[159] Hume MSS., R.S.E. Partially published in Burton's Life.

[160] Correspondance Littéraire, I. iv. 291.

[161] Burton's Letters of Eminent Persons to David Hume, p. 238.

[162] Lady Minto, Memoirs of Hugh Elliot, p. 13.

[163] Morellet's Mémoires, i. 237.

[164] Schelle, Dupont de Nemours et les Physiocrates, p. 159.

[165] i.e. the Royal Society of Edinburgh, to whom Stewart first read his Life of Smith.

[166] Stewart's Works, v. 47.

[167] Clayden's Early Life of Samuel Rogers, p. 95.

[168] Theory of Moral Sentiments, Part VI. sec. ii.

[169] Mackintosh, Miscellaneous Works, iii. 13.

[170] Brougham's Men of Letters, ii. 226.

[171] Burton's Hume, ii. 348.

[172] Garrick Correspondence, ii. 550.

[173] Garrick Correspondence, ii. 549.

[174] Ibid. ii. 501.

[175] Ibid. ii. 511.

[176] Stewart's Works, x. 49, 50.

[177] "Essay on the Imitative Arts," Works, v. 281.

[178] Works, v. 294.

[179] Say, Cours Complet, OEuvres, p. 870.

[180] Turgot's OEuvres, v. 136.

[181] Wealth of Nations, Book IV. chap. ix.

[182] Memoirs of Madame du Hausset, p. 141.

[183] Marmontel's Memoirs, English Translation, ii. 37.

[184] Fraser's Scotts of Buccleuch, ii. 405.

[185] Burton's Life of Hume, ii. 348.

[186] Hill's Letters of Hume, p. 59. Original in R.S.E.

[187] New Statistical Account of Scotland, i. 490. (Account of Dalkeith by the late Dr. Norman Macleod, then minister of that parish, and Mr. Peter Steel, Rector of Dalkeith Grammar School.)

[188] Autobiography, p. 280.

[189] Ibid.

[190] Wealth of Nations, Book I. chap. ix.

[191] Ibid., Book V. chap. ii. art. iii.

[192] Wealth of Nations, Book V. chap. ii. art. iv.

[193] "Essay on the Imitative Arts," Works, v. 260.

[194] Wealth of Nations, Book V. chap. ii. art. iv.

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