[1] See pages 77, 78. antè.

[2] In the seventeenth, and last council of Toledo, it was decreed that the baptistery should be shut up, and sealed with the episcopal seal, during the whole year, till Good Friday; on that day the bishop, in his pontificals, was to open it with great solemnity, in token that Christ, by his passion and resurrection, had opened the way to heaven for mankind, as on that day the hope was opened of obtaining redemption through the holy sacrament of baptism.—Morales, 12. 62. 3.

[3] Monarchia Lusitana, 2. 7. 19.

[4] Père Tomich. c. 34. ff. 26

[5] Hist. Goth. apud Florez. Espana Sagrada, t. 6. 486.

[6] Espana Sagrada, t. 6. 474.

[7] Hist. of the Captivity of Thomas Pellew, p. 257.

[8] España Sagrada, t. xiii. p. 242.

[9] Johnes’s Monstrellet, vol. v. p. 190.

[10] C. 13.

[11] Fuero Juzgo, L. 3. tit. 1. leg. 1.


Spottiswoode and Shaw,

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