
And hath he spar’d us then? she cried,

Half rising as she spake,

For hope and joy the sudden strength supplied;

In mercy hath he curb’d his cruel will,

That still thou livest? But as thus she said,

Impatient of that look of hope, her sire

Shook hastily his head;

Oh! he hath laid a Curse upon my life,

A clinging curse, quoth he;

Hath sent a fire into my heart and brain,

A burning fire, for ever there to be!

The winds of Heaven must never breathe on me;

The rains and dews must never fall on me;

Water must mock my thirst and shrink from me;

The common earth must yield no fruit to me;

Sleep, blessed Sleep! must never light on me;

And Death, who comes to all, must fly from me;

And never, never set Ladurlad free.