Could she—herself—have been to blame?

It lifts a load from us, fixing the blame on Society.  There were periods in the play when we hardly knew what to think.  The scientific father, the dead mother, the early husband! it was difficult to grasp the fact that they alone were to blame.  One felt there was something to be said for even them.  Ugly thoughts would cross our mind that perhaps the Heroine herself was not altogether irreproachable—that possibly there would have been less Problem, if, thinking a little less about her clothes, yearning a little less to do nothing all day long and be perfectly happy, she had pulled herself together, told herself that the world was not built exclusively for her, and settled down to the existence of an ordinary decent woman.

Looking at the thing all round, that is perhaps the best solution of the Problem: it is Society that is to blame.  We had better keep to that.

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