[255] Burton's Life of Hume, ii. 492.

[256] Ibid., ii. 493.

[257] Hill's Letters of Hume to Strahan, p. 330.

[258] Burton's Life of Hume, ii. 494.

[259] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[260] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[261] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[262] Hume's brother always spelt his name with an o.

[263] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[264] Ibid.

[265] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[266] New York Evening Post, 30th April 1887. Original in possession of Mr. Worthington C. Ford of Washington, U.S.A. The first draft of this letter, in Smith's handwriting but without the last paragraph and the signature, seems to have been preserved by him as a copy for reference, and having been sent by him with his other Hume letters to the historian's nephew, is now in the Royal Society Library, Edinburgh.

[267] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[268] New York Evening Post, 30th March 1887. Original in possession of Mr. Worthington C. Ford of Washington, U.S.A.

[269] Hume Correspondence, R.S.E. Library.

[270] Hill's Letters of Hume, p. 351.

[271] Wendeborn, Zustand des Staats, etc., in Gross-britannien, ii. 365.

[272] Caldwell Papers, i. 41.

[273] Burton's Hume, ii. 451.

[274] See Mackenzie's "La Roche," and Mackenzie's Works of J. Home, i. 21.

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