[10] Address before the Pennsylvania State Bar Association at its eighteenth annual meeting, held at Cape May, New Jersey, June 25, 1912.

[11] 188 United States Reports, p. 375.

[12] 98 New York Reports, p. 98.

[13] 33 Hun's Reports, pp. 380, 382, 383.

[14] 177 New York Reports, p. 145; 198 United States Reports, p. 45.

[15] 169 United States Reports, p. 366.

[16] 207 United States Reports, p. 463.

[17] 223 United States Reports, p. 1.

[18] 201 New York Reports, p. 271.

[19] The Federalist, Ford's edition, pp. 520, 521, 522.

[20] 1 Cranch's Reports, pp. 176-177.

[21] 204 New York Reports, p. 534.

[22] Since this address was delivered, the sixteenth amendment has been ratified. It was proposed by Congress July 16, 1909, and declared effective February 25, 1913. The seventeenth amendment was proposed by Congress May 15, 1912, and declared effective May 31, 1913. In view of this demonstration, it should certainly not be any longer urged that the Constitution of the United States is practically unamendable.

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