Difference between King George and the Czar of Muscovy.....
The King of Sweden is killed at Frederickstadt.....
Negotiation for a Quadruple Alliance..... Proceedings in
Parliament..... James Shepherd executed for a Design against
the King’s Life..... Parliament prorogued..... Nature of the
quadruple Alliance..... Admiral Byng sails to the
Mediterranean..... He destroys the Spanish Fleet off Cape
Passaro..... Remonstrances of the Spanish Ministry.....
Disputes in Parliament touching the Admiral’s attacking the
Spanish Fleet..... Act for strengthening the Protestant
Interest——War declared against Spain..... Conspiracy
against the Regent of France..... Intended Invasion by the
Duke of Ormond..... Three hundred Spaniards land and are
taken in Scotland..... Account of the Peerage Bill.....
Count Merci assumes the Command of the Imperial Army in
Sicily..... Activity of Admiral Byng..... The Spanish Troops
evacuate Sicily..... Philip obliged to accede to the
quadruple Alliance..... Bill for securing the Dependency of
Ireland upon the Crown of Great Britain..... South Sea
Act..... Charters granted to the Royal and London Assurance
Offices..... Treaty of Alliance with Sweden..... The Prince of
Hesse elected King of Sweden..... Effects of the South Sea
Scheme..... The Bubble breaks..... A Secret Committee
appointed by the House of Commons..... Inquiry carried on by
both Houses..... Death of Earl Stanhope and Mr. Craggs, both
Secretaries of State..... The Estates of the Directors of
the South Sea Company are confiscated..... Proceedings of the
Commons with respect to the Stock of the South Sea Company.


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