The Old Man of Lagga.

Near Lagga Church, in the municipality of Langhundra, is a singularly formed mountain. On the side of it toward the church is an opening, from which, it is said, two paths lead—the one south to a hill near the so called “Meadow Watcher’s Cottage,” the other north to Kashögen, near Kasby estate.

In the mountain lived a giant called Lagge Gubben—old man Lagge—who, when last seen, was at least five hundred years old, and his hair as white as the feathers of a dove.

Early one morning a peasant named Jacob going to the village of Lagga, passed the mountain, when the old mountain man came out and saluted him: “Good morning, Joppe! Will you come in and drink healths with me?”

“No, thank you,” replied Jacob, who had no desire for such companionship. “If you have more than you are able to drink, save it until morning, for there is another day coming.”

“That is good advice,” said Lagga. “Had I known that before, I should have been a richer man, now.”

“It is not yet too late,” replied the peasant.

“Yes it is, for I must leave here in the morning on account of the church bells,” said the giant, shaking his fist at Lagga clock tower. [193]

“You will come again, never fear,” said Jacob consolingly.

“Yes, when Lagga Fjord becomes a field and Ostund Lake a meadow,” replied the giant with a sigh, and disappeared into the mountain. [194]

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