V0L. II.

Sketches of four islands—Hervey—Palmerflon—Savage—S.-Turtle.
View in the Island of Rotterdam.
Boats of the Friendly Isles.
Chart of Captain Cook's discoveries made in the South Pacific Ocean.
View of the landing at Mallicollo.
Man of Mallicollo.
Sketches, of Port Sandwich in Mallicollo, of Port Resolution in Tanna,
   and of the harbour of Balade in New Caledonia.
View of the landing at Erromango.
View of the landing at Tanna.
View in Tanna.
Man of Tanna.
Woman of Tanna.
Weapons, &c. at Mallicollo and Tanna.
View in New Caledonia.
Man of New Caledonia.
Woman of New Caledonia.
Ornaments, weapons, &c. at New Caledonia
View in the Island of Pines.
Norfolk Isle.
Man of New Zealand.
Woman of New Zealand.
Chart of Christmas Sound.
Man of Christmas Sound.
View of Christmas Sound.
Chart of the southern extremity of America.
Chart of Captain Cook's discoveries in the South Atlantic.
View of Possession Bay in South Georgia.

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Five of the Plates, consisting of various Articles; the following
Explanation of them is subjoined.

Ornaments and weapons at the Marquesas, thus marked. 1. A gorget ornamented with red pease. 2. An ornament for the head. 3. A club. 4. A Head-dress. 5. A fan.

Weapons, &c. at Mallicollo and Tanna. 1. A bow. 2. Stones worn in the nose. 3. Musical reeds, a Syrinx. 4. A club. 5. The point of an arrow. 6. The arrow entire.

Specimens of New Zealand workmanship, &c. 1 and 2. Different views of an adze. 3. A saw. 4. A shell.

Ornaments, weapons, &c. at New Caledonia. 1. A lance. 2. The ornamented part, on a larger scale. 3. A cap ornamented with feathers, and girt with a sligg. 4. A comb. 5. A becket, or piece of cord made of cocoa-nut bark, used in throwing their lances. 6 and 7. Different clubs. 8. A pick-axe used in cultivating the ground. 9. An adze.

Ornaments, utensils, and weapons at the Friendly Isles. 1. A bow and arrow. 2. A frontlet of red feathers. 3. 6 Baskets. 4. A comb. 5. A musical instrument, composed of reeds. 7. A club. 8. The end of a lance; the point of which is wood hardened in the fire. 9. The aforesaid lance entire.



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