Ende dieses Projekt Gutenberg Etextes Römische Elegien, von Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

End of Project Gutenberg's Roemische Elegien, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Produced by Delphine Lettau and Mike Pullen

This Etext is in German.

We are releasing two versions of this Etext, one in 7-bit format, known as Plain Vanilla ASCII, which can be sent via plain email— and one in 8-bit format, which includes higher order characters— which requires a binary transfer, or sent as email attachment and may require more specialized programs to display the accents. This is the 8-bit version.

This book content was graciously contributed by the Gutenberg Projekt-DE.
That project is reachable at the web site http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/.

Dieses Buch wurde uns freundlicherweise vom "Gutenberg Projekt-DE" zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Projekt ist unter der Internet-Adresse http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/ erreichbar.

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