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Overview of available volumes.

Volume Year Letters PG ebook Scans
I 1871 I–XII 59456 1
II 1872 XII–XXIV 61591 2
III 1873 XXV–XXXVI 61634 3
IV 1874 XXXVII–XLVIII 67544 4
V 1875 XLIX–LX This volume 5
VI 1876 LXI–LXXI In preparation 6
VII 1877 LXXII–LXXXIV In preparation 7
VIII 1878–’84 LXXXV–XCVI In preparation 8


Title: Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain (Volume 5 of 8)
Author: John Ruskin (1819–1900) Info
Language: English
Original publication date: 1875
Keywords: Aesthetics
Conduct of life
Social conditions
Social problems
Working class
Library of Congress: 08011225
OCLC/WorldCat: 3852549
Open Library (Book): OL7025221M
Open Library (Work): OL88627W

Revision History

2022-05-04 Started.

External References

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The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction Edit distance
68, 125 , . 1
79 1
108 [Not in source] 1
120 ast last 1
124 biete Biete 1
124 unfres unsres 1
124 [Not in source] ! 1
127 lactencium lactentium 1
127 paulominu paulominus 1
144 οὀ͂ν οὖν 2 / 1
148 çà ça 1 / 0
149 on ou 1
160 perseverence perseverance 1
167 potatoe potato 1
206, 207, 211 [Not in source] . 1
209 apponitor appointor 2
227 Hobbima Hobbema 1
227 Wouvermans Wouwermans 1
262 demoralzing demoralizing 1
305 Pentalici Pentelici 1
330 connexion connection 2


Overview of abbreviations used.

Abbreviation Expansion
alluremētes allurementes
cstituisti constituisti
digitor. digitorum
frō from
h̥ōis hominis
h̥̊ homo
inimicū inimicum
LL.D. Doctor of Laws
Om̄ia Omnia
p̄ambulant perambulant
p̄fecisti perfecisti
p̄pter propter
q̄m quam
remm̄ber remember
thē them
tuar. tuarum
tuor. tuorum
univ̄sa universa
univ̄sas universas
whē when

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