
About the middle of the gulf of Carthage is the island Corsura.975 On the other side of the strait opposite to these places is Sicily and Lilybæum,976 at the distance of (about) 1500 stadia; for this is said to be the distance from Lilybæum to Carthage. Not far from Corsura and Sicily are other islands, among which is Ægimurus.977 From Carthage there is a passage of 60 stadia to the nearest opposite coast, from whence there is an ascent of 120 stadia to Nepheris, a fortified city built upon a rock. On the same gulf as Carthage, is situated a city Tunis; hot springs and stone quarries are also found there; then the rugged promontory Hermæa,978 [Pg 288]
[CAS. 834]on which is a city of the same name; then Neapolis; then Cape Taphitis,979 on which is a hillock named Aspis, from its resemblance (to a shield), at which place Agathocles, tyrant of Sicily, collected inhabitants when he made his expedition against Carthage. These cities were destroyed by the Romans, together with Carthage. At the distance of 400 stadia from Taphitis is an island Cossuros, with a city of the same name, lying opposite to the river Selinus in Sicily. Its circuit is 150 stadia, and its distance from Sicily about 600 stadia. Melite,980 an island, is 500 stadia distant from Cossuros. Then follows the city Adrumes,981 with a naval arsenal; then the Taracheiæ, numerous small islands; then the city Thapsus,982 and near it Lopadussa,983 an island situated far from the coast; then the promontory of Ammon Balithon, near which is a look-out for984 the approach of thunny; then the city Thena, lying at the entrance of the Little Syrtis.985 There are many small cities in the intervening parts, which are not worthy of notice. At the entrance of the Syrtis, a long island stretches parallel to the coast, called Cercinna; it is of considerable size, with a city of the same name; there is also another smaller island Cercinnitis.

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