
Abdication of kings in favour of their infant children, 19, 20

Abduction of souls by demons, 58sqq.

Abipones, the, 328, 350;

changes in their language, 360

Abnormal mental states accounted inspiration, 248

Abortion, superstition as to woman who has procured, 153

Absence and recall of the soul, 30sqq.

Achilles, 261

Acts, tabooed, 101sqq.

Adivi or forest Gollas, the, 149

Aetolians, the, 311

Africa, fetish kings in West, 22sqq.;

names of animals and things tabooed in, 400sq.

Agutainos, the, 144

Air, prohibition to be uncovered in the open, 3, 14

Akamba, the, 204

Akikuyu, the, 175, 204, 286;

auricular confession among the, 214

Albanians of the Caucasus, 349

Alberti, L., 220

Alcmena and Hercules, 298sq.

Alfoors of Celebes, 33;

of Minahassa, 63sq.

Amboyna, 87, 105

Amenophis III., his birth represented on the monuments, 28

American Indians, their fear of naming the dead, 351sqq.

Ammon, Hanun, King of, 273

Amoy, 59

Amulets, knots used as, 306sqq.;

rings as, 314sqq.

Ancestors, names of, bestowed on their reincarnations, 368sq.;

reborn in their descendants, 368sq.

Ancestral spirits, cause sickness, 53;

sacrifices to, 104

Andaman Islanders, 183n.

Andania, mysteries of, 227n.

Angakok, Esquimaux wizard or sorcerer, 211, 212

Angoni, the, 174

Animals injured through their shadows, 81sq.;

propitiation of spirits of slain, 190, 204sq.;

atonement for slain, 207;

dangerous, not called by their proper names, 396sqq.;

thought to understand human speech, 398sq., 400

Animism passing into religion, 213

Anklets as amulets, 315

Annamites, the, 235

Anointment of priests at installation, 14

Antambahoaka, the, 216

Ants, bites of, used in purificatory ceremony, 105

Apaches, the, 182, 184, 325, 328

Apollo, purification of, 223n.1

Apuleius, 270

Arab mode of cursing an enemy, 312

Arabs of Moab, 273, 280

Araucanians, the, 97, 324

Ares, men sacred to, 111

Arikaras, the, 161

Aristeas of Proconnesus, 34

Army under arms, prohibition to see, 13

Arrows to keep off death, 31

Aru Islands, 37, 276

Arunta, their belief as to the ghosts of the slain, 177sq.;

ceremonies at the end of mourning among the, 373sq.

Arval Brothers, 226

Aryans, the primitive, their theory of personal names, 319

Ashes strewn on the head, 112

Ash-tree, parings of nails buried under an, 276

Assam, taboos observed by headmen in, 11;

hill tribes of, 323

Astarte at Hierapolis, 286

Aston, W. G., 2n.2

Astrolabe Bay, 289

Athens, kings at, 21sq.;

ritual of cursing at, 75

Atonement for slain animals, 207

Attiuoindarons, the, 366

Atua, ancestral spirit, 134, 265

Augur's staff at Rome, 313

[pg 428]

Auricular confession, 214

Aurohuaca Indians, 215

Australian aborigines;

their conception of the soul, 27;

personal names kept secret among the, 320sqq.;

their fear of naming the dead, 349sqq.

Aversion of spirits and fairies to iron, 229, 232sq.

Avoidance of common words to deceive spirits or other beings, 416sqq.

Aymara Indians, the, 97

Aztecs, the, 249;

their priests, 259

Babylonian witches and wizards, 302

Bad Country, the, 109

Badham, Dr., 156n.

Baduwis, the, of Java, 115sq., 232

Bag, souls collected in a, 63sq.

Baganda, the, 78, 87

—— fishermen, taboos observed by, 194sq. See also Uganda

Bagba, a fetish, 5

Bageshu, the, 174

Bagobos, the, 31, 315, 323

Bahima, the, 183n.;

names of their dead kings not mentioned, 375

Bahnars of Cochin-China, 52, 58

Baking, continence observed at, 201

Balder, Norse god, 305n.1

Ba-Lua, the, 330

Banana-trees, fruit-bearing, hair deposited under, 286

Bandages to prevent the escape of the soul, 32, 71

Bangala, the, 195sq., 330

Bangkok, 90

Baoules, the, 70

Ba-Pedi, the, 141, 153, 163, 202

Baron, R., 380

Baronga, the, 272

Basagala, the, 361

Basket, souls gathered into a, 72

Bastian, A., 252, 253

Basutos, burial custom of the, 107;

purification of warriors among the, 172

Bathing (washing) as a ceremonial purification, 141, 142, 150, 153, 168, 169, 172, 173, 175, 179, 183, 192, 198, 219, 220, 222, 285, 286

Ba-Thonga, the, 141, 154, 163, 202

Battas or Bataks of Sumatra, 34, 45, 46, 65, 116, 296

Bavili, the, 78

Bawenda, the, 243

Bayazid, the Sultan, and his soul, 50

Beans, prohibition to touch or name, 13sq.

Bear, the polar, taboos concerning, 209;

customs observed by Lapps after killing a, 221

Bears not to be called by their proper names, 397sq., 399, 402

Bechuanas, purification of manslayers among the, 172sq., 174

Bed, feet of, smeared with mud, 14;

prohibition to sleep in a, 194

Beef and milk not to be eaten at the same meal, 292

Beer, continence observed at brewing, 200

Bells as talismans, 235

Benin, kings of, 123, 243

Bentley, R., 33n.3

Besisis, the, 87

Beveridge, P., 363sq.

Bird, soul conceived as a, 33sqq.

Birds, ghosts of slain as, 177sq.;

cause headache through clipped hair, 270sq., 282

Birth from a golden image, pretence of, 113;

premature, 213. See Miscarriage

Bismarck Archipelago, 128

Bites of ants used as purificatory ceremony, 105

Blackening faces of warriors, 163;

of manslayers, 169, 178, 181

Blackfoot Indians, 159n.

Black Mountain of southern France, 42

—— ox or black ram in magic, 154

Bladders, annual festival of, among the Esquimaux, 206sq., 228

“Blessers” or sacred kings, 125n.

Blood put on doorposts, 15;

of slain, supposed effect of it on the slayer, 169;

smeared on person as a purification, 104, 115, 219;

drawn from bodies of manslayers, 176, 180;

tabooed, 239sqq.;

not eaten, 240sq.;

soul in the, 240, 241, 247, 250;

of game poured out, 241;

royal, not to be shed on the ground, 241sqq.;

unwillingness to shed, 243, 246sq.;

received on bodies of kinsfolk, 244sq.;

drops of, effaced, 245sq.;

horror of, 245;

of chief sacred, 248;

of women, dread of, 250sq.

—— of childbirth, supposed dangerous infection of, 152sqq.;

received on heads of friends or slaves, 245

—— -lickers, 246

Blowing upon knots, as a charm, 302, 304

Boa-constrictor, purification of man who has killed a, 221sq.

Boars, wild, not to be called by their proper names, 411, 415

Boas, Dr. Franz, 210sqq., 214

Bodia or Bodio, a West African pontiff or fetish king, 14sq., 23

Bodies, souls transferred to other, 49

Bodos, the, of Assam, 285

Boiled flesh tabooed, 185

[pg 429]

Bolang Mongondo, a district in Celebes, 53, 279, 341

Bonds, no man in bonds allowed in priest's house, 14

Bones of human bodies which have been eaten, special treatment of, 189sq.;

of the dead, their treatment after the decay of the flesh, 372n.5;

of dead disinterred and scraped, 373n.

Boobies, the, 8sq.

Born again, pretence of being, 113

Bornu, Sultan of, 120

Bororos, the, 34, 36

Bourke, Captain J. G., 184

Box, strayed soul caught in, 45, 70, 76

Bracelets as amulets, 315

Brahman student, his cut hair and nails, 277

Brahmans, their common and secret names, 322

Branches used in exorcism, 109

Breath of chief sacred, 136, 256

Breathing on a person as a mode of purification, 149

Brewing, continence observed at, 200, 201sq.

Bribri Indians, their ideas as to the uncleanness of women, 147, 149

Bride and bridegrooms, all knots on their garments unloosed, 299sq.

Bronze employed in expiatory rites, 226n.6;

priests to be shaved with, 226

—— knife to cut priest's hair, 14

Brother and sister not allowed to mention each other's names, 344

Brothers-in-law, their names not to be pronounced, 338, 342, 343, 344, 345

Buddha, Footprint of, 275

Building shadows into foundations, 89sq.

Bukuru, unclean, 147

Bulgarian building custom, 89

Burghead, 230

Burial under a running stream, 15

—— customs to prevent the escape of the soul, 51, 52

Burials, customs as to shadows at, 80sq.

Burma, kings of, 375

Burmese conception of the soul as a butterfly, 51sq.

Burning cut hair and nails to prevent them being used in sorcery, 281sqq.

Buryat shaman, his mode of recovering lost souls, 56sq.

Butterfly, the soul as a, 29n.1, 51sq.

Cacongo, King of, 115, 118

Caffre customs at circumcision, 156sq.

Caffres, “women's speech” among the, 335sq.

Calabar, fetish king at, 22sq.

Calabashes, souls shut up in, 72

Calchaquis Indians, 31

Californian Indians, 352

Cambodia, kings of, 376

Camden, W., 68

Campbell, J., 384

Camphor, special language employed by searchers for, 405sqq.

Canelos Indians, 97

Cannibalism at hair-cutting, 264

Cannibals, taboos imposed on, among the Kwakiutl, 188sqq.

Canoe, fish offered to, 195

Canoes, continence observed at building, 202

Captives killed and eaten, 179sq.

Carayahis, the, 348

Caribou, taboos concerning, 208

Caribs, difference of language between men and women among the, 348

Caroline Islands, 25, 193, 290, 293

Caron's Account of Japan, 4n.2

Carrier Indians, 215, 367

Catat, Dr., 98

Catlin, G., 182

Cats with stumpy tails, reason of, 128sq.

Cattle, continence observed for sake of, 204;

protected against wolves by charms, 307

Caul-fat extracted by Australian enemies, 303

“Cauld airn,” 233

Cazembes, the, 132

Celebes, 32, 33, 35;

hooking souls in, 30

Celibacy of holy milkmen, 15, 16

Ceremonial purity observed in war, 157

Ceremonies at the reception of strangers, 102sqq.;

at entering a strange land, 109sqq.;

purificatory, on return from a journey, 111sqq.;

observed after slaughter of panthers, lions, bears, serpents, etc., 219sqq.;

at hair-cutting, 264sqq.

Cetchwayo, King, 377

Chams, the, 202, 297

Change of language caused by taboo on the names of the dead, 358sqq., 375;

caused by taboo on names of chiefs and kings, 375, 376sqq.

—— of names to deceive ghosts, 354sqq.

Charms to facilitate childbirth, 295sq.

Chastity. See Continence

Chegilla, taboo, 137

Cheremiss, the, 391

Cherokee sorcery with spittle, 287sq.

Chiefs, foods tabooed to, 291, 292;

names of, tabooed, 376sq., 378sq., 381, 382

—— and kings tabooed, 131sqq.

—— sacred, not allowed to leave their [pg 430] enclosures, 124;

regarded as dangerous, 138

Child and father, supposed danger of resemblance between, 88sq.

Child's nails bitten off, 262

Childbed, taboos imposed on women in, 147sqq.

Childbirth, precautions taken with mother at, 32, 33;

women tabooed at, 147sqq.;

confession of sins as a means of expediting, 216sq.;

women after, their hair shaved and burnt, 284;

homoeopathic magic to facilitate, 295sqq.;

knots untied at, 294, 296sq., 297sq.

Children, young, tabooed, 262, 283;

parents named after their, 331sqq.

Chiloe, Indians of, 287, 324

China, custom at funerals in, 80;

Emperor of, 125, 375sq.

Chitomé or Chitombé, a pontiff of Congo, 5sq., 7

Chittagong, 297

Choctaws, the, 181

Chuckchees, the, 358

Circumcision customs among the Caffres, 156sq.;

performed with flints, not iron, 227;

in Australia, 244

Circumlocutions adopted to avoid naming the dead, 350, 351, 354, 355;

employed by reapers, 412

Cities, guardian deities of, evoked by enemies, 391

Clasping of hands forbidden, 298

Clavie, the, at Burghead, 229sq.

Cleanliness fostered by superstition, 130;

personal, observed in war, 157, 158n.1

Clippings of hair, magic wrought through, 268sqq., 275, 277, 278sq.

Clotaire, 259

Clothes of sacred persons tabooed, 131

Cloths used to catch souls, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 64, 67, 75sq.

Clotilde, Queen, 259

Cobra, ceremonies after killing a, 222sq.

Coco-nut oil made by chaste women, 201

Codjour, a priestly king, 132n.1

Coins, portraits of kings not stamped on, 98sq.

Comanches, the, 360

Combing the hair forbidden, 187, 203, 208, 264;

thought to cause storms, 271

Combs of sacred persons, 256

Common objects, names of, changed when they are the names of the dead, 358sqq., 375, or the names of chiefs and kings, 375, 376sqq.

—— words tabooed, 392sqq.

Concealment of miscarriage in childbed, supposed effects of, 152sqq.

Concealment of personal names from fear of magic, 320sqq.

Conciliating the spirits of the land, 110sq.

Conduct, standard of, shifted from natural to supernatural basis, 213sq.

Confession of sins, 114, 191, 195, 211sq., 214sqq.;

originally a magical ceremony, 217

Connaught, kings of, 11sq.

Consummation of marriage prevented by knots and locks, 299sqq.

Contagious magic, 246, 268, 272

Continence enjoined on people during the rounds of sacred pontiff, 5;

of Zapotec priests, 6;

of priests, 159n.

—— observed on eve of period of taboo, 11;

by those who have handled the dead, 142;

during war, 157, 158n.1, 161, 163, 164, 165;

after victory, 166sqq., 175, 178, 179, 181;

by cannibals, 188;

by fishers and hunters, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 207;

by workers in salt-pans, 200;

at brewing beer, wine, and poison, 200sq., 201sq.;

at baking, 201;

at making coco-nut oil, 201;

at building canoes, 202;

at house-building, 202;

at making or repairing dams, 202;

on trading voyages, 203;

after festivals, 204;

on journeys, 204;

while cattle are at pasture, 204;

by lion-killers and bear-killers, 220, 221;

before handling holy relics, 272;

by tabooed men, 293

Cooking, taboos as to, 147sq., 156, 165, 169, 178, 185, 193, 194, 198, 209, 221, 256

Coptic church, 235, 310n.5

Cords, knotted, in magic, 302, 303sq.

Corea, clipped hair burned in, 283

—— kings of, 125;

not to be touched with iron, 226

Corpses, knots not allowed about, 310

Cousins, male and female, not allowed to mention each other's names, 344

Covenant, spittle used in making a, 290

Covering up mirrors at a death, 94sq.

Cow bewitched, 93

Cowboy of the king of Unyoro, 159n.

Creek Indians, the, 156;

their war customs, 161

Crevaux, J., 105

Criminals shaved as a mode of purification, 287

Crocodiles not called by their proper names, 403, 410, 411, 415sq.

Crossing of legs forbidden, 295, 298sq.

Crown, imperial, as palladium, 4

Crystals used in divination, 56

Curr, E. M., 320sq.

Cursing at Athens, ritual of, 75

—— an enemy, Arab mode of, 312

[pg 431]

Curtains to conceal kings, 120sq.

Cut hair and nails, disposal of, 267sqq.

Cuts made in the body as a mode of expelling demons or ghosts, 106sq.;

in bodies of manslayers, 174, 176, 180;

in bodies of slain, 176. See also Incisions

Cutting the hair a purificatory ceremony, 283sqq.

Cynaetha, people of, 188

Cyzicus, council chamber at, 230

Dacotas, the, 181

Dahomey, the King of, 9;

royal family of, 243;

kings of, their “strong names,” 374

Dairi, the, or Mikado of Japan, 2, 4

Dairies, sacred, of the Todas, 15sqq.

Dairymen, sacred, of the Todas, 15sqq.

Damaras, the, 247

Dams, continence at making or repairing, 202

Dance of king, 123;

of successful head-hunters, 166

Dances of victory, 169, 170, 178, 182

Danger of being overshadowed by certain birds or people, 82sq.;

supposed, of portraits and photographs, 96sqq.;

supposed to attend contact with divine or sacred persons, such as chiefs and kings, 132, 138

Darfur, 81;

Sultan of, 120

Dassera, festival of the, 316

Daughter-in-law, her name not to be pronounced, 338

David and the King of Moab, 273

Dawson, J., 347sq.

Dead, sacrifices to the, 15, 88;

taboos on persons who have handled the, 138sqq.;

souls of the dead all malignant, 145;

names of the dead tabooed, 349sqq.;

to name the dead a serious crime, 352;

names of the dead not borne by the living, 354;

reincarnation or resurrection of the dead in their namesakes, 365sqq.;

festivals of the, 367, 371

—— body, prohibition to touch, 14

Death, natural, of sacred king or priest, supposed fatal consequences of, 6, 7;

kept off by arrows, 31;

mourners forbidden to sleep in house after a death, 37;

custom of covering up mirrors at a, 94sq.;

from imagination, 135sqq.

Debt of civilisation to savagery, 421sq.

Defiled hands, 174. See Hands

De Groot, J. J. M., 390

Demons, abduction of souls by, 58sqq.;

of disease expelled by pungent spices, pricks, and cuts, 105sq.;

and ghosts averse to iron, 232sqq.

Devils, abduction of souls by, 58sqq.

Dido, her magical rites, 312

Diet of kings and priests regulated, 291sqq.

Dieterich, A., 369n.3

Difference of language between husbands and wives, 347sq.;

between men and women, 348sq.

Diminution of shadow regarded with apprehension, 86sq.

Dio Chrysostom, on fame as a shadow, 86sq.

Diodorus Siculus, 12sq.

Dionysus in the city, festival of, 316

Disease, demons of, expelled by pungent spices, pricks, and cuts, 105sq.

Disenchanting strangers, various modes of, 102sqq.

Dishes, effect of eating out of sacred, 4;

of sacred persons tabooed, 131. See Vessels

Disposal of cut hair and nails, 267sqq.

Divination by shoulder-blades of sheep, 229

Divinities, human, bound by many rules, 419sq.

Divorce of spiritual from temporal power, 17sqq.

Dobrizhoffer, Father M., 328, 360

Dog, prohibition to touch or name, 13

Dogs, bones of game kept from, 206;

unclean, 206;

tigers called, 402

Dolls or puppets employed for the restoration of souls to their bodies, 53sqq., 62sq.

Doorposts, blood put on, 15

Doors opened to facilitate childbirth, 296, 297;

to facilitate death, 309

Doubles, spiritual, of men and animals, 28sq.

Doutté, E., 390

Dreams, absence of soul in, 36sqq.;

belief of savages in the reality of, 36sq.;

omens drawn from, 161

Drinking and eating, taboos on, 116sqq.;

modes of drinking for tabooed persons, 117sqq., 120, 143, 146, 147, 148, 160, 182, 183, 185, 189, 197, 198, 256

Drought supposed to be caused by a concealed miscarriage, 153sq.

Dugong fishing, taboos in connexion with, 192

Dyaks, the Sea, 30;

their modes of recalling the soul, 47sq., 52sq., 55sq., 60, 67;

taboos observed by head-hunters among the, 166sq.

Eagle, soul in form of, 34

—— -hunters, taboos observed by, 198sq.

[pg 432]

Eagle-wood, special language employed by searchers for, 404

Eating out of sacred vessels, supposed effect of, 4

—— and drinking, taboos on, 116sqq.;

fear of being seen in the act of, 117sqq.

Eggs offered to demons, 110;

reason for breaking shells of, 129sq.

Egypt, rules of life observed by ancient kings of, 12sq.

Egyptian magicians, their power of compelling the deities, 389sq.

Egyptians, the ancient, their conception of the soul, 28;

their practice as to souls of the dead, 68sq.;

personal names among, 322

Elder brother, his name not to be pronounced, 341

Elder-tree, cut hair and nails inserted in an, 275sq.

Elephant-hunters, special language employed by, 404

Eleusinian priests, their names sacred, 382sq.

Elfin race averse to iron, 232sq.

Emetic as mode of purification, 175, 245;

pretended, in auricular confession, 214

Emin Pasha, 108

Epidemics attributed to evil spirits, 30

Epimenides, the Cretan seer, 50n.2

Esquimaux, their conception of the soul, 27;

their dread of being photographed, 96;

or Inuit, taboos observed by hunters among the, 205sq.;

namesakes of the dead among the, 371

Esthonians, the, 41sq., 240

Ethical evolution, 218sq.

—— precepts developed out of savage taboos, 214

Ethiopia, kings of, 124

Euphemisms employed for certain animals, 397sqq.;

for smallpox, 400, 410, 411, 416

Europe, south-eastern, superstitions as to shadows in, 89sq.

Evil eye, the, 116sq.

Ewe-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast, 9;

rebirth of ancestors among the, 369

Execution, peculiar modes of, for members of royal families, 241sqq.

Executioners, customs observed by, 171sq., 180sq.

Exorcising harmful influence of strangers, 102sqq.

Eye, the evil, 116sq.

Eyeos, the, 9

Faces veiled to avert evil influences, 120sqq.;

of warriors blackened, 163;

of manslayers blackened, 169

Fàdy, taboo, 327

Fafnir and Sigurd, 324

Fairies averse to iron, 229, 232sq.

Fasting, custom of, 157n.2, 159n., 161, 162, 163, 182, 183, 189, 198, 199

Father and child, supposed danger of resemblance between, 88sq.

—— and mother, their names not to be mentioned, 337, 341

—— in-law, his name not to be pronounced by his daughter-in-law, 335sqq., 343, 345, 346;

by his son-in-law, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344

Fathers named after their children, 331sqq.

Faunus, consultation of, 314

Feast of Yams, 123

Feathers worn by manslayers, 180, 186n.1

Feet, not to wet the, 159. See also Foot

Fernando Po, taboos observed by the kings of, 8sq., 115, 123, 291

Festival of the Dead among the Hurons, 367

Fetish or taboo rajah, 24

—— kings in West Africa, 22sqq.

Fever, euphemism for, 400

“Field speech,” a special jargon employed by reapers, 410sq., 411sq.

Fiji, catching away souls in, 69;

War King and Sacred King in, 21;

custom as to remains of food in, 117

Fijian chief, supposed effect of using his dishes or clothes, 131

—— conception of the soul, 29sq., 92

—— custom of frightening away ghosts, 170

—— notion of absence of the soul in dreams, 39sq.

Fingers cut off as a sacrifice, 161

Finnish hunters, 398

Fire, rule as to removing fire from priest's house, 13;

prohibition to blow the fire with the breath, 136, 256;

in purificatory rites, 108, 109, 111, 114, 197;

tabooed, 178, 182, 256sq.;

new, made by friction, 286

—— and Water, kingships of, 17

Firefly, soul in form of, 67

First-fruits, offering of, 5

Fish-traps, continence observed at making, 202

Fishermen, words tabooed by, 394sq., 396, 408sq., 415

Fishers and hunters tabooed, 190sqq.

Fison, Rev. Lorimer, 30n.1, 40n.1, 92n.3, 131n.2

Fits and convulsions set down to demons, 59

Flamen Dialis, taboos observed by the, 13sq., 239, 248, 257, 275, 291, 293, 315sq.

[pg 433]

Flaminica, rules observed by the, 14

Flannan Islands, 392

Flesh, boiled, not to be eaten by tabooed persons, 185;

diet restricted or forbidden, 291sqq.

Flints, not iron, cuts to be made with, 176;

use of, prescribed in ritual, 176;

sharp, circumcision performed with, 227

Fly, soul in form of, 39

Food, remnants of, buried as a precaution against sorcery, 118, 119, 127sq., 129;

magic wrought by means of refuse of, 126sqq.;

taboos on leaving food over, 127sqq.;

not to be touched with hands, 138sqq., 146sqq., 166, 167, 168, 169, 174, 203, 265;

objection to have food over head, 256, 257

Foods tabooed, 291sqq.

Foot, custom of going with only one foot shod, 311sqq. See also Feet

Footprint in magic, 74;

of Buddha, 275

Forgetfulness, pretence of, 189

Forks used in eating by tabooed persons, 148, 168, 169, 203

Fors, the, of Central Africa, 281

Foundation sacrifices, 89sqq.

Fowl used in exorcism, 106

Fowlers, words tabooed by, 393, 407sq.

Foxes not to be mentioned by their proper names, 396, 397

Frankish kings, their unshorn hair, 258sq.

Fresh meat tabooed, 143

Fumigation as a mode of ceremonial purification, 155, 177

Funerals in China, custom as to shadows at, 80. See also Burial, Burials

Furfo, 230

Gabriel, the archangel, 302, 303

Gangas, fetish priests, 291

Garments, effect of wearing sacred, 4

Gates, sacrifice of human beings at foundations of, 90sq.

Gatschet, A. S., 363

Gauntlet, running the, 222

Genitals of murdered people eaten, 190n.2

Getae, priestly kings of the, 21

Ghost of husband kept from his widow, 143;

fear of evoking the ghost by mentioning his name, 349sqq.;

chased into the grave at the end of mourning, 373sq.

Ghosts, sacrifices to, 56, 247;

draw away the souls of their kinsfolk, 51sqq.;

draw out men's shadows, 80;

as guardians of gates, 90sq.;

kept off by thorns, 142;

and demons averse to iron, 232sqq.;

fear of wounding, 237sq.;

swept out of house, 238;

names changed in order to deceive ghosts or to avoid attracting their attention, 354sqq.

Ghosts of animals, dread of, 223

—— of the slain haunt their slayers, 165sqq.;

fear of the, 165sqq.;

sacrifices to, 166;

scaring away the, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174sq.;

as birds, 177sq.

Gilyaks, the, 370

Ginger in purificatory rites, 105, 151

Gingiro, kingdom of, 18

Girls at puberty obliged to touch everything in house, 225n.;

their hair torn out, 284

Goajiro Indians, 30, 350

Goat, prohibition to touch or name, 13;

transference of guilt to, 214sq.

—— -sucker, shadow of the, 82

God, “the most great name” of, 390

—— -man a source of danger, 132;

bound by many rules, 419sq.

Gods, their names tabooed, 387sqq.;

Xenophanes on the, 387;

human, bound by many rules, 419sq. See also Myths

Gold excluded from some temples, 226n.8

—— and silver as totems, 227n.

—— mines, spirits of the, treated with deference, 409sq.

Goldie, H., 22

Gollas, the, 149

Good Friday, 229

Goorkhas, the, 316

Gordian knot, 316sq.

Gran Chaco, Indians of the, 37, 38, 357

Grandfathers, grandsons named after their deceased, 370

Grandidier, A., 380sq.

Grandmothers, granddaughters named after their deceased, 370

Grass knotted as a charm, 305, 310

Grave, soul fetched from, 54

—— -clothes, no knots in, 310

—— -diggers, taboos observed by, 141, 142

Graves, food offered on, 53;

water poured on, as a rain-charm, 154sq.

Great Spirit, sacrifice of fingers to the, 161

Grebo people of Sierra Leone, 14

Greek conception of the soul, 29n.1

—— customs as to manslayers, 188

Grey, Sir George, 364sq.

Grihya-Sûtras, 277

Grimm, J., 305n.1

Ground, prohibition to touch the, 3, 4, 6;

not to sit on the, 159, 162, 163;

not to set foot on, 180;

royal blood not to be shed on the, 241sqq.

Guardian deities of cities, 391

[pg 434]

Guaycurus, the, 357

Guiana, Indians of, 324

Gypsy superstition about portraits, 100

Haida medicine-men, 31

Hair, mode of cutting the Mikado's, 3;

cut with bronze knife, 14;

of manslayers shaved, 175, 176;

of slain enemy, fetish made from, 183;

not to be combed, 187, 203, 208, 264;

tabooed, 258sqq.;

of kings, priests, and wizards unshorn, 258sqq.;

regarded as the seat of a god or spirit, 258, 259, 263;

kept unshorn at certain times, 260sqq.;

offered to rivers, 261;

of children unshorn, 263;

magic wrought through clippings of, 268sqq., 275, 277, 278sq.;

cut or combed out may cause rain and thunderstorms, 271, 272, 282;

clippings of, used as hostages, 272sq.;

infected by virus of taboo, 283sq.;

cut as a purificatory ceremony, 283sqq.;

of women after childbirth shaved and burnt, 284;

loosened at childbirth, 297sq.;

loosened in magical and religious ceremonies, 310sq.

—— and nails of sacred persons not cut, 3, 4, 16

—— and nails, cut, disposal of, 267sqq.;

deposited on or under trees, 14, 275sq., 286;

deposited in sacred places, 274sqq.;

stowed away in any secret place, 276sqq.;

kept for use at the resurrection, 279sqq.;

burnt to prevent them from falling into the hands of sorcerers, 281sqq.

—— -cutting, ceremonies at, 264sqq.

Hands tabooed, 138, 140sqq., 146sqq., 158, 159n., 265;

food not to be touched with, 138sqq., 146sqq., 166, 167, 168, 169, 174, 265;

defiled, 174;

not to be clasped, 298

Hanun, King of Moab, 273

Hawaii, 72, 106;

customs as to chiefs and shadows in, 255

Head, stray souls restored to, 47, 48, 52, 53sq., 64, 67;

prohibition to touch the, 142, 183, 189, 252sq., 254, 255sq.;

plastered with mud, 182;

the human, regarded as sacred, 252sqq.;

tabooed, 252sqq.;

supposed to be the residence of spirits, 252;

objection to have any one overhead, 253sqq.;

washing the, 253

—— -hunters, customs of, 30, 36, 71sq., 111, 166sq., 169sq.

Headache caused by clipped hair, 270sq., 282

Heads of manslayers shaved, 177

Hearne, S., quoted, 184sqq.

Hebesio, god of thunder, 257

Hercules and Alcmena, 298sq.

Herero, the, 151, 177, 225n.

Hermotimus of Clazomenae, 50

Hidatsa Indians, taboos observed by eagle-hunters among the, 198sq.

Hierapolis, temple of Astarte at, 286

Hiro, thief-god, 69

Historical tradition hampered by the taboo on the names of the dead, 363sqq.

Holiness and pollution not differentiated by savages, 224

Hollis, A. C., 200n.3

Holy water, sprinkling with, 285sq.

Homicides. See Manslayers

Homoeopathic magic, 151, 152, 207, 295, 298

Honey-wine, continence observed at brewing, 200

Hooks to catch souls, 30sq., 51

Horse, prohibition to see a, 9;

prohibition to ride, 13

Hos of Togoland, the, 295, 301

Hostages, clipped hair used as, 272sq.

Hottentots, the, 220

House, ceremony at entering a new, 63sq.;

taboos on quitting the, 122sqq.

—— building, custom as to shadows at, 81, 89sq.;

continence observed at, 202

Howitt, A. W., 269

Huichol Indians, 197

Human gods bound by many rules, 419sq.

—— sacrifices at foundation of buildings, 90sq.

Humbe, a kingdom of Angola, 6

Hunters use knots as charms, 306;

words tabooed by, 396, 398, 399, 400, 402, 404, 410

—— and fishers tabooed, 190sqq.

Hurons, the, 366;

their conception of the soul, 27;

their Festival of the Dead, 367

Husband's ghost kept from his widow, 143

—— name not to be pronounced by his wife, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339

Husbands and wives, difference of language between, 347sq.

Huzuls, the, 270, 314

Ilocanes of Luzon, 44

Imagination, death from, 135sqq.

Imitative or homoeopathic magic, 295

Impurity of manslayers, 167

Incas of Peru, 279

Incisions made in bodies of warriors as a preparation for war, 161;

in bodies of slain, 176;

in bodies of manslayers, 174, 176, 180.

See also Cuts

[pg 435]

Incontinence of young people supposed to be fatal to the king, 6

India, names of animals tabooed in, 401sqq.

Indians of North America, their customs on the war-path, 158sqq.;

their fear of naming the dead, 351sqq.

Infants tabooed, 255

Infection, supposed, of lying-in women, 150sqq.

Infidelity of wife supposed to be fatal to hunter, 197

Initiation, custom of covering the mouth after, 122;

taboos observed by novices at, 141sq., 156sq.;

new names given at, 320

Injury to a man's shadow conceived as an injury to the man, 78sqq.

Inspiration, primitive theory of, 248

Intercourse with wives enjoined before war, 164n.1;

enjoined on manslayers, 176. See also Continence

Intoxication accounted inspiration, 248, 249, 250

Inuit. See Esquimaux

Ireland, taboos observed by the ancient kings of, 11sq.

Irish custom as to a fall, 68;

as to friends' blood, 244sq.

Iron not to be touched, 167;

tabooed, 176, 225sqq.;

used as a charm against spirits, 232sqq.

—— instruments, use of, tabooed, 205, 206

—— rings as talismans, 235

Iroquois, the, 352, 385

Isis and Ra, 387sqq.

Israelites, rules of ceremonial purity observed by the Israelites in war, 157sq., 177

Issini, the, 171

Itonamas, the, 31

Ivy, prohibition to touch or name, 13sq.

Ja-Luo, the, 79

Jackals, tigers called, 402, 403

Jackson, Professor Henry, 21n.3

Japan, the Mikado of, 2sqq.;

Kaempfer's history of, 3n.2;

Caron's account of, 4n.2

Jars, souls conjured into, 70

Jason and Pelias, 311sq.

Java, 34, 35

Jebu, the king of, 121

Jewish hunters, their customs as to blood of game, 241

Jinn, the servants of their magical names, 390

Journey, purificatory ceremonies on return from a, 111sqq.;

continence observed on a, 204;

hair kept unshorn on a, 261

Jumping over wife or children as a ceremony, 112, 164n.1

Juno Lucina, 294

Junod, H. A., 152sqq., 420n.1

Jupiter Liber, temple of, at Furfo, 230

Ka, the ancient Egyptian, 28

Kachins of Burma, 200

Kaempfer's History of Japan, 3sq.

Kafirs of the Hindoo Koosh, 13n.6, 14n.2

Kaitish, the, 82, 295

Kalamba, the, a chief in the Congo region, 114

Kami, the Japanese word for god, 2n.2

Kamtchatkans, their attempts to deceive mice, 399

Karaits, the, 95

Karen-nis of Burma, the, 13

Karens, the Red, of Burma, 292;

their recall of the soul, 43;

their customs at funerals, 51

Karo-Bataks, 52. See also Battas

Katikiro, the, of Uganda, 145n.4

Kavirondo, 176

Kayans of Borneo, 32, 47, 110, 164, 239

Kei Islanders, 53

Kenyahs of Borneo, 43, 415

Key as symbol of delivery in childbed, 296

Keys as charms against devils and ghosts, 234, 235, 236;

as amulets, 308. See also Locks

Khonds, rebirth of ancestors among the, 368sq.

Kickapoos, the, 171

Kidd, Dudley, 88n.

King not to be overshadowed, 83

—— of the Night, 23

King's Evil, the, 134

Kings, supernatural powers attributed to, 1;

beaten before their coronation, 18;

forbidden to see their mothers, 86;

portraits of, not stamped on coins, 98sq.;

guarded against the magic of strangers, 114sq.;

forbidden to use foreign goods, 115;

not to be seen eating and drinking, 117sqq.;

concealed by curtains, 120sq.;

forbidden to leave their palaces, 122sqq.;

compelled to dance, 123;

punished or put to death, 124;

not to be touched, 132, 225sq.;

their hair unshorn, 258sq.;

foods tabooed to, 291sq.;

names of, tabooed, 374sqq.;

taboos observed by, identical with those observed by commoners, 419sq.

Kings and chiefs tabooed, 131sqq.;

their spittle guarded against sorcerers, 289sq.

—— fetish or religious, in West Africa, 22sqq.

[pg 436]

Kingsley, Miss Mary H., 22n.3, 71, 123n.2, 251

Kiowa Indians, 357, 360

Klallam Indians, the, 354

Knife as charm against spirits, 232, 233, 234, 235

Knives not to be left edge upwards, 238;

not used at funeral banquets, 238

Knot, the Gordian, 316sq.

Knots, prohibition to wear, 13;

untied at childbirth, 294, 296sq., 297sq.;

thought to prevent the consummation of marriage, 299sqq.;

thought to cause sickness, disease, and all kinds of misfortune, 301sqq.;

used to cure disease, 303sqq.;

used to win a lover or capture a runaway slave, 305sq.;

used as protective amulets, 306sqq.;

used as charms by hunters and travellers, 306;

as a charm to protect corn from devils, 308sq.;

on corpses untied, 310

—— and locks, magical virtue of, 310, 313

—— and rings tabooed, 293sqq.

Koita, the, 168

Koryak, the, 32

Kruijt, A. C., 319

Kublai Khan, 242

Kukulu, a priestly king, 5

Kwakiutl, the, 53;

customs observed by cannibals among the, 188sqq.;

change of names in summer and winter among the, 386

Kwun, the spirit of the head, 252;

supposed to reside in the hair, 266sq.

Lafitau, J. F., 365sq.

Lampong in Sumatra, 10

Lamps to light the ghosts to their old homes, 371

Language of husbands and wives, difference between, 347sq.;

of men and women, difference between, 348sq.

—— change of, caused by taboo on the names of the dead, 358sqq., 375;

caused by taboo on the names of chiefs and kings, 375, 376sqq.

—— special, employed by hunters, 396, 398, 399, 400, 402, 404, 410;

employed by searchers for eagle-wood and lignum aloes, 404;

employed by searchers for camphor, 405sqq.;

employed by miners, 407, 409;

employed by reapers at harvest, 410sq., 411sq.;

employed by sailors at sea, 413sqq.

Laos, 306

Lapps, the, 294;

their customs after killing a bear, 221;

rebirth of ancestors among the, 368

Latuka, the, 245

Leaning against a tree prohibited to warriors, 162, 163

Leavened bread, prohibition to touch, 13

Leaving food over, taboos on, 126sqq.

Leavings of food, magic wrought by means of, 118, 119, 126sqq.

Legs not to be crossed, 295, 298sq.

Leinster, kings of, 11

Leleen, the, 129

Lengua Indians of the Gran Chaco, 38, 357

Leonard, A. G., Major, 136sq.

Lesbos, building custom in, 89

Lewis, Rev. Thomas, 420n.1

Life in the blood, 241, 250

Limbs, amputated, kept by the owners against the resurrection, 281

Lion-killer, purification of, 176, 220

Lions not called by their proper names, 400

Lithuanians, the old, their funeral banquets, 238

Liver, induration of the, attributed to touching sacred chief, 133

Lizard, soul in form of, 38

Loango, taboos observed by kings of, 8, 9;

taboos observed by heir to throne of, 291

—— king of, forbidden to see a white man's house, 115;

not to be seen eating or drinking, 117sq.;

confined to his palace, 123;

refuse of his food buried, 129

Locks unlocked at childbirth, 294, 296;

thought to prevent the consummation of marriage, 299;

as amulets, 308, 309;

unlocked to facilitate death, 309

—— and knots, magical virtue of, 309sq. See also Keys

Lolos, the, 43

Look back, not to, 157

Loom, men not allowed to touch a, 164

Loss of the shadow regarded as ominous, 88

Lovers won by knots, 305

Lucan, 390

Lucian, 270, 382

Lucina, 294, 398sq.

Lucky names, 391n.1

Lycaeus, sanctuary of Zeus on Mount, 88

Lycosura, sanctuary of the Mistress at, 227n., 314

Lying-in women, dread of, 150sqq.;

sacred, 151

Mack, an adventurer, 19

Macusi Indians, 36, 159n.

Madagascar, names of chiefs and kings tabooed in, 378sqq.

Magic wrought by means of refuse of food, 126sqq.;

sympathetic, 126, 130, 164, 201, 204, 258, 268, 287;

homoeopathic, [pg 437] 151, 152, 207, 295, 298;

contagious, 246, 268, 272;

wrought through clippings of hair, 268sqq., 275, 277, 278sq.;

wrought on a man through his name, 318, 320sqq.

Magicians, Egyptian, their power of compelling the deities, 389sq.

Mahafalys of Madagascar, the, 10

Makalaka, the, 369

Makololo, the, 281

Malagasy language, dialectical variations of, 378sq., 380

Malanau tribes of Borneo, 406

Malay conception of the soul as a bird, 34sqq.

—— miners, fowlers, and fishermen, special forms of speech employed by, 407sqq.

—— Peninsula, art of abducting human souls in the, 73sqq.

Maldives, the, 274

Mandalay, 90, 125

Mandan Indians, 97

Mandelings of Sumatra, 296

Mangaia, separation of religious and civil authority in, 20

Mangaians, the, 87

Manipur, hill tribes of, 292

Mannikin, the soul conceived as a, 26sqq.

Manslayers, purification of, 165sqq.;

secluded, 165sqq.;

tabooed, 165sqq.;

haunted by ghosts of slain, 165sqq.;

their faces blackened, 169;

their bodies painted, 175, 178, 179, 180, 186n.1;

their hair shaved, 175, 177

Maori chiefs, their sanctity or taboo, 134sqq.;

their heads sacred, 256

—— language, synonyms in the, 381

Maoris, persons who have handled the dead tabooed among the, 138sq.;

tabooed on the war-path, 157

Marco Polo, 242, 243

Marianne Islands, 288

Mariner, W., quoted, 140

Mariners at sea, special language employed by, 413sqq.

Marquesans, the, 31;

their regard for the sanctity of the head, 254sq.;

their customs as to the hair, 261sq.;

their dread of sorcery, 268

Marquesas Islands, 178

Marriage, the consummation of, prevented by knots and locks, 299sqq.

Masai, the, 200, 309, 329, 354sq., 356, 361

Matthews, Dr. Washington, 385

Meal sprinkled to keep off evil spirits, 112

Measuring shadows, 89sq.

—— -tape deified, 91sq.

Mecca, pilgrims to, not allowed to wear knots and rings, 293sq.

Medes, law of the, 121

Mekeo district of New Guinea, 24

Men injured through their shadows, 78sqq.

—— and women, difference of language between, 348sq.

Menedemus, 227

Menstruation, women tabooed at, 145sqq.

Menstruous women, dread of, 145sqq., 206;

avoidance of, by hunters, 211

Mentras, the, 404

Merolla da Sorrento, 137

Mice thought to understand human speech, 399;

not to be called by their proper names, 399, 415

Midas and his ass's ears, 258n.1;

king of Gordium, 316

Mikado, rules of life of the, 2sqq.;

supposed effect of using his dishes or clothes, 131;

the cutting of his hair and nails, 265

Mikados, their relations to the Tycoons, 19

Miklucho-Maclay, Baron N. von, 109

Milk, custom as to drinking, 119;

prohibition to drink, 141;

not to be drunk by wounded men, 174sq.;

wine called, 249n.2;

and beef not to be eaten at the same meal, 292

Milkmen of the Todas, taboos observed by the holy, 15sqq.

Miller, Hugh, 40

Minahassa, a district of Celebes, 99;

the Alfoors of, 63

Minangkabauers of Sumatra, 32, 36, 41

Miners, special language employed by, 407, 409

Mirrors, superstitions as to, 93;

covered after a death, 94sq.

Miscarriage in childbed, dread of, 149, 152sqq.;

supposed danger of concealing a, 211, 213

Moab, Arabs of, 280;

their custom of shaving prisoners, 273

Moabites, King David's treatment of the, 273sq.

Mohammed bewitched by a Jew, 302sq.

Mongols, their recall of the soul, 44;

sacred books of the, 384

Montezuma, 121

Monumbos, the, 169, 238

Mooney, J., 318sqq.

Moquis, the, 228

Moral guilt regarded as a corporeal pollution, 217sq.

Morality developed out of taboo, 213sq.;

shifted from a natural to a supernatural basis, 213;

survival of savage taboos in civilised, 218sq.

Morice, A. G., 146sq.

Mosyni or Mosynoeci, the, 124

[pg 438]

Mother-in-law, the savage's dread of his, 83sqq.;

her name not to be mentioned by her son-in-law, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346

Mothers, African kings forbidden to see their, 86;

named after their children, 332, 333

Mourners, customs observed by, 31sq., 159n.;

tabooed, 138sqq.;

bodies of, smeared with mud or clay, 182n.2;

hair and nails of, cut at end of mourning, 285sq.

Mourning of slayers for the slain, 181

Mouse, soul in form of, 37, 39n.2

Mouth closed to prevent escape of soul, 31, 33;

soul in the, 33;

covered to prevent entrance of demons, etc., 122

Muata Jamwo, the, 118, 290

Mud smeared on feet of bed, 14;

plastered on head, 182

Munster, kings of, 11

Murderers, taboos imposed on, 187sq.

Murrams, the, of Manipur, 292

Muysca Indians, 121

Myths of gods and spirits to be told only in spring and summer, 384;

to be told only in winter, 385sq.;

not to be told by day, 384sq.

Nails, prohibition to cut finger-nails, 194;

of children not pared, 262sq.

—— and hair, cut, disposal of, 267sqq.;

deposited in sacred places, 274sqq.;

stowed away in any secret place, 276sqq.;

kept for use at the resurrection, 279sqq.;

burnt to prevent them from falling into the hands of sorcerers, 281sqq.

Nails, iron, used as charms against fairies, demons, and ghosts, 233, 234, 236

—— parings of, used in rain-charms, 271, 272;

swallowed by treaty-makers, 246, 274

Name, the personal, regarded as a vital part of the man, 318sqq.;

identified with the soul, 319;

the same, not to be borne by two living persons, 370

Names of relations tabooed, 335sqq.;

changed to deceive ghosts, 354sqq.;

of common objects changed when they are the names of the dead, 358sqq., 375, or the names of chiefs and kings, 375, 376sqq.;

of ancestors bestowed on their reincarnations, 368sq.;

of kings and chiefs tabooed, 374sqq.;

of supernatural beings tabooed, 384sqq.;

of gods tabooed, 387sqq.;

of spirits and gods, magical virtue of, 389sqq.;

of Roman gods not to be mentioned, 391n.1;

lucky, 391n.1;

of dangerous animals not to be mentioned, 396sqq.

Names, new, given to the sick and old, 319;

new, at initiation, 320

—— of the dead tabooed, 349sqq.;

not borne by the living, 354;

revived after a time, 365sqq.

—— personal, tabooed, 318sqq.;

kept secret from fear of magic, 320sqq.;

different in summer and winter, 386

Namesakes of the dead change their names to avoid attracting the attention of the ghost, 355sqq.;

of deceased persons regarded as their reincarnations, 365sqq.

Naming the dead a serious crime, 352, 354;

of children, solemnities at the, connected with belief in the reincarnation of ancestors in their namesakes, 372

Namosi, in Fiji, 264

Nandi, the, 175, 273, 310, 330

Nanumea, island of, 102

Narbrooi, a spirit or god, 60

Narcissus and his reflection, 94

Narrinyeri, the, 126sq.

Natchez, customs of manslayers among the, 181

Nats, demons, 90

Natural death of sacred king or priest, supposed fatal consequences of, 6, 7

Navajo Indians, 112sq., 325, 385

Navel-string used to recall the soul, 48

Nazarite, vow of the, 262

Nelson, E. W., 228, 237

Nets to catch souls, 69sq.;

as amulets, 300, 307

New Britain, 85

—— Caledonia, 92, 141

—— everything, excites awe of savages, 230sqq.

—— fire made by friction, 286

—— Hebrides, the, 56, 127

—— names given to the sick and old, 319;

at initiation, 320

—— Zealand, sanctity of chiefs in, 134sqq.

Nias, island of, conception of the soul in, 29;

custom of the people of, 107;

special language of hunters in, 410;

special language employed by reapers in, 410sq.

Nicknames used in order to avoid the use of the real names, 321, 331

Nicobar Islands, customs as to shadows at burials in the, 80sq.

Nicobarese, the, 357;

changes in their language, 362sq.

Nieuwenhuis, Dr. A. W., 99

Night, King of the, 23

Nine knots in magic, 302, 303, 304

Noon, sacrifices to the dead at, 88;

superstitious dread of, 88

Nootka Indians, their idea of the soul, [pg 439] 27;

customs of girls at puberty among the, 146n.1;

their preparation for war, 160sq.

North American Indians, their dread of menstruous women, 145;

their theory of names, 318sq.

Norway, superstition as to parings of nails in, 283

Nose stopped to prevent the escape of the soul, 31, 71

Nostrils, soul supposed to escape by the, 30, 32, 33, 122

Novelties excite the awe of savages, 230sqq.

Novices at initiation, taboos observed by, 141sq., 156sq.

Nubas, the, 132

Nufoors of New Guinea, 332, 341, 415

Obscene language in ritual, 154, 155

O'Donovan, E., 304

Oesel, island of, 42

Ojebways, the, 160

Oldfield, A., 350

Omahas, customs as to murderers among the, 187

Omens, reliance on, 110

One shoe on and one shoe off, 311sqq.

Ongtong Java Islands, 107

Onitsha, the king of, 123

Opening everything in house to facilitate childbirth, 296sq.

Orestes, the matricide, 188, 287

Oro, war god, 69

Orotchis, the, 232

Ot Danoms, the, 103

Ottawa Indians, the, 78

Ovambo, the, 227

Overshadowed, danger of being, 82sq.

Ovid, on loosening the hair, 311

Ox, purification by passing through the body of an, 173

Padlocks as amulets, 307

Painting bodies of manslayers, 175, 178, 179, 180, 186n.1

Palaces, kings not allowed to leave their, 122sqq.

Pantang, taboo, 405

Panther, ceremonies at the slaughter of a, 219

Parents named after their children, 331sqq.

—— -in-law, their names not to be pronounced, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342

Partition of spiritual and temporal power between religious and civil kings, 17sqq.

Patagonians, the, 281

Paton, W. R., 382n.4, 383n.1

Pawnees, the, 228

Peace, ceremony at making, 274

Pelias and Jason, 311

Pentateuch, the, 219

Pepper in purificatory rites, 106, 114

Perils of the soul, 26sqq.

Perseus and the Gorgon, 312

Persian kings, their custom at meals, 119

Persons, tabooed, 131sqq.

Philosophy, primitive, 420sq.

Phong long, ill luck caused by women in childbed, 155

Photographed or painted, supposed danger of being, 96sqq.

Pictures, supposed danger of, 96sq.

Pig, the word unlucky, 233

Pigeons, special language employed by Malays in snaring, 407sq.

Pilgrims to Mecca not allowed to wear knots and rings, 293sq.

Pimas, the purification of manslayers among the, 182sqq.

Plataea, Archon of, forbidden to touch iron, 227;

escape of besieged from, 311

Pliny on crossed legs and clasped hands, 298;

on knotted threads, 303

Plutarch, 249

Poison, continence observed at brewing, 200

—— ordeal, 15

Polar bear, taboos concerning the, 209

Polemarch, the, at Athens, 22

Pollution or sanctity, their equivalence in primitive religion, 145, 158, 224

—— and holiness not differentiated by savages, 224

Polynesia, names of chiefs tabooed in, 381

Polynesian chiefs sacred, 136

Pons Sublicius, 230

Port Moresby, 203

Porto Novo, 23

Portraits, souls in, 96sqq.;

supposed dangers of, 96sqq.

Powers, S., 326

Pregnancy, husband's hair kept unshorn during wife's, 261;

conduct of husband during wife's, 294, 295;

superstitions as to knots during wife's, 294sq.

Pregnant women, their superstitions about shadows, 82sq.

Premature birth, 213. See Miscarriage

Pricking patient with needles to expel demons of disease, 106

Priests to be shaved with bronze, 226;

their hair unshorn, 259, 260;

foods tabooed to, 291

Prisoners shaved, 273;

released at festivals, 316

Propitiation of the souls of the slain, 166;

of spirits of slain animals, 190, 204sq.;

of ancestors, 197

[pg 440]

Prussians, the old, their funeral feasts, 238

Pulque, 201, 249

Puppets or dolls employed for the restoration of souls to their bodies, 53sqq.

Purge as mode of ceremonial purification, 175

Purification of city, 188;

of Pimas after slaying Apaches, 182sqq.;

of hunters and fishers, 190sq.;

of moral guilt by physical agencies, 217sq.;

by cutting the hair, 283sqq.

—— of manslayers, 165sqq.;

intended to rid them of the ghosts of the slain, 186sq.

Purificatory ceremonies at reception of strangers, 102sqq.;

on return from a journey, 111sqq.

Purity, ceremonial, observed in war, 157

Pygmies, the African, 282

Pythagoras, maxims of, 314n.2

Python, punishment for killing a, 222

Quartz used at circumcision instead of iron, 227

Queensland, aborigines of, 159n.

Ra and Isis, 387sqq.

Rabbah, siege of, 273

Rain caused by cut or combed out hair, 271, 272;

word for, not to be mentioned, 413

—— -charm by pouring water, 154sq.

—— -makers, their hair unshorn, 259sq.

Rainbow, the, a net for souls, 79

Ramanga, 246

Raven, soul as a, 34

Raw flesh not to be looked on, 239

—— meat, prohibition to touch or name, 13

Reapers, special language employed by, 410sq., 411sq.

Reasoning, definite, at the base of savage custom, 420n.1

Rebirth of ancestors in their descendants, 368sq.

Recall of the soul, 30sqq.

Red, bodies of manslayers painted, 175, 179;

faces of manslayers painted, 185, 186n.1

Reflection, the soul identified with the, 92sqq.

Reflections in water or mirrors, supposed dangers of, 93sq.

Refuse of food, magic wrought by means of, 126sqq.

Regeneration, pretence of, 113

Reincarnation of the dead in their namesakes, 365sqq.;

of ancestors in their descendants, 368sqq.

Reindeer, taboos concerning, 208

Relations, names of, tabooed, 335sqq.

Relationship, terms of, used as terms of address, 324sq.

Release of prisoners at festivals, 316

Religion, passage of animism into, 213

Reluctance to accept sovereignty on account of taboos attached to it, 17sqq.

Remnants of food buried as a precaution against sorcery, 118, 119, 127sq., 129

Resemblance of child to father, supposed danger of, 88sq.

Resurrection, cut hair and nails kept for use at the, 279sq.

—— of the dead effected by giving their names to living persons, 365sqq.

Rhys, Professor Sir John, 12n.2;

on personal names, 319

Rice used to attract the soul conceived as a bird, 34sqq., 45sqq.;

soul of, not to be frightened, 412

—— -harvest, special language employed by reapers at, 410sq., 411sq.

Ring, broken, 13;

on ankle as badge of office, 15

Rings used to prevent the escape of the soul, 31;

as spiritual fetters, 313sqq.;

as amulets, 314sqq.;

not to be worn, 314

—— and knots tabooed, 293sqq.

Rivers, Dr. W. H. R., 17

Rivers, prohibition to cross, 9sq.

Robertson, Sir George Scott, 14notes

Roepstorff, F. A. de, 362sq.

Roman gods, their names not to be mentioned, 391n.1

—— superstition about crossed legs, 298

Romans, their evocation of gods of besieged cities, 391

Rome, name of guardian deity of Rome kept secret, 391

Roscoe, Rev. J., 85n.1, 145n.4, 195n.1, 254n.5, 277n.10

Roth, W. E., 356

Rotti, custom as to cutting child's hair in the island of, 276, 283;

custom as to knots at marriage in the island of, 301

Roumanian building superstition, 89

Royal blood not to be shed on the ground, 241sqq.

Royalty, the burden of, 1sqq.

Rules of life observed by sacred kings and priests, 1sqq.

Runaways, knots as charm to stop, 305sq.

Russell, F., 183sq.

Sabaea or Sheba, kings of, 124

Sacred chiefs and kings regarded as dangerous, 131sqq., 138;

their analogy [pg 441] to mourners, homicides, and women at menstruation and childbirth, 138

Sacred and unclean, correspondence of rules regarding the, 145

Sacrifices to ghosts, 56, 166;

to the dead, 88;

at foundation of buildings, 89sqq.;

to ancestral spirits, 104

Sagard, Gabriel, 366sq.

Sahagun, B. de, 249

Sailors at sea, special language employed by, 413sqq.

Sakais, the, 348

Sakalavas of Madagascar, the, 10, 327;

customs as to names of dead kings among the, 379sq.

Salish Indians, 66

Salmon, taboos concerning, 209

Salt not to be eaten, 167, 182, 184, 194, 195, 196;

name of, tabooed, 401

—— -pans, continence observed by workers in, 200

Samoyeds, 353

Sanctity of the head, 252sqq.

—— or pollution, their equivalence in primitive religion, 145, 158, 224

Sankara and the Grand Lama, 78

Saragacos Indians, 152

Satapatha Brahmana, 217

Saturday, persons born on a, 89

Saturn, the planet, 315

Savage, our debt to the, 419sqq.

—— custom the product of definite reasoning, 420n.1

—— philosophy, 420sq.

Saxons of Transylvania, 294

Scapegoat, 214sq.

Scarification of warriors, 160sq.;

of bodies of whalers, 191

Scaring away the ghosts of the slain, 168, 170, 171, 172, 174sq.

Schoolcraft, H. R., 325

Scotch fowlers and fishermen, words tabooed by, 393sqq.

Scotland, common words tabooed in, 392sqq.

Scratching the person or head, rules as to, 146, 156, 158, 159n., 160, 181, 183, 189, 196

Scrofula thought to be caused and cured by touching a sacred chief or king, 133sq.

Sea, horror of the, 10;

offerings made to the, 10;

prohibition to look on the, 10;

special language employed by sailors at, 413sqq.

—— -mammals, atonement for killing, 207;

myth of their origin, 207

Seals, supposed influence of lying-in women on, 152;

taboos observed after the killing of, 207sq., 209, 213

Seclusion of those who have handled the dead, 138sqq.;

of women at menstruation and childbirth, 145sqq., 147sqq.;

of tabooed persons, 165;

of manslayers, 166sqq.;

of cannibals, 188sqq.;

of men who have killed large game, 220sq.

Secret names among the Central Australian aborigines, 321sq.

Sedna, an Esquimau goddess, 152, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213

Semangat, Malay word for the soul, 28, 35

Semites, moral evolution of the, 219

Seoul, capital of Corea, 283

Serpents, purificatory ceremonies observed after killing, 221sqq.

Servius, on Dido's costume, 313

Seven knots in magic, 303, 304, 308

Sewing as a charm, 307

Shades of dead animals, fear of offending, 205, 206, 207

Shadow, the soul identified with the, 77sqq.;

injury done to a man through his, 78sqq.;

diminution of shadow regarded with apprehension, 86sq.;

loss of the, regarded as ominous, 88;

not to fall on a chief, 255

Shadows drawn out by ghosts, 80;

animals injured through their, 81sq.;

of trees sensitive, 82;

of certain birds and people viewed as dangerous, 82sq.;

built into the foundations of edifices, 89sq.;

of mourners dangerous, 142;

of certain persons dangerous, 173

Shamans among the Thompson Indians, 57sq.

—— Buryat, their mode of recovering lost souls, 56sq.

—— Yakut, 63

Shark Point, priestly king at, 5

Sharp instruments, use of, tabooed, 205

—— weapons tabooed, 237sqq.

Shaving prisoners, reason of, 273

Sheep used in purificatory ceremony, 174, 175;

shoulder-blades of, used in divination, 229

Shetland fishermen, their tabooed words, 394

Shoe untied at marriage, 300;

custom of going with one shoe on and one shoe off, 311sqq.

Shoulder-blades, divination by, 229

Shuswap Indians, the, 83, 142

Siam, kings of, 226, 241;

names of kings of, concealed from fear of sorcery, 375

Siamese children, ceremony at cutting their hair, 265sqq.

—— view of the sanctity of the head, 252sq.

Sick man, attempts to prevent the escape of the soul of, 30sqq.

[pg 442]

Sick people not allowed to sleep, 95;

sprinkled with pungent spices, 105sq.

—— -room, mirrors covered up in, 95

Sickness explained by the absence of the soul, 42sqq.;

caused by ancestral spirits, 53

Sierra Leone, priests and kings of, 14sq., 18

—— Nevada of Colombia, 215, 216

Sigurd and Fafnir, 324

Sikhim, kings of, 20

Silkworms, taboos observed by breeders of, 194

Simpson, W., 125n.3

Sin regarded as something material, 214, 216, 217sq.

Singhalese, 297; their fear of demons, 233sq.

Sins, confession of, 114, 191, 195, 211sq., 214sqq.;

originally a magical ceremony, 217

Sisters-in-law, their names not to be pronounced, 338, 342, 343

Sit, Egyptian god, 68

Sitting on the ground prohibited to warriors, 159, 162, 163

Skull-cap worn by girls at their first menstruation, 146;

worn by Australian widows, 182n.2

Skulls of ancestors rubbed as a propitiation, 197;

of dead used as drinking-cups, 372

Slain, ghosts of the, fear of the, 165sqq.

Slave Coast, the, 9

Slaves, runaway, charm for recovering, 305sq.

Sleep, absence of soul in, 36sqq.;

sick people not allowed to, 95;

forbidden in house after a death, 37sq.;

forbidden to unsuccessful eagle-hunter, 199

Sleeper not to be wakened suddenly, 39sqq.;

not to be moved nor his appearance altered, 41sq.

Smallpox not mentioned by its proper name, 400, 410, 411, 416

Smearing blood on the person as a purification, 104, 115;

on persons, dogs, and weapons as a mode of pacifying their souls, 219

—— bodies of manslayers with porridge, 176

—— porridge or fat on the person as a purification, 112

—— sheep's entrails on body as mode of purification, 174

Smith, W, Robertson, 77n.1, 96n.1, 243n.7, 247n.5

Smith's craft regarded us uncanny, 236n.5

Snakes not called by their proper names, 399, 400, 401sq., 411

Snapping the thumbs to prevent the departure of the soul, 31

Snares set for souls, 69

Son-in-law, his name not to be pronounced, 338sq., 344, 345

Sorcerers, souls extracted or detained by, 69sqq.;

make use of cut hair and other bodily refuse, 268sq., 274sq.;

278, 281sq. See also Magic

Soul conceived as a mannikin, 26sqq.;

the perils of the, 26sqq.;

ancient Egyptian conception of the, 28sq.;

representations of the soul in Greek art, 29n.1;

as a butterfly, 29n.1, 41, 51sq.;

absence and recall of the, 30sqq.;

attempts to prevent the soul from escaping from the body, 30sqq.;

sickness attributed to the absence of the, 32, 42sqq.;

tied by thread or string to the body, 32sq., 43, 51;

conceived as a bird, 33sqq.;

absent in sleep, 36sqq.;

in form of mouse, 37, 39n.2;

in form of lizard, 38;

in form of fly, 39;

caught in a cloth, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 64, 67, 75sq.;

identified with the shadow, 77sqq.;

identified with the reflection in water or a mirror, 92sqq.;

supposed to escape at eating and drinking, 116;

in the blood, 240, 241, 247, 250;

identified with the personal name, 319;

of rice not to be frightened, 412

Souls, every man thought to have four, 27, 80;

light and heavy, thin and fat, 29;

transferred to other bodies, 49;

impounded in magic fence, 56;

abducted by demons, 58sqq.;

transmigrate into animals, 65;

brought back in a visible form, 65sqq.;

caught in snares or nets, 69sqq.;

extracted or detained by sorcerers, 69sqq.;

in tusks of ivory, 70;

conjured into jars, 70;

in boxes, 70, 76;

shut up in calabashes, 72;

transferred from the living to the dead, 73;

gathered into a basket, 72;

wounded and bleeding, 73;

supposed to be in portraits, 96sqq.

—— of beasts respected, 223

—— of the dead all malignant, 145;

cannot go to the spirit-land till the flesh has decayed from their bones, 372n.5

—— of the slain, propitiation of, 166

Sovereignty, reluctance to accept the, on account of its burdens, 17sqq.

Spells cast by strangers, 112;

at hair-cutting, 264sq.

Spenser, Edmund, 244sq.

Spices used in exorcism of demons, 105sq.

Spirit of dead apparently supposed to decay with the body, 372

[pg 443]

Spirits averse to iron, 232sqq.

—— of land, conciliation of the, 110sq.

Spiritual power, its divorce from temporal power, 17sqq.

Spitting forbidden, 196;

as a protective charm, 279, 286;

upon knots as a charm, 302

Spittle effaced or concealed, 288sqq.;

tabooed, 287sqq.;

used in magic, 268, 269, 287sqq.;

used in making a covenant, 290

Spoil taken from enemy purified, 177

Spoons used in eating by tabooed persons, 141, 148, 189

Sprained leg, cure for, 304sq.

Spring and summer, myths of divinities and spirits to be told only in, 384

Sprinkling with holy water, 285sq.

St. Sylvester's Day, 88

Stabbing reflections in water to injure the persons reflected, 93

Stade, Hans, captive among Brazilian Indians, 231

Standard of conduct shifted from natural to supernatural basis, 213

Stepping over persons or things forbidden, 159sq., 194, 423sqq.;

over dead panther, 219.

See also Jumping

Stone knives and arrow-heads used in religious ritual, 228

Stones on which a man's shadow should not fall, 80

Storms caused by cutting or combing the hair, 271, 282

Strange land, ceremonies at entering a, 109sqq.

Strangers, taboos on intercourse with, 101sqq.;

suspected of practising magical arts, 102;

ceremonies at the reception of, 102sqq.;

dread of, 102sqq.;

spells cast by, 112;

killed, 113

String or thread used to tie soul to body, 32sq., 43, 51

Strings, knotted, as amulets, 309.

See also Cords, Threads

“Strong names” of kings of Dahomey, 374

Sulka, the, 151, 331

Sultan Bayazid and his soul, 50

Sultans veiled, 120

Sumba, custom as to the names of princes in the island of, 376

Summer, myths of gods and spirits not to be told in, 385sq.

—— and winter, personal names different in, 386

Sun not allowed to shine on sacred persons, 3, 4, 6

—— -god draws away souls, 64sq.

Sunda, tabooed words in, 341, 415

Supernatural basis of morality, 213sq.

Supernatural beings, their names tabooed, 384sqq.

Superstition a crutch to morality, 219

Swaheli charm, 305sq.

Sweating as a purification, 142, 184

Swelling and inflammation thought to be caused by eating out of sacred vessels or by wearing sacred garments, 4

Sympathetic connexion between a person and the severed parts of his body, 267sq., 283

—— magic, 164, 201, 204, 258, 268, 287

Synonyms adopted in order to avoid naming the dead, 359sqq.;

in the Zulu language, 377;

in the Maori language, 381

Taboo of chiefs and kings in Tonga, 133sq.;

of chiefs in New Zealand, 134sqq.;

Esquimaux theory of, 210sqq.;

the meaning of, 224

—— rajah and chief, 24sq.

Tabooed acts, 101sqq.

—— hands, 138, 140sqq., 146sqq., 158, 159n.

—— persons, 131sqq.;

secluded, 165

—— things, 224sqq.

—— words, 318sqq.

Taboos, royal and priestly, 1sqq.;

on intercourse with strangers, 101sqq.;

on eating and drinking, 116sqq.;

on shewing the face, 120sqq.;

on quitting the house, 122sqq.;

on leaving food over, 126sqq.;

on persons who have handled the dead, 138sqq.;

on warriors, 157sqq.;

on manslayers, 165sqq.;

imposed on murderers, 187sq.;

imposed on hunters and fishers, 190sqq.;

transformed into ethical precepts, 214;

survivals of, in morality, 218sq.;

as spiritual insulators, 224;

on sharp weapons, 237sqq.;

on blood, 239sqq.;

relating to the head, 252sqq.;

on hair, 258sqq.;

on spittle, 287sqq.;

on foods, 291sqq.;

on knots and rings, 293sqq.;

on words, 318sqq., 392sqq.;

on personal names, 318sqq.;

on names of relations, 335sqq.;

on the names of the dead, 349sqq.;

on names of kings and chiefs, 374sqq.;

on names of supernatural beings, 384sqq.;

on names of gods, 387sqq.

—— observed by the Mikado, 3sq.;

by headmen in Assam, 11;

by ancient kings of Ireland, 11sq.;

by the Flamen Dialis, 13sq.;

by the Bodia or Bodio, 15;

by sacred milkmen among the Todas, 16sqq.

Tahiti, 255

[pg 444]

Tahiti, kings of, 226;

abdicate on birth of a son, 20;

their names not to be pronounced, 381sq.

Tails of cats docked as a magical precaution, 128sq.

Tales, wandering souls in popular, 49sq.

Tara, the old capital of Ireland, 11

Tartar Khan, ceremony at visiting a, 114

Teeth, loss of, supposed effect of breaking a taboo, 140;

loosened by angry ghosts, 186n.1;

as a rain-charm, 271;

extracted, kept against the resurrection, 280.

See also Tooth

Temple at Jerusalem, the, 230

Temporary reincarnation of the dead in their living namesakes, 371

Tendi, Batta word for soul, 45.

See also Tondi

Tepehuanes, the, 97

Terms of relationship used as terms of address, 324sq.

Thakambau, 131

Thebes in Egypt, priestly kings of, 13

Theocracies in America, 6

Thesmophoria, release of prisoners at, 316

Thessalian witch, 390

Things tabooed, 224sqq.

Thompson Indians of British Columbia, 37sq.;

customs of mourners among the, 142sq.

Thomson, Joseph, 98

Thorn bushes to keep off ghosts, 142

Thread or string used to tie soul to body, 32sq., 43, 51

Threads, knotted, in magic, 303, 304sq., 307

Three knots in magic, 304, 305

Thumbs snapped to prevent the departure of the soul, 31

Thunderstorms caused by cut hair, 271, 282

Thurn, E. F. im, 324sq.

Tigers not called by their proper names, 401, 402, 403sq., 410, 415;

called dogs, 402;

called jackals, 402, 403

Timines of Sierra Leone, 18

Timor, fetish or taboo rajah in, 24;

customs as to war in, 165sq.

Tin ore, Malay superstitions as to, 407

Tinneh or Déné Indians, 145sq.

Toboongkoos of Celebes, 48, 78

Todas, holy milkmen of the, 15sqq.

Togoland, 247

Tolampoos, the, 319

Tolindoos, the, 78

Tondi, Batta word for soul, 35.

See also Tendi

Tonga, divine chiefs in, 21;

the taboo of chiefs and kings in, 133sq.;

taboos connected with the dead in, 140

Tonquin, division of monarchy in, 19sq.;

kings of, 125

Tooitonga, divine chief of Tonga, 21

Tooth knocked out as initiatory rite, 244.

See also Teeth

Toradjas, tabooed names among the, 340;

their field-speech, 411sqq.

Touching sacred king or chief, supposed effects of, 132sqq.

Trading voyages, continence observed on, 203

Tradition, historical, hampered by the taboo on the names of the dead, 363sqq.

Transference of souls from the living to the dead, 73;

of souls to other bodies, 49;

of sins, 214sqq.

Transgressions, need of confessing, 211sq.

See also Sins

Transmigration of souls into animals, 65

Transylvania, the Germans of, 296, 310

Traps set for souls, 70sq.

Travail, women in, knots on their garments untied, 294.

See also Childbirth

Travellers, knots used as charms by, 306

Tree-spirits, fear of, 412sq.

Trees, the shadows of trees sensitive, 82;

cut hair deposited on or under, 14, 275sq., 286

Tuaregs, the, 117, 122; their fear of ghosts, 353

Tumleo, island of, 150

Tupi Indians, their customs as to eating captives, 179sq.

Turtle catching, taboos in connexion with, 192

Tusks of ivory, souls in, 70

Twelfth Night, 396

Twins, water poured on graves of, 154sq.

—— father of, taboos observed by the, 239sq.;

his hair shaved and nails cut, 284

Tycoons, the, 19

Tying the soul to the body, 32sq., 43

Tylor, E. B., on reincarnation of ancestors, 372n.1

Uganda, 84, 86, 112, 145, 164n.1, 239, 243, 254, 263, 277, 330, 369.

See also Baganda

Ulster, kings of, 12

Unclean and sacred, correspondence of the rules regarding the, 145

Uncleanness regarded as a vapour, 152, 206;

of manslayers, of menstruous and lying-in women, and of persons who have handled the dead, 169;

of whalers, 191, 207;

of lion-killer, 220;

of bear-killers, 221

[pg 445]

Uncovered in the open air, prohibition to be, 3, 14

Unyoro, king of, his custom of drinking milk, 119;

cowboy of the king of, 159n.;

diet of the king of, 291sq.

Vapour thought to be exhaled by lying-in women and hunters, 152, 206;

supposed, of blood and corpses, 210sq.;

supposed to be produced by the violation of a taboo, 212

Varuna, festival of, 217

Veiling faces to avert evil influences, 120sqq.

Venison, taboos concerning, 208sq.

Vermin from hair returned to their owner, 278

Vessels used by tabooed persons destroyed, 4, 131, 139, 145, 156, 284

—— special, employed by tabooed persons, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 160, 167, 185, 189, 197, 198

Victims, sacrificial, carried round city, 188

Vine, prohibition to walk under a, 14, 248

Virgil, the enchantress in, 305;

on rustic militia of Latium, 311

Vow, hair kept unshorn during a, 261sq., 285

Wabondei, the, 272

Wadai, Sultan of, 120

Wakan, mysterious, sacred, taboo, 225n.

Wakelbura, the, 31

Wallis Island, 140

Walrus, taboos concerning, 208sq.

Wanigela River, 192

Wanika, the, 247

Wanyamwesi, the, 112, 330

Wanyoro (Banyoro), the, 278

War, continence in, 157, 158n.1, 161, 163, 164, 165;

rules of ceremonial purity observed in, 157sqq.;

hair kept unshorn in, 261

—— chief, or war king, 20, 21, 24

—— -dances, 169, 170, 178, 182

Warm food tabooed, 189

Warramunga, the, 384

Warriors tabooed, 157sqq.

Washing the head, 253. See Bathing

Water poured as a rain-charm, 154sq.;

holy, sprinkling with, 285sq.

—— -spirits, danger of, 94

Wax figure in magic, 74

Weapons of manslayers, purification of, 172, 182, 219

Wedding ring, an amulet against witchcraft, 314

Were-wolf, 42

Whale, solemn burial of dead, 223

Whalers, taboos observed by, 191sq., 205sqq.

Wheaten flour, prohibition to touch, 13

White, faces and bodies of manslayers painted, 175, 186n.1;

lion-killer painted, 220

—— clay, Caffre boys at circumcision smeared with, 156

Whydah, king of, 129

Widows and widowers, customs observed by, 142sq., 144sq., 182n.2

Wied, Prince of, 96

Wife's mother, the savage's dread of his, 83sqq.;

her name not to be pronounced by her son-in-law, 337, 338, 343

—— name not to be pronounced by her husband, 337, 338, 339

Wild beasts not called by their proper names, 396sqq.

Wilkinson, R. J., 416n.4

Willow wands as disinfectants, 143

Windessi, in New Guinea, 169

Winds kept in jars, 5

Wine, the blood of the vine, 248;

called milk, 249n.2

Wing-bone of eagle used to drink through, 189

Winter, myths of gods and spirits to be told only in, 385sq.

Wirajuri, the, 269

Witch's soul departs from her in sleep, 39, 41, 42

Witches make use of cut hair, 270, 271, 279, 282

Wollunqua, a mythical serpent, 384

Wolofs of Senegambia, 323

Wolves, charms to protect cattle from, 307;

not to be called by their proper names, 396, 397, 398, 402

Women tabooed at menstruation and childbirth, 145sqq.;

abstinence from, during war, 157, 158n.1, 161, 163, 164;

in childbed holy, 225n.;

blood of, dreaded, 250sq.

Women's clothes, supposed effects of touching, 164sq.

“Women's speech” among the Caffres, 335sq.

Words tabooed, 318sqq.;

savages take a materialistic view of words, 331

—— common, changed because they are the names of the dead, 358sqq., 375,

or the names of chiefs and kings, 375, 376sqq.;

tabooed, 392sqq.

Wounded men not allowed to drink milk, 174sq.

Wrist tied to prevent escape of soul, 32, 43, 51

—— bands as amulets, 315

Wurunjeri tribe, 42

[pg 446]

Xenophanes, on the gods, 387

Yabim, the, 151, 306, 354, 386

Yakut shaman, 63

Yams, Feast of, 123

Yaos, the, 97sq.

Yawning, soul supposed to depart in, 31

Yewe order, secret society in Togo, 383

Yorubas, rebirth of ancestors among the, 369

Zapotecs of Mexico, the pontiff of the, 6sq.

Zend-Avesta, the, on cut hair and nails, 277

Zeus on Mount Lycaeus, sanctuary of, 88

Zulu language, its diversity, 377

Zulus, names of chiefs and kings tabooed among the, 376sq.;

their superstition as to reflections in water, 91

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