
After the Syrtis, follows the lake Zuchis, 400 stadia (in circuit?), with a narrow entrance, where is situated a city of the same name, containing factories for purple dyeing and for salting of all kinds; then follows another lake much smaller; after this the city Abrotonon988 and some others. Close by is Neapolis, which is also called Leptis.989 From hence the passage across to the Locri Epizephyrii990 is a distance of 3600 stadia. Next is the river [Cinyps].991 Afterwards is a walled dam, constructed by the Carthaginians, who thus bridged over some deep swamps which extend far into the country. There are some places here without harbours, although the rest of the coast is provided with them. Next is a lofty wooded promontory, which is the commencement of the Great Syrtis, and called Cephalæ (The Heads),992 from whence to Carthage is a distance of a little more than 5000 stadia.

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