
Another day, another night are gone,

A second passes, and a third wanes on.

So long she paced the shore,

So often on the beach she took her stand,

That the wild Sea-Birds knew her, and no more

Fled, when she past beside them on the strand.

Bright shine the golden summits in the light

Of the noon-sun, and lovelier far by night

Their moonlight glories o’er the sea they shed:

Fair is the dark-green deep; by night and day

Unvex’d with storms, the peaceful billows play,

As when they clos’d upon Ladurlad’s head:

The firmament above is bright and clear;

The sea-fowl, lords of water, air, and land,

Joyous alike upon the wing appear,

Or when they ride the waves, or walk the sand;

Beauty and light and joy are every-where;

There is no sadness and no sorrow here,

Save what that single human breast contains,

But oh! what hopes, and fears, and pains are there!

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