
Struggling they lay in mortal fray

All day, while day was in our upper sphere,

For light of day,

And natural darkness never entered here;

All night, with unabated might,

They waged the unremitting fight.

A second day, a second night,

With furious will they wrestled still.

The third came on, the fourth is gone;

Another comes, another goes,

And yet no respite, no repose;

But day and night, and night and day,

Involv’d in mortal strife they lay;

Six days and nights have past away,

And still they wage, with mutual rage,

The unremitting fray.

With mutual rage their war they wage,

But not with mutual will;

For when the seventh morning came,

The monster’s worn and wearied frame

In this strange contest fails;

And weaker, weaker, every hour

He yields beneath strong Nature’s power,

For now the Curse prevails.

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