
Then Baly knew the God, and at his feet,

In homage due, he laid his humbled head.

Mighty art thou, O Lord of Earth and Heaven,

Mighty art thou! he said,

Be merciful, and let me be forgiven.

He ask’d for mercy of the merciful,

And mercy for his virtue’s sake was shown.

For though he was cast down to Padalon,

Yet there, by Yamen’s throne,

Doth Baly sit in majesty and might,

To judge the dead, and sentence them aright.

And forasmuch as he was still the friend

Of righteousness, it is permitted him,

Yearly, from those drear regions to ascend,

And walk the Earth, that he may hear his name

Still hymn’d and honour’d, by the grateful voice

Of humankind, and in his fame rejoice.

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