Transcriber’s Note

Punctuation has been standardised. Chapter headings have been retained as published, most with figures, others words. Spelling and hyphenation have been retained as in the original publication except as follows:

Page 72
varieties wil be shown changed to
varieties will be shown
Page 92
Vevi and Connie saw that the river changed to
Vevi and Hanny saw that the river
Page 92
the lowbent branches changed to
the low-bent branches
Page 112
went over to asked the gardenchanged to
went over to ask the garden
Page 134
that the canves bag changed to
that the canvas bag
Page 139
Vevi who understand what changed to
Vevi who understood what
Page 202
She look at her wristwatch changed to
She looked at her wristwatch
Page 211
As the girls aproached closer changed to
As the girls approached closer

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