[107] Burton thinks with great probability that this junction of names was meant as a sarcasm on Lord Lyttelton's taste.

[108] Burton's Life of Hume, ii. 55.

[109] Edmund Burke.

[110] Soame Jenyns.

[111] Afterwards the Earl of Shelburne, the statesman.

[112] Probably Charles Yorke, afterwards Lord Chancellor Morden.

[113] Burton's Hume, ii. 59.

[114] Annual Register, 1776, p. 485.

[115] Mackintosh, Miscellaneous Works, i. 151.

[116] Buccleuch MSS., Dalkeith Palace.

[117] Mr. Campbell was the Duke's law-agent.

[118] The Secret History of Colonel Hooke's Negotiations in Scotland in Favour of the Pretender in 1707, written by himself. London, 1760.

[119] Bonar's Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library, p. x.

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