The larger black numerals indicate the number of the letter; the smaller numerals, the pages.
beautiful skies at, 9, 26.

Abingdon, entrance to, 6, 13, 17;
church of, 4, 11;
scene in street of, 6, 12.

Ability (for labour), indefiniteness of term, 3, 8.

Absenteeism, 9, 21, 10, 15, 16.

Achilles, horses of, their prophetic grief, 9, 14.

Acland, Sir T. Dyke, trustee of St George’s Fund, 9, 20.

Acre, Shakesperian use of the word, 23, 11.

Addison, his truth to nature, 15, 23.

Adige, river, at Verona, 19, 9.

Admiration, first of the three great spiritual needs, 5, 17;
the habitual temper of noble persons, 9, 16;
defined, 6, 17;
the most perfectly human gift, 9, 13;
faculty of, wholly now destroyed, 6, 21;
compare Republican letter in correspondence at the end of letter, 29.

Advertisements, lucrative display of, 2, 22;
why the author will not use, 3, 8, 21, 2.

Ægina, island of, 23, 19.

Æacus, lord of distributive justice, 23, 17 (see Minos).

Affection, how we adulterate the best, 14, 20 (see Love).

Agincourt, battle of, how few were killed at, 4, 20;
loss of ship so called, 9, 12.

Agriculture (see Education).

Agriculture, to be the life’s business of the Company of Monte Rosa, 17, 9;
the only final source of wealth, 16, 12;
Lord Derby’s style of it, 10, 4;
a contrary manner in the Val di Nievole, 18, 5;
results of mechanical, in America, 17, 12.

Air, as an element of life, 9, 25;
the first article of material property, 5, 17;
vitiation of, by war, 5, 18.

Alexandra Park, the author’s reason for not subscribing to, 22, 24.

Alfred, King, 15, 8.

Alma, battle of, 20, 10.

Almsgiving, 4, 11, 12.

Alms-people, their houses at Abingdon, 4, 12;
of the St. George’s Company, 19, 6.

America, civil war in, and its results, 14, 10;
republican villages in, 1, 9;
want of castles in, 10, 9.

American magicians, with new oil in their lamps, 12, 22;
American skill, essentially of degradation, 12, 24;
American girls, manners of, 18, 17.

Angeles, Los, California, legal executive administration in, 13, 17.

Angels, difficulty of conceiving, 12, 7;
princess’s vision of, 20, 16.

Anger, relation of to Love and Justice, 23, 23.

Anthony, St., of Padua, 19, 13.

Apennines, scenery of, in Tuscany, 18, 11.

April, meaning of month’s name, 4, 4.

Arc, Joan of, 4, 12, 14, 4.

Architecture, of modern Rome, 21, 9;
of houses, beautiful when honest, 21, 11;
of towns under old communist principles, 7, 11;
gothic, not essentially productive of poetry or learning, 16, 19;
sepulchral, 16, 4.

Ariadne, 23, 11 (see Theseus).

Aristocracy, of England, phosphorescent, 6, 17;
of Venice, 19, 14 (see Picnic).

Armour, brightness of, in White Company of English, 15, 11.

Army, the English, according to Mr. Grant Duff, of no use, 15, 10;
standing, function of, under type of scarecrow, 11, 9.
In that passage I ought to have indicated the function of
the quiet scarecrow as that of keeping order in one’s fields;—compare 2, 14, at bottom of page, and passage on Horse Guards, 19, 5;
the parallel domestic mischief is described in 8, 9.

Arnold, Mr. Matthew, 15, 7.

Art, the author’s practical work in, 9, 19;
laws of its greatness, 9, 20;
worst thing conceivably produceable by, at Kensington, 5, 6;
Kensington system of teaching, 9, 19;
its relations to science,—no one can live by the fine arts, 1, 13.

Artists are included under the term workmen, 11, 10; but I see the passage is inaccurate,—for I of course meant to include musicians among artists, and therefore among working men; but musicians are not “developments of tailor or carpenter.” Also it may be questioned why I do not count the work given to construct poetry, when I count that given to perform music; this will be explained in another place.

Ascalon, Cœur de Lion’s retreat to, 3, 17.

Asphodel, in Elysian Fields, 6, 8;
wood-hyacinths, the best English representatives of, 6, 7.

Athenæum club-house, sculptures on, 23, 5.

Author of this book, his given duty, 1, 5;
his political indefinableness, 1, 7;
his early life, 10, 7, 24, 6.

Aventine, Mount, at Rome, 21, 9.

Azario, notary of Tortona, 1, 9, 15, 11.

Baby-poisoning, 24, 19.

Badness (see Goodness).

Bagley wood, near Oxford, 6, 7, 4, 22.

Bakewell and Buxton, how reciprocally advantaged by railway, 5, 12.

Ballads, book of one hundred, extract from, 15, 7.

Baptistery of Florence, 15, 18.

Baron, meaning of the word, 15, 6;
reasons for decline of baronial power, 15, 9;
relation to clerk and peasant, 18, 11.

Bastile, fall of the, a typical fact, 15, 9.

Bedford, Duke of, his costly purchase, 4, 12.

Begging letters, their significance, 1, 4.

Bell at Lucca, inscription on, 18, 6;
bells at Florence, 21, 5.

Benevolent persons, the fatallest mistake of, 9, 6.

Bible, influence of the style of its English translation, 10, 5.

Bill-sticking at Florence, 21, 6.

Birmingham, Morning News, extract from letter in, 11, 15;
singular letter from resident at, 6, 9.

Bishops, in their relation to Kings, 1, 7.

Bismarck, Count, had little to do with German War, 3, 5.

Black country, letter from workman in, 21, 23.

Blessing and cursing, how forbidden and how practised, 18, 4, 7.

Boilers, steam, the gods of the modern, 14, 22.

Bologna, towers of, 24, 13.

Bombay, question as to importance of first telegraphic message to, 5, 11.

Bookbinding, apprentices wanted for, 21, 27.

Bookselling, author’s principles of, 6, 6, 11, 19, and see correspondence at end of 14 and 15.

Bort, town of, in France, 14, 13.

Botany, meaning of, originally, 19, 15.

Botticelli, Sandro, 18, 19;
his life, 22, 2;
his method of engraving, 22, 22.

Boulogne, fishermen of, their religious customs, 20, 20.

Bow and arrow, English and Greek use of, 15, 12.

Bread, Christian life begins in breaking, 12, 26;
English lawyer’s speech concerning, 12, 14.

Brenta, scenery on, between Venice and Verona, 18, 17.

Bristol Castle, Henry II.’s lessons in, 4, 22.

Brown, Mr. Rawdon, his work on the English in Italy, 1, 9, 15, 12 (note), where please insert comma after “translation.”

Buchanan, Mr., his review of Morley’s Essays, 10, 21.

Bullion, its influx does not enrich the country, 22, 8.

Burgess, Mr. A., 2, 16.

Buxton (see Bakewell).

Caird, Professor, on utility, 14, 8 (note).

Candles, pious expenditure of in France, 6, 16.

Capital, the small importance of, to industry, 1, 16;
Mr. Mill’s mode of increasing, 2, 8;
compare 1, 12;
Mr. Fawcett’s account of, 11, 11;
is properly represented by the general type of carpenter’s plane, and must not therefore be borrowed, 11, 10;
see 22, 13.

Capitalists, 7, 19.

Carlyle: highly esteems force, 13, 4, 8;
his teaching of the nature law, 10, 19;
abuse of him by fools, 10, 20.

Carol, the God of Love’s, 24, 20.

Carpaccio, Victor, 18, 15;
pictures by, at Venice, 20, 13.

Carthagena, 13, 14.

Castruccio Castracani: his villa, 18, 8;
his death, 18, 10.

Castles, advantage of England over America in the possession of them, 10, 9;
strongholds of injustice, 10, 18;
internal police of, 10, 17.

Century, appointed function of the nineteenth, 5, 5.

Chalus, castle of, 3, 19.

Chandler, tallow, at Abbeville, 6, 16.

Chapelle, Sainte, of Paris, how mischievous to France, 3, 10;
danger of, in revolution of 1871, 6, 18.

Charioteer, constellation of, its story, 24, 3.

Charity, Dante’s, fiery red, 7, 13;
Giotto’s, 7, 22;
Sisters of, their black dress, 24, 5.

Charlemagne, 15, 8.

Chaucer, his idea of a garden, 24, 21;
his Pardonere’s Tale, 18, 12.

Cheerfulness, the duty of, 24, 5.

Chelsea, Henry VIII.’s visits to Sir Thomas More at, 6, 20.

Chinese in California, execution of, 13, 18, 19.

Chiron, the Centaur, 24, 12.

Chivalries, the two, of the horse and the wave, 9, 13.

Christmas, the story of, 12, 5, 24, 3;
author’s gift at, 12, 3.

Cincinnatus, myth of, its value, 21, 7, 23, 7.

Cities, the five whose history is to be learned by children educated under St. George’s Company, 8, 16.

Civilization opposed to Rusticity, 17, 20.

Classes, higher and lower, 10, 12, 7, 8, 19;
of industrious men, three principal, namely, soldiers, clergy, and peasants, 15, 4. Before “multitudes,” in 3rd line of that page, insert words, “honourably industrious” (theft, when open, never being hitherto considered dishonourable).

Clergy, essential definition of, 15, 5;
make dying more expensive than living, 4, 23;
misuse of their power in teaching, 10, 3, 15, 8;
relation of to food-producers, 11, 8.

Clifford, the Shepherd Lord, 12, 17.

Cloth, broad, Richard I.’s laws about, 3, 15;
its manufacture a good industry, 2, 11.

Club, the weapon of Hercules and Theseus, 23, 4.

Clyde, river, state of, at Glasgow, 16, 16.

Coal, the power of England, according to Baron Liebig, 12, 9, 13.

Cœur de Lion, Richard, 3, 12, 19.

Coldness of heart, the essential horror of treachery, 23, 21.

Commons, House of, 7, 5 (see Parliament).

Commonwealth, meaning of, 7, 13.

Communism, ancient and modern, defined, 7, 5, 6;
properly means that every man is to work for his dinner, 7, 6;
also is a contemplation of one’s own commonness, 7, 9;
Parisian notion of, 7, 5;
Peach-blossom shade of it, 7, 13;
Tyrian red shade, 7, 14;
compare 10th question in 28, 27.

Companies, how generally constituted, 21, 9;
Free, 5, 13.

Company, St. George’s (see St. George of Monte Rosa), 7, 8;
the White, 1, 9, 14, 11, 15, 11, 12.

Competitive examinations, how mischievous, 9, 7;
the proper substitute for them, 9, 10 (read this last passage carefully).

Conceit, a Scottish characteristic, 9, 9 (note).

Conduct, personal, the most important means of good in the hands of ordinary men, 21, 2.

Coniston, beauty of autumn light at, 15, 11;
cottages at, 21, 12.

Conservative, meaning of word, 1, 6;
the author a Tory, though not a Conservative, 10, 4.

Consumer, the, not so necessary a person as has been supposed, 10, 18.

Cookery, the art of, to be taught to all girls educated in schools of St. George’s Company, 8, 16.

Courage, want of, at present in England, 1, 3;
is the first Fors, 15, 15.

Coverley, Sir Roger de, account of his death in Spectator, 15, 20.

Covery, instead of Discovery, the chief occupation of modern science, 7, 16.

Covetousness, of nations worse than that of individuals, 7, 17;
Giotto’s picture of, 6, 18, 19.

Cowper-Temple, Right Hon. Mr., on defence of England, 2, 21, 9, 20, 11, 9.

Cradle songs, 24, 19.

Crecy, battle of, 4, 16, 20, 14, 4.

Crete, Mount Ida in, 23, 22.

Criticism, a bad trade, 21, 4.

Cromwell, Oliver, 16, 5;
exhumation of his body, 15, 16;
his character, 15, 17.

Crown, the iron, of Charlemagne, 2, 5.

Cursing, definition of, 18, 9.

Dædalus, 23, 12.

Dante, passages of, quoted or explained, 7, 13, 22, 8, 11, 11, 13, 15, 18, 24, 8, to end.
Caprice of fortune in giving him his name, 15, 12, 13.

Darkness of sky, recently, in England, 12, 9, 13.

David, King, his twangling on the harp despised at Birmingham, 6, 10.

Death, how masked in Chaucer’s Pardonere’s Tale, 18, 12.

Debt, National, beginning of effort to abolish it, 1, 5.

Demand and Supply, law of, 2, 20, 11, 17.

Derby, Lord, his opinions on land-owning, 10, 3;
on its cultivation, 10, 17 (of cutting down trees, see 5, 18, lowest line).

Deservings, a better word than rights, 13, 4;
ultimately all get them, 13, 5.

Destiny, relation of, to deserving, 13, 6
(see Fate).

Diamonds, of no use, 4, 10.

Discovery (see Covery).

Docks, St. Catherine’s, 12, 11.

Dollar, worship of, 13, 5, 12, 11.

Domestic life, of French peasants, 17, 16;
picture of, in London, 2, 20.

Doughtie, Mr., treason of, 13, 15.

Drake, Sir Francis, 13, 13, 14, 4, 22, 19;
his brother John, 13, 13.

Drawing, elementary schools of, to be opened in Oxford, 9, 19;
mastership of, in Oxford, 8, 14.

Drunkenness, at Furness Abbey, 5, 6.

Dundonald, Lord, 9, 13.

Dying, more expensive than living, 4, 23;
remonstrance by clergyman’s wife against that saying, and answer to it, 10, 12.

Earth, third article of material property, 5, 17;
earth the mother, changed into earth the avenger, 5, 19;
the St. George’s Company have to make it fruitful, quiet, and visible, 5, 23, 16, 20.

Economy (see Political), definition of, with Frugality, 14, 18;
English habit of, with respect to fine arts, 12, 21;
human, its elementary principles lost sight of, 1, 6;
of the son of St. George, 17, 10.

Edgeworth, Miss, her novel of “Helen,” 23, 7.

Education, consists essentially in learning to do our work, 2, 17;
first analysis of qualities of, 4, 5;
developed, 8, 16, 9, 4, 13;
modern provisions for, 12, 20;
modern political, the great Savoir Mourir, 5, 17;
of princes, 12, 21;
requirements of justice in, 9, 6;
the only thing hitherto taught by the upper classes to the lower, to pull each other’s hair, 2, 19;
what kind to be given by the St. George’s Company, 8, 15, 9, 10, 13, 26;
Persian, under Magi, 12, 19.

Edinburgh, new town of, 1, 7.

Edward III. of England, 14, 4.

Elizabeth of England, 13, 14.

Elysian Fields, 6, 9.

Emperor Napoleon, Republicans paralysed by, 10, 10.

Employers, beneficent persons, if real, 2, 7;
nevertheless not essential to working men, 22, 13;
ideal of wise employment given by Marmontel, 17, 19.

England, distress in, popular remedy for, 1, 11;
map of, how little changed since Conquest, 3, 10;
railroads in, 1, 7.

English language, good and bad, discussion of, 11, 4.

Equality, the idea of, monstrous, and the reality untenable, 9, 7, 14, 9.

Equity and Iniquity, 9, 5.

Eternity, Symbol of, how arrived at, 23, 13.

Europe, history of, three elementary ideas on the, 15, 8.

Examination (see Competitive).

Exchanges of land, in aid of peasants, 21, 20.

Exchequer, present Chancellor of, his speech to civil engineers, 6, 8.

Execution, two forms of public, 13, 12, 15, 3.

Expenditure of upper classes, how limited, 1, 12.

Eyes, light of, how given, 6, 16;
blessed and accursed state of, 20, 11, 13, 16;
arrangement of, in flat fish, typical of republican insight, 10, 21.

Faith. I have not yet given any definitions of the final senses in which I use this word: so that it is of no use to refer to the detached places in which it occurs; but generally it will be found to be taken as the equivalent of noble or true imagination (the substance of things hoped for,—the evidence of things not seen), hence in 20, 19, the seeing eyes are spoken of as lighted by sweet faith, and the blind eyes as ‘infidel.’
For active faith, or fidelity, see 25, 26, and the reference to Alice of Salisbury at the bottom of page 27, in which I was thinking of the “Shield of Faith.”

Fate and Retribution, their relations, 3, 4.

Father, the author’s, his ideas of business, 10, 7;
his appreciation of art, 10, 8.

Fawcett, Professor, challenged to maintain his account of the theory of interest, 22, 9;
his account of landed property, 22, 14;
his apologies for usury, 18, 17;
his account of profits, 11, 11.

Fee, physician’s, its analogy to the price of books implied, 14, 23;
disputed, 16, 15;
defended, 15, 24.

Festival, a modern Arcadian, 5, 15, 6, 10.

Feudalism, Christian, when first definitely organized, 15, 8.

Fields, Elysian, 6, 9; the Potter’s, 6, 11.

Figs, decayed, sold on quay of Venice, 20, 5.

Finance, arts of (see France).

Fish, flat, Justice in the figure of, 11, 16;
their period, 11, 18.

Fiske, Col., 15, 16, 16, 5.

Floods, proposed control of, in Italy, 19, 11, 17.

Florence, history of, how important, 8, 16, 18, 12;
present state of, 21, 5, 6;
baptistery of, 15, 18;
negotiation of Florentines with England, 15, 14.

Flowers, the wedding garment of plants, 5, 9.

Folly, maximum of, reached in modern England, 5, 5, 4, 21;
the month of, 4, 4.

Force, to be worshipped, 13, 5.

Foresters, ancient meaning of the word, 17, 10.

Fors, explanation of its meaning, 2, 4, 3, 5;
meaning of word, 15, 15 (note);
price of the publication, how estimated, 6, 6, 11, 19;
reasons for its style, 6, 4.

Fowler, Henry the, 15, 8.

France, chief causes which have brought misery on, 6, 12;
enthusiastically lends her money to herself, and enthusiastically taxes herself to pay the interest, 8, 6;
forgetfulness of her royal house, 6, 11.

Free Companies, singular use of the word ‘free’ by, 15, 11.

Freedom of English electors, 3, 6;
of Italian burghers, 14, 11;
meaning of in Persia (unexplained), 12, 21.

Free Trade, principle of, 1, 14.

Fret (Greek ornament), use of, 23, 9;
meaning of, 23, 13.

Friedrich I. of Prussia, his economies, 3, 5;
II. of Germany, 14, 11, 15, 3.

Froissart, extract from, describing English army before the battle of Crecy, 4, 16.

Froude, J. A., his opinion of Hakluyt, 13, 12.

Frugality, definition of, with economy, 14, 18.

Furies, the, 24, 12.

Fund, St. George’s (see St. George).

Funds, mystery of the British, 4, 13.

Furness Abbey, 5, 5, 11, 5.

Gardens, modern English enjoyment of, 24, 23;
their importance in Christian life, 12, 27.

Gaols, decorative use of in England, 6, 13, 17.

Garibaldi, 1, 8, 3, 10, 7, 5.

Geneva, north suburb of, 1, 7.

Gentility, false notions of, 24, 26.

Gentleness, of chivalry, 9, 15.

Geoffrey, Bishop, son of Fair Rosamond, 3, 13.

George, St., Company of, first proposed, 8, 15;
constitution of, [** missing letter number ?], 4;
plan to be carried out, [**letter number missing ?], 23, 8, 15, 9, 4, 17, 21, 10, 11, 11, 21, 14, 23;
reasons for its name, 17, 8;
reasons for hoping its success, 9, 17;
is not a company for getting money, but giving it, 19, 7 (note that in the sentence, “it won’t help you,” in this page “you” should be italicised, being addressed to the supposed inquirer into the nature of membership of the Company);
state of, 24, 26;
trustees of, 9, 20.

Germain, St., 2, 19.

Giotto, a painter for mean price, 6, 19;
his picture of Hope, 5, frontispiece;
of Envy, 6, frontispiece, and page 19, text;
of Charity, 7, frontispiece, and page 22, text (where I do not doubt I read the action wrong; she is giving her heart to God, while she gives gifts to men);
of Injustice, 10, frontispiece, and page 19, text;
of Justice, 11, frontispiece, and page 15, text.

Girls, white, with titles, price of, 4, 12
(see America).

Glasgow, public buildings of, 16, 17.

Goethe, botanical discovery made by, 5, 9.

Gold, pedigree of, 16, 12.

Good Friday, at the Crystal Palace, 24, 7.

Good-humour, an easy virtue under favourable conditions, 3, 16.

Goodness and badness, essential qualities in different persons: the good only are to be taken pains with, the bad let alone, at least until we have more force, 9, 6.

Goodwin, John, his books burned with Milton’s, 15, 16.

Goschen, Mr., article in Spectator on speech of, 4, 15;
his naval authority, 23, 2.

Government, cannot be instantly constructed, 1, 8;
a worthless nation capable of none, 13, 10.

Grant Duff, Mr., his opinions on the British army, 14, 11, 15, 10, 13;
on riches and intelligence, 14, 5.

Graphic (journal), its views on the subject of perdition, 8, 10.

Green-head-ghyll, Michael of the, 12, 17.

Grenier d’Abondance, ruins of, at Paris, 17, 11, 20.

Grenville, Sir Richard, 9, 13.

Guards, British Horse, their use, 19, 5.

Gunpowder, effect of, on society, 15, 9;
not a sacred farina, 12, 14;
not to be manufactured under any compulsion, 7, 21.

Hakluyt, Richard, his naval history, 13, 12.

Harfleur, 14, 4.

Hawkwood, Sir John, 1, 8, 14, 11, 16, 5;
his character in Italy, 15, 13;
letter from the Florentines to King Richard about the body of, 15, 14.

Help, constancy in, the second vow of St. George’s Company, 2, 23;
how to be given most surely, 19, 8;
mistaken tendency of modern, 9, 6.

Henry II. of England, life of, 3, 11;
education of, 4, 22.

Henry VIII., 13, 13.

Herbert, Mr. Auberon, his republican opinions, 13, 9.

Heroism, how held to be rewarded by the Greeks, 24, 3;
truth of, to be persistently taught, 9, 17.

Hill, Miss, her work in London, 10, 15.

Hill, Mr. Alsager A., letter from, on Boardsmen’s Society, 3, 9.

History, present, the passing scene of an unintelligible play, 3, 4;
of the past, how little known, 3, 11.

Holbein, his woodcut of the Expulsion, 4, 24;
of the rich man, 6, 19.

Holidays, ought to be enjoyed at home, 10, 14, 22, 24;
celebration of, at Crystal Palace, 10, 14, 22, 24.

Holiness, uncertain meaning of, 24, 6;
communal, 7, 7
(see Republic).

Home (see Holidays). Bitter-sweet, 8, 10;
the honour of it lost in England, 5, 4.

Homer, his ideal of kinghood, 10, 6.

Honest men, need of, to put life into forms of government, 22, 10;
cannot now live in England by trade, 9, 18.

Honour, to be given like mercy, 9, 15.

Hood, Robin, 1, 8, 22, 19.

Hope, the second of the three spiritual needs, 5, 17;
loss of in England, 6, 21;
Giotto’s, 17, 2.

Horse and Wave, the chivalry of both, 9, 15.

Host, of heaven, its meaning, 12, 10.

Houses, not commodities, according to Mr. J. S. Mill, 4, 14.

Humanity, opposed to mechanism, 5, 8.

Hunger, suffering from, in modern England, 1, 4.

Hyacinths, wild, 6, 7.

Idleness, compulsory, 4, 7;
well-paid, when voluntary, 22, 14;
in company of Monte Rosa, none to be idle, but the dead, 5, 23;
on Sunday morning, in central England, 6, 12;
see further, 7, 8, 9, 4.

Idolatry, 13, 5.

Imagination (see Faith). Readers who are not familiar with my other books, should keep in mind that I always use this word to express the highest faculty of man—mental creation; and that I consider the responsibility of the human soul for such mental work to be greater than for its material work.

Imaus, Mount, 15, 8.

Impudence, taught in England as the chief duty of man, 9, 16.

Income tax, inquisition for, 7, 20;
the only just tax, 8, 11.

Indemnity, French, how it is to be raised, 8, 6.

Industry, of princesses, 20, 19;
profits of a new, merely a diversion from other channels of expense, 1, 13
(see Idleness).

Inferno, Dante’s, its plan, 23, 20, 24, 9.

Injuries, not to be revenged, 2, 23, 7, 23.

Injustice, Giotto’s ideal of, 10, 19, 12, 13;
is in permission as well as action, 10, 19;
modern character of, 11, 16;
complex modes of, respecting means of maintenance, 15, 3.

Inquisition, French senate’s objection to, 8, 11;
is necessary, through glass pockets, 8, 12.

Interest of money, principle of, examined, 18, 17, 18;
not produced by natural laws, 18, 20;
why the author takes it, 21, 16.

Inundation, proposed control of, in Italy, 19, 11, 17.

Isidore, Bishop, of Seville, 15, 6.

Jack, the house he built, 23, 15.

James, the commercial, his views of sweet William, 8, 8;
King, Ist, of England, court language of, 20, 7.

Jethro, the Midianite, 12, 17.

Jevons, Professor W. Stanley, his calculation of pleasurable forces, 14, 7.

Jews, relation of, to Christians in time of Richard I., 3, 14
(see Usury).

Joan of Arc, price of, when bought by English from Bastard of Vendome, 4, 12.

Job, his questions to his friends, 16, 12.

Journeys, the author’s, with his father and mother, 10, 8.

Justice, true and false, 9, 5 (see Injustice and Anger);
Giotto’s ideal of, 11, 16, and frontispiece;
is the eternal righteousness, 8, 18, 11, 14;
laws of international, not recognized, 1, 3.

Kensington Museum (see Art).

Kepler, Mr. John, 4, 6.

Kings, ancient and modern ideas of, 10, 6;
restoration of, how desirable, 10, 10;
power of their shadow on republican minds, 10, 11.

Knowledge, must not be sold, 7, 15;
with sight, the best of acquisitions, 7, 14;
yet will not make us happy by itself, 4, 6.

Koran, illuminated, delightfulness of, 24, 11.

Labour, demand and supply of, 2, 8, 13;
but see Work;
the two great kinds of, 2, 15;
Mr. Mill’s definition of productive, 4, 8.

Labourer (see Working men).

Labyrinth of Crete, design of, 23, 16;
carved, at Lucca, 23, 10.

Lace, manufacture of, not always a desirable one, 2, 11.

Lady of the Lake, speech of Roderick in, 15, 4.

Lancashire, ideal war of, with Yorkshire, in the present day, 1, 15.

Land, author’s proposal to make some piece of English land beautiful, peaceful, and fruitful, 5, 22;
how the present holders of all land became possessed of it, 2, 6;
with tools, (or capital) the present sources of rent and interest, 11, 12;
neither of which are lawful, 11, 15;
may be held as private property, 11, 15;
compare 22, 12, 14, 25, 30;
Lord Derby’s ideal of its ownership, 10, 3.

Latin, should be generally learned, 2, 13.

Law, English, unkindness of, to dead, 12, 3;
eternity of good, 10, 21.

Laws, bad and good, definition of, 10, 19;
framed by Richard Cœur de Lion, 3, 14;
to learn to obey good ones our main duty, 7, 24.

Lawyers, live on the vice of their country, 4, 23;
the general absurdity of their existence, 16, 10;
valuable for the sake of their wigs, 8, 12.

Lauterbrunnen, village of, waiter at, 3, 5.

Leaves and flowers, relations of, 5, 9.

Letters, the author’s request concerning, 16, 6.

Liberalism, atheistic epoch of, 15, 8;
its follies summed in denial of intrinsic value, 14, 8;
the author the polar contrary of a Liberal, 10, 4, 1, 6.

Liberals and Conservatives, the division of parties into, is ridiculous, 1, 6.

Liberty, how exhibited at entrance of towns, 6, 15;
how little interfered with in modern days, 16, 13;
the best idea of, 3, 9;
in baronial times, 15, 11;
absolutely to be refused by company of Monte Rosa, 5, 23.

Liebig, Baron, his opinions on the power of England, 12, 9.

Life, three immaterial things essential to, 5, 17, 21, 9, 16;
three material things essential to, 5, 16;
mystery of inferior, 9, 14.

Light, the god of, Deity of Zoroastrians, 12, 25.

Lionardo da Vinci, as engineer, 19, 17.

Lippi, Fra Filippo, why more successful in art than other monks, 22, 4.

Literature, cheap, evils of, 17, 8;
not cheap anciently, 16, 11.

London, misery in suburbs of, debate concerning remedy for, 10, 14;
modern prosperity of, how falsely alleged, 2, 20.

Louis, St., 3, 5, 9;
XV., 14, 12.

Louvre, 6, 21.

Love, chief of the three spiritual needs, 5, 17;
put last, as culminating, or crowning (in the seventh line), because men must be capable of admiration and of hope before they can be capable of love. Wordsworth’s verse, “We live by admiration, hope, and love,” is answered presently with the words in a reverse order—love, hope, and admiration.
Among the French peasantry, 21, 19;
nothing else in the world worth having, 17, 16;
having it, you have all, 5, 4.

Lowe, Mr. Robert, his match tax, 6, 7;
his views respecting battle of Marathon, 6, 8.

Loyalty (see Obedience).

Lucca, things to be seen at, 18, 5.

Luino, Bernard of, painting by, 24, frontispiece.

Luxury, mischief of, 7, 8;
compare 24, 10.

Lycurgus, power of, royal as well as loyal, 2, 5.

Machine labour, evils of, as proved in America, 17, 12;
analysis of its results, 5, 13.

Magi, history of, 12, 17–28;
adoration of, by Luini, 24, 1.

Malt liquor and tobacco, increase in the disposable quantity of 12, 22.

Man, the centre of his world, 5, 10. (Insert the word “rightly” before “seen” in the 13th line down the page, and observe the use of the word “pertinence” in the tenth line from the bottom; meaning action which “pertains” or properly belongs to the agent and aim, as opposed to accidental and impertinent action.)

Manchester, Bishop of, his opinion on holidays, 10, 14;
life of, incredible in the future, 14, 20.

Mankind, the broad division of into two great masses, 11, 8, 15, 3.

Manual labour of Company of Monte Rosa, how to be directed, 17, 9;
universal in healthy society, 17, 19.

Marathon, battle of, 6, 7.

Margate, visit to, 9, 23;
modern and ancient state of, 9, 24.

Marmontel, account by, of peasant life in his own district, 17, 14;
early life of, 14, 13, to end;
errors of, 21, 21;
his character, 14, 12;
his tale of the philosopher, 21, 19;
his style of writing, 14, 20.

Marriage, to be encouraged by good landlords, 17, 20.

Maude, the Empress, escape of, from Oxford, 4, 22.

Maurice, Rev. F. D., his rank as a man of literature, 22, 23.

Mechanism, opposed to manhood, 5, 8 (see Machine);
opposed to science, 4, 6.

Memorials of good and bad men, how to be kept, 9, 17, 16, 4.

Merchant, an entirely honest, epitaph on author’s father, 10, 7. Mercury, The Public (old newspaper), 15, 15.

Milk Street, 7, 6.

Mill, Mr. J. S., his opinions on the rights of women, 12, 14;
on the folly of reverence and obedience, 12, 18;
the general type of his school, a flat fish, 10, 21.

Milton, burning of his books by order of House of Commons, 15, 16.

Minos, lord of penal justice, 23, 18
(see Rhadamanthus).

Minotaur, the enemy of Theseus, 23, 23, 24, 9, 13.

Missionaries in Italy, 17, 21.

Monarchy, institution of, how advantageous, 1, 8
(see Royalty).

Money, nature and use of, to be explained, 1, 10;
the author’s love of, 24, 4, 11;
filtration of from the sky, 4, 15, 7, 19.

Mons Justitiæ, destruction of, 18, 16.

Monte di Pietà, origin of, 21, 17.

Monte Rosa, company of, its plan, 17, 8.

More, Sir Thomas, character and opinions of, 7, 6;
life of, at Chelsea, 6, 20, 13, 13.

Munera Pulveris, 14, 10.

Museum, British, need not be visited for amusement, 23, 6.

Music, principal element of future education, 5, 24, 6, 9;
should always have true meaning, 9, 17;
modern festive, in Cumberland, 5, 15.

Mustard, diaphanous, exported from Bordeaux to Italy, 19, 3.

Napoleon III., effect of his shadow on French republican imagination, 10, 11;
had no real power, 3, 5.

Nativity, story of the, 12 to end.

Nature, “Remuneration” received without working for it, a sin against, 11, 13.

Navy, strength of British, dependent on seamen, not steam, and on oak, not iron, 9, 13.

Neighbours, little now helpful to each other, 19, 12.

Newspapers, what their power in England is, 6, 4, 11, 4;
what it might be, 3, 3;
their exaltation of the upper classes, 11, 12;
discouragement of all that can advantage the lower, 9, 4, 22, 9.

New York, 1, 7.

Nievole, Val di, 18, 5.

Nombre-di-Dios, 13, 14, 22, 20.

North, Col., extract from speech of, in House of Commons, 7, 15.

Oaths, old Latin, 20, 8;
modern Italian, 20, 9.

Obedience, the third vow of St. George’s Company, 2, 23, 5, 23;
Observe that loyalty, in this and other such places, means fidelity to law, and therefore to the king, as its supreme administrator. The Magi sent to Bethlehem, to teach it to
the king himself, 12, 22.

Oil, aspect of country producing, 18, 5.

Opinions, of what five persons to be ascertained, for practical use, 18, 15;
the author does not choose to express any of things knowable, 6, 5;
in what sense no one has a right to have any, 11, 20.

Orleans, 14, 4.

Ouvrier, new meaning of, undoer, 7, 5.

Oxford, author’s work at, 1, 5, 8, 14, 9, 19.

Padua, 13, 20;
chair of rural economy founded at, 19, 14.

Palaces, not to be envied, 21, 13.

Palissy, Bernard, 6, 10.

Panama, Isthmus of, 13, 13.

Pantomimes, 14, 21.

Paper-money of modern Italy, 18, 7.

Paradise (Dante’s), 24, 8.

Pardoneres, ancient and modern, 18, 11;
Chaucer’s tale of, 18, 12.

Parental virtue, Heaven’s gift to children, 14, 14.

Paris, fighting in, 7, 3;
her own destruction, 8, 17;
ruins of, 17, 11, 6, 21;
state of gardens in, during the siege of, 5, 19 (note);
children killed in siege of, 8, 4.

Parker, Messrs., letter from, about sale of author’s books, with author’s reply, 14, 24.

Parliament, British, a luxury of squires, 1, 10;
debates of, a form of dog-fight, 6, 17;
houses of, worthy of destruction, 1, 7.

Party, in politics, its effects, 1, 7.

Pastoral happiness, 14, 21.

Patroclus, sorrow of Achilles’ horses at death of, 9, 14.

Pawnbrokers (see Monte di Pieta).

Peasant and clerk, root of contest between, in Germany, 15, 5.

Peasantry (see Tyrol and Savoy), Bavarian, 5, 15;
French, 17, 16, 21, 19;
of Tuscany, 18, 8.

Peculators, punishment of, in Dante’s “Inferno,” 18, 13, 14.
how once more attainable, 9, 12;
patience in, with practice of Arts, the only elements of education, 17, 9.

Persia, education of princes in, 12, 19;
famine in, 11, 17.

Perth, the author’s early life at, 10, 7.

Petroleuses, 8, 10 (see Paris);
Madelaine la Petroleuse, 12, 22.

Peveril of the Peak, Sir Walter Scott’s, 10, 17.

Phlegethon, in men’s hearts, 24, 8, 10;
in Dante’s “Hell,” 24, 12.

Photography, 5, 11.

Physician, benevolence of, in Kirkcudbrightshire, 16, 15.

Picnic, the hungry fed by, on what condition, 2, 15;
the only occupation of the upper classes of Europe, 2, 17.

Pictures, purchase of, its non-effect on national wealth, 1, 13;
the author rebuked by Liverpool Daily Courier for extravagance in, 4, 11.

Pillage of France by the Prussians, 1, 9;
by the English, 4, 17;
essential principles of, always accepted, 4, 22.

Pisa, boys and idlers at, 18, 4;
Sta. Maria della Spina at, destroyed, 18, 16, 20, 20.

Plantagenet, power of the name, examined, 22.

Pleasure, of different qualities as well as degrees, 14, 8;
texts respecting, in New Testament, 12, 12;
calculus of its economy, 14, 7.

Ploughshare, the sword set to undo its work, 17, 11.

Plymouth, 13, 13.

Poictiers, 4, 20.

Political Economy, fallacies in Mr. J. S. Mill’s, 2, 9;
extract from manual of, 1, 17
(see Fawcett).

Ponte Vecchio, at Florence, 21, 5.

Poor and rich, relations of, 2, 17.

Pope, the, gives telegraphic benediction, 18, 3, 20, 6.

Position, of William, 1, 17, 5, 16, 8, 7, 11, 10. Post, the Liverpool Daily, its familiarity with Utopia, 7, 6;
its care for liberty, 6, 13.

Pottage, its associations, 24, 16.

Practice, as opposed to theory, English notions of, 3, 20.

Praise, ours, of God, not necessary to Him, 12, 12.

Press, writers for the, designedly misleading, 22, 9
(see News).

Preston, children’s happiness at, 14, 21.

Price, Mr. W. P., his opinions on the success of commercial operations, as dependent on the observance of the law of supply and demand, 11, 17.

Priesthood, essential character of, how related to fatherhood, 14, 15
(see Clergy).

Princess, dream of the, painted by Carpaccio, 20, 14.

Production, Mr. Mill’s definition of, its absurdity, 4, 8, 21, 5, 5, 13, 10.

Professions, relation of, to producers of food, 11, 7.

Progress, modern, confesses itself false, 4, 22.

Property, the author’s questions upon, 4, 14;
the six articles in which it mainly consists, 5, 17;
second law of old communism respecting, 7, 10.

Propositions, general, to be maintained in Fors, nine in number, 22, 7.

Prosperity, nations are the better for each other’s, 1, 14;
of modern England, according to the Morning Post, 22, 7.

Prussia (see Friedrich).

Prussians, expedition of, into France, 1, 9.

Psalms (the 14th and 15th), in old English verse, 23, 26.

Purgatory, Dante’s conception of, 24, 8.

Quentin Durward, Sir Walter Scott’s, extract from, 15, 11.

Rabbit shooting, 24, 23.

Railings, iron, manufacture of, in England, significant of evil, 2, 14.

Rank, mental, irrevocably fixed from hour of birth, 9, 7.

Raphael, picture of Nativity by, 12, 21, 15, 10.

Reading, not necessary to education, 4, 4;
early, of author, 10, 4.

Red, colour, political significance of, 7, 13.

Redfern, Annie, her death, 24, 17.

Reformation, not the author’s object, but formation, 9, 16.

Religion. It is of no use to give references to the occurrence of this word, which is not yet anywhere completely defined; only observe that I always use it impartially, of all the forms of submission to a Supreme Being adopted by men; and that such submission, involving moral obligation, is stated to be essential to all healthy human action, 11, 19.

Rent, principles of, 2, 6, 10, 17, 21, 22.

Republics, profane and holy, 1, 8, 14, 3;
how to be contended for if desirable, 13, 7;
of what materials to be made, 13, 9;
cost of making, 13, 11;
action of, in doing justice, 13, 17, 20;
aggregate worth of their supporters, 10, 12;
how they become commonwealths, 7, 13.

Respect, 9, 12, but see the following word.

Reverence, or worship, is the perfectest human gift, 9, 11;
at this day impossible, 9, 16;
the great function of the wisdom or magic of Zoroaster, 12, 24;
Mr. J. S. Mill’s opinions on, 12;
the loss of habit of, 12, 24.

Revolution, French, causes which led to it, 21, 21.

Rhadamanthus, lord of remunerative justice, 23, 18.

Richard I., King of England, character of, 3, 13.

Richard II., begs the body of Sir John Hawkwood, 15, 14.

Riddle, Mr., his republican opinions, 14, 6, 13, 8.

Riding, an element of education, 9, 13.

Rights and Mights, Carlyle on, 13, 4;
putting things to rights, how wholesome, 17, 4.

Ring, the Tammany, 14, 10.

Rob Roy, 14, 4.

Robert, eleventh Count of Flanders, 17, 10.

Robin Hood, 14, 4;
brigandage in England under, strictly monarchical, 1, 8.

Rome, walls of, 21, 7;
recent state of, 21, 10.

Rosamond of England, her bower at Woodstock, 4, 22;
her son, 3, 13.

Rossel, General, abandonment of, by his republican friends, 13, 20.

Rous, Admiral, letter of, to Times, 9, 13 (note).

Royalty, or rule, expiring state of, according to modern republicanism, 17, 9.
(See Kings; and observe generally, ‘Royalty’ means rule of any kind; ‘Monarchy,’ rule by a single person; ‘Kingship,’ rule by an able and wise person. See Lycurgus.)

Sabaoth, meaning of the word, 12, 11.

Saccone of Pietra-Mala, 18, 11.

Saturday, its religious significance, 24, 8.

Savonarola, influence of, at Florence, 22, 6.

Savoy, peasant of, his superiority to the author in many respects, 4, 4.

Scholarship, true and refined, the foundation of it is to be skilled in some useful labour, 9, 4.

Schools of Drawing, elementary, to be opened in Oxford, 9, 19.

Science, modern, summary of the general temper and purposes of, 5, 8;
true, the essence of Savoir Vivre, 5, 10.
(Note this passage, one of the most important of the book, and compare 4, 6.)

Scientific persons, how occupied, 8, 4.

Scott, Sir Walter, influence of, on the author, 10, 5.

Sculpture, Greek, not so much worth seeing as living form, 23, 6;
influence of, on modern life, 23, 8.

Sea, captains at, how to produce them, 9, 13;
training upon, how influencing the northern races, 9, 13, 15.

Sepulchral architecture, 16, 4.

Seraphic doctors, their theories of employment, 2, 7.

Servius Tullius, coinage of, 18, 16;
his rampart, 21, 7.

Shakespeare, Grecism of his conceptions, 23, 11;
significance of his own name, 15, 13.

Shepherd-life, desirableness of, 12, 17.

Shields (see Squires).

Shingle, of the southern Alps, 19, 10.

Siddim, vale of, 12, 13.

Sight-seeing, under direction of Murray’s guide, 18, 5.

Silk, the first silken stuff made in Spitalfields of thread from Lucca, 18, 5.

Sillar, Mr. W. C., on usury, 21, 15.

Simpson, Sir J., 4, 16.

Sin, mortal, its singleness, 24, 9;
rarely confessed definitely, 12, 6.

Sinai, Mount, 15, 8.

Skies, where most beautiful, 9, 26;
to see them the object of education, 9, 26;
darkness of, in recent years, 8, 3.

Slavery in modern life, 3, 6, 16, 14, 24, 8.

Soldiers, their relation to peasants, 15, 4;
what the word signifies, 15, 6.

Sorrow, artificial, in modern music, 9, 17.

Souls, of men that have died in battle, destiny of, 8, 5.

Spears, length of, carried by English, 15, 12.

Spiral, significance of, 23, 14.

Spitting, practice of, at Pisa, 18, 4.

Squires, meaning of the term, 2, 6;
race of, its use, 22, 11, 12;
definition of, 22, 17;
specification of some whose history is to be examined in Fors, 22, 18;
English send themselves to gaol in spring, to see dog-fights, 6, 17;
Richard Cœur de Lion, perfect type of, 3, 13; compare with this sketch Sir Walter’s entirely exhaustive definition of Sir Geoffrey Peveril, in Chap. I. of Peveril of the Peak.

Stars, associated only with Greek legends, 24, 3;
wars of, 6, 17.

Stanley, Dean, 2, 18.

Steam, power of, insisted on by Birmingham correspondent, 6, 10;
musical accomplishments of, 5, 15;
versus wind, at sea, 9, 13;
not omnipotent, 10, 21.

Store, national, establishment of, 1, 5.

Strozzi, Palazzo, at Florence, 21, 12.

Student, Scottish, question put by, 9, 8.

Style, literary, 14, 20.

Sunday, its observance, 10, 5, 23, 5, 7, 24, 24, 5.

Supply and demand, law of, 11, 17.

Symbolism, how engrafted on things, 23, 13.

Taylor, Mr. P., M.P., verses to, by supposed convict, 23, 3.

Taxes may cheerfully be paid, 17, 17;
how mischievous when unjust, 16, 5;
the history of tax gatherers mistaken for that of nations, 3, 11.

Tax on income impossible in France, 7, 20;
how managed, 8, 6.

Te Deum, performance of, 12, 11.

Telegraph, electric, its real results how small, 5, 11; compare 29, 15.

Thanet, Isle of, beginning of Saxon Heptarchy in, 9, 25.

Theft, general need for protection against, in England, 2, 14;
former dignity of its profession, 14, 4;
present functions of, 14, 5;
English dread of, 12, 4;
Richard I.’s objection to, 3, 14;
in simplicity, does not corrupt men’s hearts, 7, 18.

Theseus, statue of, now in the British Museum, 2, 5;
portrait-sculpture of, 23, 6;
his sacrifice, 24, 15, 18;
his soup, 6, 7, 24, 15;
his story begins, 23, 7;
continued in 24, 23, 7, 11, 14, 17.

Thiers, M., his system of finance for France, 8, 6.

Thomas, St., 14, 14, 18, 21.

Time and Tide, challenge contained in, 11, 14.

Tipple, Rev. Mr., doctrine attributed to, 18, 12;
letter from, in repudiation of it, and answer, 20, 23.

Tools, who should have them, 11, 15.

Tortona, Azario, notary of, 1, 9, 15, 11.

Tory, the author is, one of the old school, 10, 4.

Tower Hill, 12, 11.

Trade, modes of competition in, 3, 7;
sermon declaring it to be impossible to live by, if honestly carried on, 9, 18.

Trade Unions, 24, 27.

Traitors, their place in Dante’s hell, 23, 21.

Treasure, public and private in Communist states, 7, 11.

Trochu, General, 13, 20.

Tuileries, the Potter’s Field, 6, 11, 21.

Turner, his opinion of Margate skies, 9, 25.

Turnips, as generally representing food;
phenomena of their distribution, 11, 7;
and compare 8, 9.

Tyrol, happy state of peasantry in, 5, 14, 11, 18.

Underselling, trade of, no less wicked than slave trade, 3, 6.

Usury, how far allowed to the Jews, 21, 17, 22, 26;
Mr. Fawcett’s defence of, 18, 17;
Dante’s opinion of, 11, 13;
Richard I.’s, 1, 14.

Utility, hitherto undefined, 4, 10;
of occupation, 3, 8, 9;
embodied, Mr. J. S. Mill’s estimate of, 4, 9, 23, 8;
need of understanding its nature, 22, 14.

Utopia and Kakotopia, 8, 17;
Sir Thomas More’s, 7, 6.

Vagabonds, rich and poor alike dislike accounting for their means of living, 7, 21.

Vaissiere, Abbé, 14, 15.

Venice, proposal to destroy Ducal Palace at, 5, 21;
arsenal at, 18, 13;
aristocracy and modern manners of, 19, 14;
other mentions of, 8, 16, 9, 16, 18, 15, 20, 5, 13, 22, 22.

Verona, iron lace-work of, 2, 13;
the adije, 19, 9.

Versailles, 2, 19.

Vignette on title-page, whence copied, 22, 2.

Villani, Filippo, 15, 12.

Virtues, the four cardinal, 12, 19;
not to be proportionate to income, 7, 16;
not to be recompensed, 3, 9.

Volto, Santo of Lucca, 18, 13.

Votes, not to be given to simple persons, 14, 9;
not valuable to any persons, 13, 7.

Wages, what they practically are, 1, 16, 2, 6;
find their limitation, 22, 11;
of the upper classes, how earned, 6, 14.

Wales, railroads in, 1, 7.

War, mercenary beginnings of, 9, 14, 11;
first reason for all, 7, 18;
differences between manners of, in fourteenth and nineteenth centuries, 4, 20;
machinery for, the making of, a crime beyond pardon, 7, 21.

Ward, Mr. Zion, letter of, concerning the fall of Lucifer, 10, 13, 11, 19.

Wars, into what three stages they separate themselves, 14, 10.

Warwick Castle, 10, 9.

Water, the second article of material property, 5, 17;
none in England fit to baptize a baby with, 5, 19;
power over, for good or for evil, 5, 18;
mismanagement of, in Italy, 19, 11.

Watt, James, 6, 10, 9, 11.

Wealth, classes among whom it is distributed, 11, 11
(see Money).

Westminster, St. Peter’s Council at, decree against selling men in the markets as slaves, 3, 6.

Whistles, steam, at Venice, 20, 5, 12.

White Company, the, 1, 9, 14, 11, 15, 11.

Wigan, sight seen from train at, 14, 22.

William, sweet, his position generally, 1, 19, 5, 16;
particularly at present in France, 8, 8.

Wishes, value of, 13, 3.

Women, their present false position first indicated, 5, 4;
career demanded for, by Mr. J. S. Mill, 12, 15;
and compare the whole of letter 29;
privilege of isolation demanded by, 5, 22.

Woodstock, 4, 22.

Woolwich infant, 2, 21, 8, 13, 15, 15, 10.

Words, use of, see examination of “welded,” 13, 11;
“dignity” and “sanctity,” 14, 15;
“watching” and “messenger,” 12, 7;
Sabaoth, 12, 11.

Wordsworth, 5, 17.

Work (see Labour), an indefinite quantity of it not desirable, 2, 13;
its first object, 1, 10;
to do our own well, first condition of true life, 2, 23;
and of education, 2, 17;
good, the entrance to all princedoms, 20, 20;
Richard I. of England does his own with his own hand, 3, 17;
bread and water sure for it, 10, 21;
modern communism undoes it, 7, 5, 21;
literary, not to be properly called work at all, 9, 4 (note);
nonsense talked about that done by the upper classes, 9, 4, 11, 12;
first law of old communism respecting, 7, 9.

Working men, ought not to be written for as more stupid than others, 11, 4;
their supercilious views of the so-called higher classes, 11, 5;
their due position with respect to the so-called higher classes, 9, 4, 11, 7, 8 (this latter is the most important passage of definition in the course of the book hitherto);
their functions, 22, 13;
spoken of with “labourers” as “the two sorts of providers,” 11, 10;
(note, in that place, as in the title of the work, by workmen I mean people who must use their heads as well as their hands for what they do; by labourers, those who use their hands only);
theory that they are a fallen race, 11, 7;
time needful for work in well-regulated state, 7, 7.

Works of author, how published and how sold, 14, 23.

Worth of one man as compared with another, the one thing needful to be determined by laws of nature, 14, 9.

Wotton, Sir Henry, 4, 6.

Writing, Plato’s idea of the small advantage in, 17, 7;
the author’s changed manner of, 23, 8;
he cannot now write in any but his natural manner, 5, 4, 11, 4;
legal and mediæval ornamental forms of, 16, 11.

Wrong, putting things to, the principal occupation of most men, 17, 3.

Yea, Colonel, at Alma, 20, 10.

Yewdale, 16, 11.

Yorkshire (see Lancashire).

Zipporah, the wife of Moses, how painted by Sandro Botticelli, 20, 19.

Zoroaster, magic of, 12, 23.

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