
Wondering, he stood awhile to gaze

Upon the works of elder days.

The brazen portals open stood,

Even as the fearful multitude

Had left them, when they fled

Before the rising flood.

High over-head, sublime,

The mighty gateway’s storied roof was spread,

Dwarfing the puny piles of younger time.

With the deeds of days of yore

That ample roof was sculptur’d o’er,

And many a godlike form there met his eye,

And many an emblem dark of mystery.

Through these wide portals oft had Baly rode

Triumphant from his proud abode,

When, in his greatness, he bestrode

The Aullay, hugest of four-footed kind,

The Aullay-Horse, that in his force,

With elephantine trunk, could bind

And lift the elephant, and on the wind

Whirl him away, with sway and swing,

Even like a pebble from the practis’d sling.