I. The Site of Constantinople—The Limits of Byzantium 1

II. The City of Constantine—Its Limits—Fortifications—Interior Arrangement 15

III. The Theodosian Walls 40

IV. The Gates in the Theodosian Walls—The Golden Gate 59

V. The Gates in the Theodosian Walls—continued 74

VI. Repairs on the Theodosian Walls 95

VII. The Palace of the Porphyrogenitus (Tekfour Serai) 109

VIII. The Fortifications on the North-Western Side of the City, before the Seventh Century 115

IX. The Wall of the Emperor Manuel Comnenus 122

X. The Tower of Anemas: The Tower of Isaac Angelus 131

XI. Inmates of the Prison of Anemas 154

XII. The Wall of the Emperor Heraclius: The Wall of the Emperor Leo the Armenian 164

XIII. The Seaward Walls 178

XIV. The Walls along the Golden Horn 194

XV. The Walls along the Golden Horn—continued 212

XVI. The Walls along the Sea of Marmora 248

XVII. The Harbours on the Sea of Marmora 268

XVIII. The Harbours on the Sea of Marmora—continued 288

XIX. The Hebdomon 316

XX. The Anastasian Wall 342

Table of Emperors 344

Index 349

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