
   The Ear, Ta'r_ee_a.
   The inside of the Ear, Ta'toor_ee_.
   An Ear-ring, Poe note tar_ee_a.
   To eat, or chew, E'y, s. Mäa.
   An Echinus, or sea-egg, Heawy.
   Echo, T_oo_o.
   An Egg of a bird, Ehooero te Man_oo_.
   A white Egg-bird, Pee'ry.
   Eight, A'waroo.
   The Elbow, T_oo_'r_ee_.
   Empty, Oooata'aö,
                                                      s. Tata'_oo_a.
   An Enemy, Taata'e.
   Entire, whole, not broke, Eta, Eta.
   Equal, _Oo_hy't_ei_.
   Erect, upright, Et_oo_.
   A Euphorbium tree, with white flowers, Te'too_ee_.
   The Evening, Oooh_oi_'h_oi_.
   Excrement, T_oo_'ty.
   To expand, or spread out cloth, etc. Ho'hora.
   The Eye, Matta.
   The Eye-brow, and eye-lid, T_oo_a, matta.

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