designate his father, while no mistake could be made in regard to the mother."

[16] C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, p. 101; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 30; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. lxi sq.; Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th Edition, xi. 528.

[17] C. S. Stewart, op. cit. p. 97; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 412 sq., 414; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 33. Compare J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 137 sqq.

[18] Ch. Wilkes, op. cit. iv. 34.

[19] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 413.

[20] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 417. Compare J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 34.

[21] A. Campbell, op. cit. p. 169. As to the length of Campbell's residence in Wahoo (Oahu), see id., p. 153 note. The date of his residence was 1809-1810. Compare O. von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits (London, 1821), iii. 246: "The people are almost subject to the arbitrary will of the lord, but there are no slaves or vassals (glebae adscripti). The peasant and the labourer may go wherever they please. The man is free, he may be killed, but not sold and not detained."

[22] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 141 sq.

[23] Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 415.

[24] J. Remy, op. cit. p. 167.

[25] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 413; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 33 sq. Compare J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 137.

[26] In the Hawaiian dialect the ordinary Polynesian T is pronounced K, and the Tongan B is pronounced P. Hence the Tongan taboo becomes in Hawaiian kapoo (kapu). See E. Tregear, Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary, p. xxiii.

[27] J. Remy, op. cit. pp. 159, 161, 167.

[28] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 385 sqq. Compare L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 597.

[29] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 387.

[30] O. von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits (London, 1821), iii. 247.

[31] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 387 sq.

[32] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 389. As to the taboo in Hawaii, see also J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 146 sq.; L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 597; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 31 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 50-52; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. xxxviii sq., 159 sqq.

[33] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 388.

[34] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 603; O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt, ii. 109 sqq.; W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 30, 126 sqq., 137, 204, 312; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 31, 32 sq.; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 378 sq., 397 sq., 442 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 197 sq., 201; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. lxv, 133 sqq.; H. Bingham, Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands (Hartford, 1849), pp. 69 sqq. King Kamehameha the First died 8th May 1819.

[35] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 142-144.

[36] J. Remy, op. cit. p. xxxix; E. Tregear, Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary, p. 30, s.v. "Atua."

[37] J. Remy, op. cit. p. xxxix; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 40; H. T. Cheever, Life in the Sandwich Islands (London, 1851), p. 11; A. Bastian, Die heilige Sage der Polynesier (Leipzig, 1881), p. 131; id., Inselgruppen in Oceanien (Berlin, 1883), p. 225; A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, pp. 97 sq.

[38] E. Tregear, op. cit. 425, 461, 464, 540, s.vv. "Rongo," "Tane," "Tangaroa," "Tu."

[39] E. Tregear, op. cit. p. 425, s.v. "Rongo."

[40] E. Tregear, op. cit. pp. 461, 540, s.vv. "Tane," "Tu."

[41] E. Tregear, op. cit. p. 540, s.v. "Tu."

[42] E. Tregear, op. cit. p. 464, s.v. "Tangaroa." According to another account, the evil spirit was not Kanaloa, but Ku; Kanaloa was a younger brother of Kane, and helped him in his beneficent labours. See A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, pp. 97 sq. This latter version agrees with the view of Kane and Kanaloa as divine twins. See below, pp. 394 sq.

[43] A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, p. 97.

[44] W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, i. 110 sq.; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 312 sq.

[45] G. Turner, Samoa, pp. 267 sq.

[46] J. L. Nicholas, Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand (London, 1817), i. 59. Compare Folk-lore in the Old Testament, i. 9 sq.

[47] E. Tregear, op. cit. p. 461, s.v. "Tane."

[48] A. Bastian, Die heilige Sage der Polynesier, pp. 131, 132.

[49] A. Bastian, op. cit. pp. 132 sq.

[50] A. Bastian, op. cit. p. 133. As to the divine twins in Hawaii, see also id., Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 243.

[51] J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 41.

[52] A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, p. 98.

[53] E. Tregear, op. cit. p. 425, s.v. "Rongo."

[54] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 135; O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt (Weimar, 1830), ii. 88 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 41 sq.; H. Bingham, Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands (Hartford, 1849), p. 32; A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 246.

[55] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 134-136; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 376; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. 29-37; O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt, ii. 98 sq.

[56] E. Tregear, Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary, p. 236, s.v. "Maui"; A. Marcuse, Die Haiwaiischen Inseln, p. 98.

[57] Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 433; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 26.

[58] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 119.

[59] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 158 sq.

[60] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 157 sq., 159.

[61] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, pp. 269 sq.

[62] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, pp. 271 sq.

[63] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 335 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 71.

[64] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 237, 246-249; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 42 sq.

[65] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 363 sq.; Ch. Wilkes, op. cit. iv. 129.

[66] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 234-236.

[67] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 250.

[68] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 350.

[69] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 59. sq.

[70] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 350.

[71] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 361.

[72] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 275.

[73] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 239.

[74] C. S. Stewart, A Visit to the South Seas (London, 1832), ii. 104.

[75] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 309-311. For other interviews with priestesses of the goddess see id., iv. 275 sq.; C. S. Stewart, Visit to the South Seas, ii. 100-103.

[76] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 378.

[77] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 144.

[78] J. Remy, op. cit. p. 165.

[79] J. Remy, op. cit. pp. 163, 165.

[80] See above, pp. 182 sqq. , 200 sqq.

[81] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 594.

[82] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 90; compare id., pp. 129 sq.

[83] Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 422 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 45.

[84] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 361.

[85] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 595 sq.

[86] W. Ellis, op. cit. ii. 65.

[87] See above, pp. 92 sqq.

[88] J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 48.

[89] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 97.

[90] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 596.

[91] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 293-295. Compare U. Lisiansky, op. cit. pp. 120 sq.; A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 171 sqq.; C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 202 sq.; Tyerman and Bennett, op. cit. i. 414; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 36 sq., 71 sq.; A. Marcuse, op. cit. pp. 103-105.

[92] A. Marcuse, op. cit. p. 104.

[93] O. von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits (London, 1821), i. 313.

[94] W. Ellis, op. cit. i. 365.

[95] A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 171-173.

[96] J. Cook, Voyages, vi. 183-187. The cloth-covered pyramid or obelisk was called a henananoo (ib. p. 187).

[97] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 5-7.

[98] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 96-98. Compare J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 45 sq.

[99] See above, pp. 278 sqq.

[100] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 5.

[101] O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt, ii. 89 sq.; A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, p. 175.

[102] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 116.

[103] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 117 sq.

[104] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 169.

[105] C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 226 sq.

[106] Ch. Wilkes, op. cit. iv. 99 sq., with the plate.

[107] U. Lisiansky, op. cit. pp. 105-107. He says (p. 106) that the temple was "called by the natives Heavoo, not Morai, as some navigators have said." The word Heavoo is probably identical with the word heiau, which other writers give as the Hawaiian name for a temple. As to the form of the temples see also A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 175 sq.: "Their Morais, or places of worship, consist of one large house or temple, with some smaller ones round it, in which are the images of their inferior gods. The tabooed or consecrated precincts are marked out by four square posts, which stand thirty or forty yards from the building. In the inside of the principal house there is a screen or curtain of white cloth, hung across one end within which the image of Etooah [atua, akua] is placed." Remy (op. cit. p. xl) describes the Hawaiian temples as "simple enclosures of stones, roofless, where the religious ceremonies were performed."

[108] Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 450.

[109] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 92 sq.

[110] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 91.

[111] A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, p. 101.

[112] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 6, 15; compare A. Campbell, op. cit. p. 76.

[113] U. Lisiansky, op. cit. p. 107.

[114] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 212 sq.

[115] J. Remy, op. cit. p. 161.

[116] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 150-152; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 47 sq.; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. xl sq. Compare U. Lisiansky, op. cit. pp. 121 sq.; Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 423 sq.

[117] A. Marcuse, op. cit. p. 103.

[118] W. Ellis, iv. 150 sq.

[119] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 595. Compare U. Lisiansky, Voyage round the World, p. 118. According to the latter writer, there were no taboos (festivals) in the eleventh month.

[120] U. Lisiansky, Voyage round the World, pp. 118 sq. From A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, p. 178, we learn that the festival fell in November, and from a brief native notice we may gather that the New Year celebration was the festival of Macahity. See J. Remy, Histoire de l'Archipel Havaiien, pp. 167, 169, "à la célébration de la nouvelle année, les citoyens, les chefs, les femmes, les enfants se livraient à des boxes furieuses, et plusieurs recevaient dans ces jeux des blessures très graves."

[121] A. Campbell, op. cit. p. 179.

[122] Compare The Golden Bough, Part III. The Dying God, pp. 117 sq.

[123] A. Campbell, op. cit. pp. 178 sq.

[124] O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt, ii. 88 sq.

[125] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 596.

[126] O. von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, iii. 248 sq. Compare A. von Chamisso, Reise um die Welt (Leipzig, 1836), ii. 312.

[127] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, pp. 272 sq.

[128] J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 39 note; A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, p. 105.

[129] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 269.

[130] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 359 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 73 sq.

[131] J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 73; J. Remy, op. cit. p. xlvii.

[132] Tyerman and Bennet, op. cit. i. 429.

[133] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 360 sq.; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 74; A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inslen, p. 109.

[134] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 129.

[135] H. T. Cheever, Life in the Sandwich Islands (London, 1851), pp. 11 sq., quoting Sheldon Dibble, History of the Sandwich Islands, p. 99.

[136] O. von Kotzebue, Neue Reise um die Welt, ii. 98; A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 261.

[137] A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 206 sq.

[138] J. Remy, op. cit. p. 153.

[139] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 175 sqq., 181. Compare U. Lisiansky, op. cit. p. 123; A. Campbell, op. cit. pp. 142 sq.; J. Remy, op. cit. p. xlvii.

[140] C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, p. 166; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 65 sq.

[141] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 177, 180 sq.

[142] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 180.

[143] U. Lisiansky, Voyage round the World, pp. 122 sq.

[144] G. Vancouver, Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and round the World (London, 1798), ii. 135 sq.; W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 96; Tyerman and Bennet, Journal of Voyages and Travels, i. 377 sq.; F. D. Bennett, Narrative of a Whaling Voyage, i. 238 sq.

[145] A. Campbell, Voyage round the World, pp. 142 sq.

[146] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 602.

[147] C. S. Stewart, Residence in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 165 sq.

[148] W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 177.

[149] J. J. Jarves, History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands, p. 66. Compare J. Remy, op. cit. p. xlvii.

[150] E. W. Smith and A. M. Dale, The Ila-speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia (London, 1920), ii. 113 sq.

[151] J. Cook, Voyages, vii. 145; U. Lisiansky, op. cit. p. 122.

[152] J. J. Jarves, op. cit. pp. 189, 190. Compare J. Remy, op. cit. pp. 125, 127; H. Bingham, Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands, p. 71.

[153] O. von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits (London, 1821), iii. 247.

[154] W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 164 sq.

[155] J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 191; H. Bingham, Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands, pp. 71 sq.; J. Remy, op. cit. pp. 127, 129.

[156] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 365 sq.

[157] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 594.

[158] W. Ellis, op. cit. iv. 366; J. J. Jarves, op. cit. p. 38; A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 262. Ellis gives Miru as the form of the name, but the correct Hawaiian form is Milu; for in the Hawaiian dialect the ordinary Polynesian R is replaced by L. See E. Tregear, Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary, p. xxiii. In New Zealand and Mangaia the name Miru was given to the goddess of hell or of the dead. See E. Tregear, op. cit. pp. 243, 244, s.v. "Miru."

[159] E. Tregear, Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary, pp. 243 sq., s.v. "Miru."

[160] H. T. Cheever, Life in the Sandwich Islands (London, 1851), p. 12; A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, pp. 264 sqq.; A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, p. 99.

[161] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 264.

[162] H. T. Cheever, Life in the Sandwich Islands, p. 12; A. Marcuse, Die Hawaiischen Inseln, p. 99.

[163] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, p. 265.

[164] A. Bastian, op. cit. p. 266.

[165] L. de Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, Historique, ii. 594.

[166] W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 367.

[167] A. Bastian, Inselgruppen in Oceanien, pp. 265 sq.

[168] W. Ellis, Polynesian Researches, iv. 144 sq.

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