
With red and kindling eye, the Beast beholds

A living man draw nigh,

And, rising on his folds,

In hungry joy awaits the expected feast,

His mouth half-open, and his teeth unsheath’d.

Then on he sprung, and in his scaly arms

Seiz’d him, and fasten’d on his neck, to suck,

With greedy lips, the warm life-blood: and sure

But for the mighty power of magic charms,

As easily as, in the blithesome hour

Of spring, a child doth crop the meadow flower,

Piecemeal those claws

Had rent their victim, and those armed jaws

Snapt him in twain. Naked Ladurlad stood,

Yet fearless and unharm’d in this dread strife,

So well Kehama’s Curse had charm’d his fated life.