The following Lectures were delivered in the University of Dublin, and procured a very high Reputation to their Author. The Researches they contain into the Nature and History of the Feudal Laws, were esteemed extensive and ingenious; and the Description they exhibit of the English Constitution, will be allowed to be particularly interesting. These Advantages have occasioned their Publication. It was thought, that Papers, which had done so much Honour to Dr. Sullivan, when alive, ought to illustrate his Memory; and that they might prove of Use to the present Age, and to Posterity.

The Authorities assigned for Dr. Sullivan’s Opinions and Reasonings are furnished by the Editor. They are not, perhaps, in every Instance those to which he himself would have appealed. This could not have been expelled. They are such, notwithstanding, as will assist the Student; and the Preliminary Discourse, it is hoped, will not be thought an useless or improper Addition to his Lectures. It will be a Pleasure to the Editor to reflect that he has endeavoured to pay a Tribute of Respect to the Writings of a virtuous Man and an ingenious Lawyer, whom an immature Death had ravished from his Friends and from Society.

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