Transcriber’s Notes and Errata

Illustrations have been moved to the appropriate placed in the text.

The following typographical errors have been corrected.

Page Error Correction
218 back black
424 stedfast steadfast

The following words are found in hyphenated and unhyphenated forms in the text. The numbers of instances are given in parentheses.

cuttle-fish (2)

cuttlefish (1)

fresh-water (1)

freshwater (1)

pre-occupation (4)

preoccupation (1)

preoccupations (1)

re-arranging (1)

rearranging (1)

re-discovery (2)

rediscovery (3)

super-men (1)

supermen (1)

super-women (1)

superwomen (1)

text-book (5)

textbook (2)

text-books (2)

textbooks (3)

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