
War, causes of, 2. 373; 4. 422 foll.; 8. 547 A; an art, 2. 374 A (cp. 4. 422, and Laws 11. 921 E); men, women, and children to go to, 5. 452 foll., 467, 471 E; 7. 537 A; regulations concerning, 5. 467–471; a matter of chance, ib. 467 E [cp. Laws 1. 638 A]; distinction between internal and external, ib. 470 A [cp. Laws 1. 628, 629]; the guilt of, always confined to a few persons, ib. 471 B; love of, especially characteristic of timocracy, 8. 547 E; cannot be easily waged by an oligarchy, ib. 551 E; the rich and the poor in war, ib. 556 C; a favourite resource of the tyrant, ib. 567 A.

Warrior, the brave, rewards of, 5. 468; his burial, ib. E; the warrior must know how to count, 7. 522 E, 525; must be a geometrician, ib. 526.

Waves, the three, 5. 457 C, 472 A, 473 C.

Weak, the, by nature subject to the strong, 1. 338 [cp. Gorg. 489; Laws 3. 690 B]; not capable of much, either for good or evil, 6. 491 E, 495 B.

Wealth, the advantage of, in old age, 1. 329, 330; the greatest blessing of, ib. 330, 331; the destruction of the arts, 4. 421; influence of, on the state, ib. 422 A [cp. Laws 4. 705; 5. 729 A]; the ‘sinews of war,’ ibid. ; all-powerful in oligarchies and timocracies, 8. 548 A, 551 B, 553, 562 A; an impediment to virtue, 378 ib. 550 E [cp. Laws 5. 728 A; 742 E; 8. 831, 836 A]; should only be acquired to a moderate amount, 9. 591 E [cp. Laws 7. 801 B]:
—the blind god of wealth (Pluto), 8. 554 B:
—Wealthy, the, everywhere hostile to the poor, 4. 423 A; 8. 551 E [cp. Laws 5. 736 A]; flattered by them, 5. 465 C; the wealthy and the wise, 6. 489 B; plundered by the multitude in democracies, 8. 564, 565.

Weaving, the art of, 3. 401 A; 5. 455 D.

Weep, the guardians not to, 3. 387 C (cp. 10. 603 E).

Weighing, art of, corrects the illusions of sight, 10. 602 D.

Whole, the, in regard to the happiness of the state, 4. 420 D; 5. 466 A; 7. 519 E; in love, 5. 474 C, 475 B; 6. 485 B.

Whorl, the great, 10. 616.

Wicked, the, punishment of, in the world below, 2. 363; 10. 614; thought by men to be happy, 1. 354; 2. 364 A; 3. 392 B (cp. 8. 545 A, and Gorg. 470 foll.; Laws 2. 66 1; 10. 899 E, 905 A).

Wine, lovers of, 5. 475 A.

Wisdom (σοφία, φρόνησις) and injustice, 1. 349, 350; in the state, 4. 428; akin to truth, 6. 485 D; the power of, 7. 518, 519; the only virtue which is innate in us, ib. 518 E.

Wise man, the, = the good, 1. 350 [cp. 1 Alcib. 124, 125]; definition of, 4. 442 C; alone has true pleasure, 9. 583 B; life of, ib. 591;
—‘the wise to go to the doors of the rich,’ 6. 489 B;
—wise men said to be the friends of the tyrant, 8. 568.

Wives to be common in the state, 5. 457 foll.; 8. 543.

Wolves, men changed into, 8. 565 D; ‘wolf and flock’ (proverb), 3. 415 D.

Women, employments of, 5. 455; differences of taste in, ib. 456; fond of complaining, 8. 549 D; supposed to differ in nature from men, 5. 453; inferior to men, ib. 455 [cp. Tim. 42; Laws 6. 781]; ought to be trained like men, ib. 451, 466 [cp. Laws 7. 805; 8. 829 E]; in the gymnasia, ib. 452, 457 [cp. Laws 7. 813, 814; 8. 833]; in war, ib. 453 foll., 466 E, 471 E [cp. Laws 6. 785; 7. 806, 814 A]; to be guardians, ib. 456, 458, 468; 7. 540 C; (and children) to be common, 5. 450 E, 457 foll., 462, 464; 8. 543 [cp. Laws 5. 739]. See supra s. v. State, p. 374.

World, the, cannot be a philosopher, 6. 494 A.

World below, the, seems very near to the aged, 1. 330 E; not to be reviled, 3. 386 foll. [cp. Crat. 403; Laws 5. 727 E; 8. 828 D]; pleasure of discourse in, 6. 498 D [cp. Apol. 41]; punishment of the wicked in, 2. 363; 10. 614 foll.; sex in, 10. 618 B;
—[heroes] who have ascended from the world below to the gods, 7. 521 C.


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