
The following Subscriptions have come in since I made out the list in the December number; but that list is still incomplete, as I cannot be sure of some of the numbers till I have seen my Brantwood note-book:—

£ s. d.
31. “In Memoriam” 5 0 0
32. (The tenth of a tenth) 1 1 0
33. Gift 20 0 0
34. An Old Member of the Working Men’s College-Gift 5 0 0
35. H. T. S 9 0 0
36. 5 0 0
7. Second Donation 5 0 0
15. Second,, Donation,, 5 0 0
£ 55 1 0


1 Seven thousand to St. George’s Company; five, for establishment of Mastership in Drawing in the Oxford Schools; two, and more, in the series of drawings placed in those schools to secure their efficiency. 

2 Lamentations v. 13

3 As distinguished, that is to say, from other members of the Church. All are priests, as all are kings; but the kingly function exists apart: the priestly, not so. The subject is examined at some length, and with a clearness [9]which I cannot mend, in my old pamphlet on the ‘Construction of Sheepfolds,’ which I will presently reprint. See also Letter XIII., in ‘Time and Tide.’ 

4 I append a specimen of the conduct of the Saints to whom our English clergymen have delivered the Faith. 


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