Ahasuerus, 111–114. Alcaçer-el-Kebir, battle of, 20–22, 25. Alvares, Matheus, 23. Althotas, 82. Ascham, Roger, letters of concerning Elizabeth, 316–318. Ashley, Mrs. Catherine, 284, 285, 298, 315, 321, 323, 324. Austin, “Beau,” murder of by John Law, 124, 134. Balsamo, Joseph, early life of, 80–82. Bank of England, early history of, 140–142. Banque Générale, founding of by John Law, 126. Banque Royale, control of by John Law, 127, 130. Berners Street Hoax, 252–254. Beugnot, Comte de, description of Cagliostro by, 86, 87. Bingham, Jinny, Mother Red-Cap, 186–189. Bisley, 286–291, 294. Bisley Boy, The, 283–345. Bisley Tradition, The, 291–294, 339–340. Bogus Sausages, 260–262. Brinvilliers, Marquise de, 169–172. Brunneau, Mathurin, 40–41. Buried Treasure Hoax, The, 258–259. Cagliostro, career of, 80–94. Castro, Don John de, prophecy of concerning Sebastian, 24, visit of to impostor, 26–27. Cat Hoax, The, 255. Catizzone, Marco Tullio, 27, 28, 29. Catherine, Empress, 34. Caule, Rev. John, denunciation of Matthew Hopkins by, 197–198. Chevalier d’Eon, career of, 269–280. Compagnie des Indes, controlled by John Law, 127, 130. Cork, Simnel and Warbeck favored by, 8–9. Cumberland, Duke of, 55, 56, 57, 58. Croly, Rev. George, author of “Salathiel,” 114–115. Czar, The False, 31–35. Dauphins, The False, 36–48. Darien Company, The, 142–143. Dean Swift’s Hoax, 259–260. Dee, Dr. John, career of, 155–163. East India Company, history of useful to John Law, 138–140. East, Mary, career of as a man, 241–246. Edward IV, resemblance of to Perkin Warbeck, 7, 11–12. Elizabeth, Queen, changes in youthful character of, 315–316, early life of as concerned with Bisley tradition, 301–306, identity of, 310–315, 326, interest of in Dr. Dee, 159, 160, personality of, 316–326, secret of, 284–286. Feliciana, Lorenza de, wife of Cagliostro, 83–84, 89, 94. Flanders, importance of in 15th century, 6. Fontolive, personator of Dauphin, 40. Gordon, Catherine, marriage of to Perkin Warbeck, 14. Hehl, Father, controversy of with Mesmer, 99. Henry VII, difficulties of, 3–4, measures of against Perkin Warbeck, 13–14. Henry VIII, activities of, 304–307, 309, desire of for son, 302–303, father of Duke of Richmond, 327–329, mystery of attitude of toward Papacy, 336, visit of to Bisley, 291–293. Herbert, Henri, story of as personator of the Dauphin, 41–46. Hervagault, Jean Marie, attempt of to personate the Dauphin, 39–40. Hoaxes, 249–265. Hoaxed Burglars, 260. Hohenheim, Theophrastus Bombast von, real name of Paracelsus, early life of, 72–75. Hook, Theodore, 252, 254. Hopkins, Matthew, career of as witch-finder, 190–198. James IV, belief of in Perkin Warbeck, 13. Joinville, Prince de, settlement of Eleazar Williams’ claim by, 47. Kelley, Sir Edward, career of, 175–181, friendship of with Dr. Dee, 161–163. Kenealy, Dr., course of as counsel for Tichborne Claimant, 222–223. “King of Penemacor,” 22–23. “Knight of the Cross,” 23–29. Laski, Palatine Albert, interest of in Dr. Dee and Sir Edward Kelley, 161, 178–179. Law, John, career and character of, 123–144. Louis XV, friendliness of for Chevalier d’Eon, 270, 271, 273, 274. Louis XVII, 36. Locke, Richard Adams, author of Moon Hoax, 265. Luie, Jean, testimony of for Tichborne Claimant, 221–222. Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, interest of in Perkin Warbeck, 10–11. Marie Antoinette, 90–93. Marriage Hoax, The, 257. Maupin, Mlle. de, career of, 235–241. Mesmer, Frederic-Antoine, career of, 95–103. Military Review, The, 256. Mississippi Scheme, The, formation of by John Law, 126, growth and collapse of, 127–133. Mother Damnable, story of, 182–189. Mother Black-Cap, 182, 183, 185. Mother Red-Cap, 182, 183, 186. Moon Hoax, The, 262–265. Morocco, invasion of by Sebastian, 19–21. Motte, Madame de la, plot of concerning Queen’s Necklace, 91–93. Mueley Abd-el-Mulek, 20–21. Naundorf, attempt of to personate the Dauphin, 46. Orton, Arthur, career of as Tichborne Claimant, 201, 214–224. Paracelsus, career of, 71–79. Paradis, Mlle., controversy over as patient of Mesmer, 100–101. Paris, Matthew, credibility of, 108–111, 117–118, narrative of concerning Wandering Jew, 107–108. Parr, Queen Catherine, 306, 308, 309, 312, 315, 323, 324, 325. Parry, Thomas, 284, 285, 298, 315, 321, 323. Persat, attempt of to personate the Dauphin, 40. Pucci, Francis, combination of with Sir Edward Kelley, 179. Richard III, consequences of lawless acts of, 3–4. Richmond, Duke of, life of as a natural son of Henry VIII, 326–332, 341. Richmond, Duchess of, 334–335, 341–345. Rohan, Cardinal Prince de, 91–94. Ryves, Mrs. A. T., 49, law-suit of attacking succession to English throne, 58–67. Stephen, King of Poland, interest of in Dr. Dee, 179. Snell, Hannah, career of as soldier and sailor, 231–234. Tichborne Claimant, The, 201–224. Tichborne Case, trial of, 218–223. Tichborne, Baronetcy of, 252. Tichborne, Lady Mabell, doom foretold by, 203–204. Tichborne, Lady, belief of in son’s existence, 213–214. Tichborne, Roger, 206–212. Toll-Gate Hoax, The, 256–257. Voison, Madame, career of, 164–174. Walpole, Horace, theory of concerning Perkin Warbeck, 8. Wandering Jew, The, 107–120. Warbeck, Perkin, career of, 5–15. Werbecque, Jehan, 5–6. Westphalus, statements of concerning Wandering Jew, 113, 114. Williams, Eleazar, story of as personator of the Dauphin, 46–48. Wilmot, James, 50, 51, 53, 54. Wilmot, Olive, 50, 55. Witchcraft, 147–198, English statutes concerning, 147–148. Women, attempts of to disguise themselves as men, 227–231.

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