
Joy in the city of great Jaga-Naut!

Joy in the seven-headed Idol’s shrine!

A virgin-bride his ministers have brought,

A mortal maid, in form and face divine,

Peerless among all daughters of mankind;

Search’d they the world again from East to West,

In endless quest,

Seeking the fairest and the best,

No maid so lovely might they hope to find; . .

For she hath breath’d celestial air,

And heavenly food hath been her fare,

And heavenly thoughts and feelings give her face

That heavenly grace.

Joy in the city of great Jaga-Naut,

Joy in the seven-headed Idol’s shrine!

The fairest Maid his Yoguees sought,

A fairer than the fairest have they brought,

A maid of charms surpassing human thought,

A maid divine.