
Through many a solitary street,

And silent market-place, and lonely square,

Arm’d with the mighty Curse, behold him fare.

And now his feet attain that royal fane

Where Baly held of old his awful reign.

What once had been the Garden spread around,

Fair Gardens, once which wore perpetual green,

Where all sweet flowers through all the year were found,

And all fair fruits were through all seasons seen;

A place of Paradise, where each device

Of emulous Art with Nature strove to vie;

And Nature, on her part,

Call’d forth new powers wherewith to vanquish Art.

The Swerga-God himself, with envious eye,

Survey’d those peerless gardens in their prime;

Nor ever did the Lord of Light,

Who circles Earth and Heaven upon his way,

Behold from eldest time a goodlier sight

Than were the groves which Baly, in his might,

Made for his chosen place of solace and delight.