V0L. I.

Print of Captain Cook.
Chart of the Southern Hernifphere, showing Captain Cook's tracks, and
  those of some of the most distinguished navigators.
Port Praya, in the Island of St. Jago, one of the Cape de Verds.
View of the Ice-Islands.
New Zealand spruce.
Family in Dusky-Bay, New Zealand.
Sketch of Dusky Bay, New Zealand.
Flax plant of New Zealand.
Poi Bird of New Zealand.
Tea Plant of New Zealand.
Van Diemen's Land.
Otoo King of Otaheite.
Plant used at Otaheite to catch fish by intoxicating them.
Potatow, Chief of Attahourou, in Otaheite.
Omai, who was brought to England by Captain Furneaux.
View of Otaheite Island.
A Tupapow with a corpse.
Chart of the Friendly Isles.
View of the landing at Middleburg.
Otago, or Attago, a chief at Amsterdam.
Asiatouca, a temple or burying-place at Amsterdam.
Draught, plan, and section of an Amsterdam canoe.
Ornaments, utensils, and weapons at the Friendly Isles.
Speeimens of New Zealand workmanfhip, &c.
Eafter Island.
Man at Easter Island.
Woman at Easter Island.
Monuments in Easter Island.
Sketch of the Marquesas.
View of Resolution Bay, at St. Christina.
Woman at St. Christina.
Chief at St. Christina.
Ornaments and weapons at the Marquesas.
Fleet of Otaheite assembled at Oparee.
Draught, plan, and section of the Britannia, a war canoe at Otaheite.
Tynai-mai, a young woman of Ulietea.
Oedidee, a young man of Bolabola.

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