A. Agriculture, Russian,  291. Albrecht, the Prophet,  137. Alexander II., Czar,  264,  265; death,  283. Alliance, Republican Socialist,  47. Amorphism,  274. Anarchism,  4; in France,  47; Austria,  55; Italy,  58; Spain,  62; Portugal,  66; Belgium,  70; Holland,  73; Switzerland,  74; Boston,  77,  248; United States,  80; London,  86; Melbourne,  91; ultra-socialistic,  249; ultra-democratic,  250; ultra-revolutionary,  255; anti-religious,  254; Warsaw,  296. Anarchist, The 86. Anarchists, Congress at Geneva,  254. Applegarth, Mr.,  320. Arbitration, Papal,  245; courts of,  431. Arendal Congress,  66. Ashburnham, Lord,  243. Austria, Socialism in,  54; condition of people in,  56. Aveling, Dr. and Mrs., on America,  81; on Knights of Labor,  84; on Anarchists,  249. B. Babbage, C.,  26. Baboeuf, C. G.,  17,  188. Bakunin, M., in Italy,  57; Hegelian,  261; with German Hegelians,  261; escape,  273; in London,  274; Amorphism,  274; Lyons insurrection,  278; in Zurich,  278. Bamberger, M.,  203. Barton, Mr.,  370. Bastiat, M.,  297. Bax, Belfort,  84. Baxter, Dudley,  303. Beaconsfield, Lord,  210. Bebel, A.,  34; on armaments,  37,  41,  125. Becker, B.,  108. Beesley, Professor,  149. Beggars in Russia,  286. Belgium, Socialism,  45,  70; forests,  412 railways,  416. Bellamy, E.,  79,  403,  434. Besant, Mrs.,  88. Bismarck, Prince, State Socialism,  12; Rodbertus on,  34 peasant-catching,  52 right to labour,  421. Black Division Party, The,  283. Black Division, The,  292. Black Hand, The,  62. Blanc, Louis,  2,  3,  95,  122; theist,  254. Blanquists,  53. Boeckh, Professor,  97. Boehmert, V.,  315. Boerenbond, The,  245. Bonar, Mr., quoted,  75. Boston Anarchists,  77. Boycotting,  42. Birmingham,  433. Brassey, Lord,  310,  330. Brentano, Professor L., on A. Smith,  198; on condition of people,  204 working-class claims,  213 trade unions,  216 working class insurance,  216. Brimstone League,  148. Brissot, M.,  16. Brook Farm,  402. Brousse, M.,  50. Broussists,  51,  52. Buchsel, Dr.,  239. Buda Pest Congress,  54. Burns, John,  85. Burt, T., M.P.,  86. C. Cabet,  3. Cairnes, Professor, on Mill,  5; on working-class prospects,  297 cost of labour,  310. California,  435. Carpenter, E.,  89. Castelar, E.,  61. Catholic Church on employer's responsibility,  72. Catholic Socialists,  223. Catholic Workmen's Clubs,  223,  229,  in France,  243. Caudron, Father,  243,  244. Cavour, Count,  288. Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. J., M.P., ransom,  385,  386 overgovernment,  395. Channing, W. H.,  403. Chevalier, Michel,  348. China, Socialist Clubs,  92. Christian Socialism in England,  87,  220 Germany,  223 Austria,  242 France,  243. Christian Social Association,  229. Christian Social Politics,  242. Church, Primitive Communism of,  237. Clemenceau, M.,  47. Coaches, Stage,  451. Cobden, R.,  221 on Government intervention,  372 on Prussian Government,  393. Colins, M.,  2. Colinsian Socialists,  2,  72. Colonization, Nihilist,  281. Companies, Joint Stock,  417. Communards,  46. Commune, Paris,  277 Russian,  259,  289. Communist League,  142,  144. Conciliation Courts,  35. Congress at Halle,  33,  37 Gotha,  88 Havre,  47,  48 Wyden,  44,  126,  421 Zurich,  76 Eisenach,  202 D'Etienne,  50 Buda Pest,  54 Lisbon,  66 Arendal,  86 Stockholm,  67 Copenhagen,  69 Newark, U.S.A.,  80 Leipzig,  103,  179 Geneva,  150. Co-operative production,  338,  339. Copenhagen Congress,  59. Costa, A.,  58. Councils of Labour,  35. Crises, Commercial,  323,  451. D. Dave, V.,  86. Davenant, Dr.,  303,  455. Davitt, Michael,  90. Dawes, Mr., quoted,  60. Day of labour, Normal,  240,  434. Day of labour, Eight hours,  36,  52 Cardinal Manning on,  244 international compulsory,  434 in Victoria,  435 California,  435. Death-rate,  452. Delitzsch. See Schultze-Delitzsch. Democracy, relation to socialism,  16,  18 American and Continental,  20. Denmark, socialism,  67. Denny, William,  315,  322. Distribution of incomes,  456. Dockyards, English,  410. Dolgourouki, the revolutionist,  274. Döllinger, Dr. von,  223. Dönnigsen, Helena von,  106. Dynamite,  256. E. Egaux, Conspiracy of,  17. Eight Hour Day. See Day of labour. Eisenach Congress,  202. Ely, Professor,  77,  80. Emancipation of serfs,  270,  284,  286. Engel, Dr.,  31,  203. Engelhardt, Professor,  293. Engels, F.,  93,  131,  142,  146. England, Socialism in,  83. Equality, Love of,  24. Equality of conditions,  385. Ethical School of Economics,  209. Eudes, General,  53. F. Fabian Society,  88. Familistère of Guise,  2. Farmer, Small,  27,  28,  30. Federalism of C. Marlo,  178. Ferroti (Schedo),  267. Ferroul, M.,  52. Feuerbach, Friedrich,  133. Feuerbach, L.,  131,  132. Fleischmann, M.,  42. Fluctuations, Commercial,  323. Forbes, Father,  243. Forestry,  412. Fourier,  23,  254. France, Liberty in,  21 socialism,  45 municipal socialism,  50. Franklin, B.,  13 on high wages,  365. Fraternity,  269. Freiligrath, F.,  146. Frœbel, F.,  130. Frohme, M.,  35. Fulda Conference,  229. G. Gallenga, A., on unemployed in Italy,  59. Game Laws,  497. Geneva Congress,  150. George, Henry, United Labour Party,  78 a semi-socialist,  78 Mayoralty of New York,  79 in Australia,  90 "Progress and Poverty,"  440 his problem,  445 his explanation,  461 theory of population,  464 of wages,  465 profits,  474 rent,  476 his remedy,  486 land nationalization,  485. Germany, Socialism in,  33 Crown lands and industries,  345. Giffen, R.,  449,  452. Gilbert's Act,  424. Glennie, J. S.,  34. Gneist, Professor,  203. Goethe,  127. Goltz, T. von der, on piecework,  315. Goschen, Right Hon. G. J., State intervention,  346 rationale of Factory Acts,  350 distribution of wealth,  460. Gotha Congress,  38. Gotha Programme,  38,  40. Graham, Mr. Cunninghame, M.P.,  85. Greig, George,  490. Greeley, Horace, on socialist communities,  402. Gronlund, L.,  81. Guesde, J.,  48,  50,  73. Guesdists,  51,  52. H. Hadley, Professor,  416. Hale, Sir M.,  301. Halle Congress,  33,  37,  41. Hartmann, E. von,  355. Hasselmann,  45,  72. Havre Congress,  47. Haxthausen, Professor,  259,  262. Headlam, Rev. S.,  84,  88. Hearn, Professor,  347. Hegel,  131,  261. Hegelians, Young,  3,  5,  130,  139. Heine, H., on Lassalle,  96,  98 on parties,  126. Held, Professor,  196. Herder,  127. Hermann,  309. Herring brand,  412. Herzen, Alexander,  261,  262,  264,  265 letter renouncing revolutionism,  273,  274. Herzenism,  266. Hildebrand, Professor B.,  201,  203. Hill, Sir R.,  382. Hime, Dr., Sheffield, quoted,  341. Hirsch, Max,  203. Hoedel,  33. Holland, Socialism in,  72. House Communities of Russia, Dissolution of,  289. Housing of poor, in Sheffield,  341 McCulloch's view,  367. Howell, G., M.P., on piecework,  315. Hughes, Thomas,  222. Humboldt, A. von,  98,  102. Humboldt, W. von, on freedom,  334 on marriage,  353 on energy,  396. Humphreys, Mr.,  482. Hyndman, H. M.,  84. I. Icarians,  2,  77. "Illegal Men,"  257. Incomes, Distribution of,  486. Increment, Unearned,  488. Ingram, Dr. J. K.,  371. Insurance, National,  423 in New Zealand,  417. International Working Men's Association, in France,  46 Italy,  57 Spain,  60,  62 Denmark,  68 Belgium,  70 Holland,  70 Jurassian Federation,  73 origin,  147 Paris Commune,  152 disruption,  153 in Russia,  276. International Working People's Association, U.S.A.,  80. Internationality,  126. Ireland, Poor Law,  385. Irish labour,  365. "Iron and Cruel Law," view of Lassalle,  121 of Ketteler,  226 of Todt,  237 refuted,  300. Italy, Socialism in,  57. J. Jacobites,  126. Janson, Professor, pauperism in St. Petersburg,  284. Jevons, Professor W. Stanley, commercial statistics,  327. Jews become Nihilists,  271,  296. Jurassian Federation,  73,  250. Justice 84. K. Karakasoff's attempt,  276. Kemball, Sir Arnold,  495. Ketteler, Bishop,  224 iron and cruel law,  226 right of property,  227 part of Church in Social Question,  228. Kildonan Strath improvements,  490. King, Gregory, occupiers of land,  29 classes of population,  301 distribution of wealth,  303 rent of land,  454. Kingsley, Charles,  221. Knies, Professor,  201. Knights of Labor,  82. Koegel, Dr.,  139. Kölping, Father,  223. Koscheleff,  267. Krapotkin, Prince,  45 Lyons anarchist,  48 English anarchism,  86 housing the poor,  250 the Municipal Councils,  252 painter,  280. L. Labour, Cost of, in different countries,  310. Labour Department of State,  35. Labour Emancipation League of Russia,  295. Labouring class prospects,  297,  312. Labour, Knights of,  82. Labour Party of Belgium,  71. Labour Statistical Bureaux,  326. Lafargue, P.,  52. "Land and Liberty" Society,  283. Land, diminishing return,  467 an artificial product,  489 Mill on,  491 speculation in,  493 reform,  496. Landmetzger 484. Land Nationalization in Belgium,  72 in England,  89. Land Restoration League,  90. Laing, Samuel,  411. Laisant, M.,  64. Laissez-faire 336,  352 repudiated by McCulloch,  361 never adopted in England,  373 and property,  394. Lange, F. A.,  216. Laveleye, E. de, on Italian peasantry,  59 no revolutionary Metropolis in Italy,  60 Spanish socialist clubs,  61 the Portuguese,  65 the Scandinavians,  67 Belgian socialism,  71 State Socialism in England,  346 professes State Socialism,  384. Lavergne, M. de, on French and English rural population,  46. Lavrists,  280. Lavroff, P.,  278 his principles,  279 followers,  295. Lassalle, F.,  92 Heine,  96 character,  96 epitaph,  97 a revolution,  97 Humboldt,  98 Countess Hatzfeldt's defence,  99 theft of cassette 100 conviction for treason,  101 literary work,  102 "Working Men's Programme,"  103 summary of,  109 General Working Men's Association,  105 progress of propaganda,  105 Helena von Dönnigsen,  106 death,  108 apotheosis,  108 reply to Schultze-Delitzsch,  114 new socialistic constitution of property,  116 anarchic socialism of existing régime 117 Ricardo's doctrine of value,  119 "iron and cruel law,"  121 productive societies,  122 a national socialist,  124 letter to Feuerbach,  172 on the modern economists,  201 popularity in Russia,  277 on increase of production,  336. Le Basse, Father,  243. Ledru-Rollin, quoted,  22. Leipzig Congress,  103,  179. Leo XIII.,  243 encyclical,  245. Le Play,  284. Leroux, P.,  3. Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul,  219. Lessing,  127. Levi, Professor Leone,  304. Liberalism, Marlo on,  185. Liberty in America,  20 in France,  21 under democracy,  24. Lichtenstein, Prince,  243. Liebknecht, W.,  34 on revolution,  42 peasant catching,  42 religion,  42 future socialist State,  43 expulsion from General Working Men's Association of Germany,  125 foundation of Social Democratic Labour Party,  125 speech at Leipzig,  249. Liège, Congress,  243. Lilyenkrantz, Jacquette,  69. Limitation of production,  313. Limousin, M., minimum of socialism,  14. Lisbon Congress,  66. Locke, John,  353. London, death-rate,  302. Ludlow, Edmund,  127. Ludlow, J. M.,  221. M. Mably,  161. Macaulay, Lord, quoted,  214. Macdonald, Mr., Owenite,  403. Machiavelli, secret societies,  257. Malet, Mr.,  45. Malikowsy,  280. Malthus, T. R.,  369,  421. Malthusianism,  17. Manchester Party of Germany,  201,  212. Manchester School, view of Maurice,  221 of Kingsley,  221 of Todt,  235 their real doctrine,  372. Manning, Cardinal, Liège letter,  244. Marlboro' Association,  405. Marlo, Carl,  178. Marr, W.,  136,  137. Marshall, Professor A.,  437. Martensen, Bishop, Catholicism and socialism,  233. Marx, Karl, historical necessity of socialism,  23 social revolution impossible without English participation,  83 despair of English participation,  84 reception of Das Kapital 127 life,  129 Young Hegelian,  130 early views,  139 Communist League,  142 communist manifesto,  144 International,  149 inaugural address to,  151 summary of Das Kapital 156 value,  160 wages,  161 normal workday,  161 machinery,  170 piecework,  172 over-population,  174 letter from Proudhon,  255 popularity in Russia,  277. Massachusetts, Joint Stock management in,  417. Maurice, F. D.,  11,  221. McCulloch, J. R., disciple of Ricardo,  360 Wages fund,  360 laissez-faire 361 State management,  362 factory system,  363 pauper labour,  364 factory legislation,  366 housing the poor,  366 poor law,  368 agricultural produce,  456. "Medalmen,"  294. Meeker, Mr., Fourierist,  408. Melbourne anarchists,  91. Menger, Prof. A., historical necessity of socialism,  23. Meyer, Rudolph,  242,  383. Michel, Louise,  48. Mill, James,  360. Mill, John Stuart, profession of socialism,  5 liberty,  334 province of Government,  353 over-government in democracy,  395 industrial habits under socialism,  404 unearned increment,  488 land,  472. Ministry of Labour,  35. Mint, The,  412. Mir, The,  252,  262. Molinari, G. de,  3,  45. Montefiore, L.,  97. Morelly,  16. Morier, Sir R.,  288. Morris, William,  84,  85. Most, John,  44,  80,  248. Moufang, Canon,  230,  231. Mulhall, M., wages,  308 textile workers,  323 agricultural rent,  456. Mun, Count A., de,  243. Municipal management,  413. Municipal socialism in France,  51. Mutualists,  3. N. Napoleon I.,  380. Nasmyth, James, manual dexterity,  317,  440. Nasse, Professor E., economic individualism in England,  346. Neale, E. Vansittart,  87. Netchaïeff,  276. Newark Congress,  80. New Zealand, State insurance,  348. Nicholas, Czar,  263,  264. Niewenhuis, D.,  72. Nihilism, Russian,  45,  259 name,  266. Nobiling,  33. No Man's land,  482. Nordhoff, Mr.,  403. North American Phalanx,  408. Norway, Socialism in,  66 the poor,  452. Noyes, Mr.,  403. O. Oldham, co-operative mills,  338. Old Believers,  292. Oppenheim, M.,  195. Overtime,  320. Owen, R. D.,  405. Owen, Robert,  77,  360. Owenites,  2,  11,  77,  148 in America,  404. P. Palm,  67. Pan-destruction,  274. Parsons,  249. Patriotism, disparaged by socialists,  126 by great writers,  127. Paul, St., slave emancipation,  242. Pauperism, St. Petersburg,  260 aged,  423 England,  449 able-bodied,  450 Norway,  452. Peasant proprietary, prospects,  27 in the International,  46. Peasants' League in Belgium,  245. Pensions, National,  423. Perowskaia, Sophia,  280. Pestel,  264. Peukert,  55. Piecework,  314. Pio,  68. Poles, The,  271. Poor Law, England,  402 McCulloch,  368 S. Webb,  423. Population theory,  464. Porter, G. R., good wages and temperance,  318 working class houses in Sheffield,  341. Portugal, Socialism in,  65. Possibilists,  50,  51. Post-office management,  410. Potter, George, piecework,  320. Production, Limitation of,  313. Productive associations,  79. Profit-sharing,  339. Propaganda of Deed,  256. Property, diffusion,  23 advantages of institution,  333. Proudhon, anarchy,  250 letter to Marx,  255 pauperism,  475. Prussia, socialism,  31 condition of people,  31 occupation of land,  32 forests,  42. R. Railways, State,  416. Rappists,  405. Realistic School of Economics,  205. Reclus, Elisée, anarchist,  48 on Russian agriculture,  290. Renan, E.,  384. Rent, Fair,  429 agricultural,  456 H. George,  476. Republican Socialist Alliance in France,  54. Revolutionist, The complete,  275. Reybaud, M.,  179. Ricardo, D., law of value,  226 "iron law of wages,"  300 real theory of wages,  306 province of Government,  359 National Bank,  360 working class annuities,  360 rent,  477. Right to existence,  421. Right to labour, in Convention of 1793,  22 Bismarck on,  421 in English Poor Law,  424. Rights, Natural,  420 Primitive economic,  385. Rodbertus, on Bismarck's social policy,  34 differences from Lassalle,  123 social question,  127 relation to socialist movement,  178 converts Wagner,  380 acknowledges Hohenzollerns,  381 views,  381. Rodriguez de Capada, Professor,  245. Rogers, Professor Thorold,  350. Roscher, Professor W., time as reformer,  199 historical method,  200,  204 Eisenach Congress,  203 economic ideal,  205 task as economist,  207 piecework,  321. Rousseau, J. J.,  16. Ruge, Arnold,  131. Ruskin, John,  88. Russia, Nihilism in,  259. Russo-Turkish war,  282. S. St. Etienne Congress,  50. St. Joseph associations,  229. St. Petersburg pauperism,  260. St. Simon,  218,  254. Samoa, Socialist customs in,  401,  492. Samter, V., on Mill,  198. Sassulitch, Vera,  277,  282. Say, Leon, State Socialism,  345. Schæffle, Professor,  326. Scheel, Professor von., social question,  215. Schmoller, Professor,  195 on Socialists of Chair,  200 Eisenach Congress,  203 Province of Government,  211 distributive justice,  213. Schönberg, Professor,  203,  213. Schorlemer-Abst, Baron,  229. Schulte, Professor,  229. Schultze-Delitzsch,  4 co-operative societies,  103 Lassalle's reply,  114. Schweitzer, Dr. von,  124. Self-interest,  375. Senior, N. W.,  464. Shakers,  405. Shaw, G., Bernard,  88. Sheffield, socialists,  89 housing of working-class,  341. Shuttleworth, Canon,  88. Sidgwick, Professor,  360,  428. Sinclair, Sir John,  469. Sisyphism,  443. Smith, Adam, as viewed by Socialists of the Chair,  198 on Government trading,  345 his theory of social politics,  353 national education,  354 military training,  355 English Government management,  356 truck,  357 usury,  357 corporate management,  417. Smith, E. Peshine, effect of education on wages,  321. Social Democratic Party in Germany,  33 in Reichstag,  34 France,  48 programme,  49 Italy,  58 Spain,  61 Norway,  66 Denmark,  69 Belgium,  70 Holland,  73 Switzerland,  74 U.S.A.,  80 England,  84 Scotland,  90 Sydney,  91. Social Monarchical Union,  241. Social Politics, English theory,  373 Christian,  242. Social Reform, Central Union for,  239. Socialism, before 1848,  2 contemporary,  3 labourers' claim of right,  7 variable use of word,  8 inequitableness its ruling characteristic,  9 old and new,  10 minimum of,  14 relation to democracy,  15 Christian,  224 State,  345 meanings of word,  374. Socialist Laws of Germany,  33. Socialists of the Chair,  195. Society of Public Utility in Switzerland,  76. Society of Social Peace,  243. Spain, Socialism in,  60 anarchism,  62 condition of people,  64. Spectator, The, testamentary statistics,  459. Speculation,  493. Spencer, Herbert, believes in socialist ideal of society,  8 the coming slavery,  346 functions of Government,  351,  352 land nationalization,  385 natural rights,  420. Stahl, quoted,  16. State management,  409. State railways,  415. State Socialism,  345 in Germany,  379. State, The,  211. Statistics, Commercial,  326. Stein, Professor L. von,  94,  132. Stephanovitch,  293. Stepniak, on mir 252 Paris Commune,  277 Russian proletariat,  284 Russian peasantry,  285,  286,  288 break-up of the Russian Commune,  289 Russian agriculture,  291. Stöcker, Dr.,  234,  236,  241,  242. Stockholm Congress,  67. Strachey, Mr.,  68. Strikes,  44. Studnitz, A.,  320,  331. Suez Canal,  348. Sumner, Archbishop,  370. Sunday Schools, Nihilist,  269,  272. Surplus Value, Marx's doctrine,  167. Sweating System,  432. Sweden, Socialism in,  66. Switzerland, Socialism in,  73 Society of Public Utility,  76 secret societies,  136. Sylvania Association,  404. T. Taylor, Helen,  84. Tchaikowsky,  280. Tchernycheffsky,  269,  272. Telegraphs, State management of,  410. Thompson, William, anticipation of Marx's doctrine,  148. Thornton, W. T.,  464. Thuenen, J. von, natural wages,  121. Thun, Professor A.,  278,  281,  284,  285,  287. Tocqueville, A. de, socialism and democracy,  19 democratic passion for equality,  24 middle-class materialization,  24 political necessity of religion,  25 the plutocracy,  186. Todt, R.,  234. Trade Unions,  311. Tramps,  450. Treitschke, H.,  203. Trepoff, Assassination of General,  282. Trial of the,  193,  280. Troglodytes, Secret Society,  283. Trumbull Phalanx,  404. Tucker, B. R.,  91. Turgenieff,  266. Turner, Dr., Samoa,  401,  492. U. Unemployed,  424. Unionism, The New,  85,  86. United States, Liberty in,  20 socialism,  77 nationalism,  79 anarchism,  80. V. Vaillant, M.,  53. Value, Marx's doctrine,  160 true theory,  327. "Versaillais," The,  126. Victoria, State railways,  411,  417 eight hours day,  436. Volmar, Herr von,  35. Vogt, K.,  148. W. Wages Fund,  464,  465. Wages, "iron law,"  226,  237,  300 rise since English Revolution,  301 Ricardo's theory,  306 true theory,  307 fair,  430 minimum,  431. Wagner, Professor A., ground-rents,  199 State and the social question,  213 Evangelical Social Congress,  241 converted by Rodbertus,  380 his State Socialism,  387. Walker, President F. A.,  332,  469. Wallace, A. R.,  89,  485. Warren, Josiah,  77. Watts, Dr. J.,  434. Webb, Sidney,  88 State pensions for the aged,  423. Weitling, W.,  80,  137. Westminster, Duke of,  486. Wieland,  127. Will of the People Party,  283,  295. Winchester, Bishop of, definition of socialism,  376. Winkelblech, Professor,  180. Woeste, M.,  244. Working classes, prospects,  297,  312 habits,  318 legitimate aspirations,  333. Workmen's Chambers,  35. Wyden Congress,  44,  126. Y. Yellow Springs,  404. Young, Arthur,  455. Young England Party,  380. Z. Zurich Congress,  76.

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