
   The Face, E'mot_ee_a.
   To hide or hold the Face away, as
   when ashamed_, Far_ee_'w_ai_.
   Facetious, merry, Faatta atta.
   Fainting, to faint, Möe,mo'my.
   To fall down, Topa.
   False, not true, Ha'warre.
   A Fan, or to fan the face or cool it, Taha'r_ee_.
   To fart, or a fart, Eh_oo_.
   Fat, full of flesh, lusty, P_ee_a.
   The fat of meat, Ma_ee_.
   A Father Med_oo_a tanne.
   A _step-_father, Tanne, te höa.
   Fatigued, tired, E'h_ei'eu_,s.Faea.
   Fear, Mattou.
   A Feather, or quill, H_oo_roo, _hoo_r_oo_,
   Red Feathers, Ora, h_oo_r_oo_ te man_oo_.
   Feebleness, weakness, Fara'ra, s. Tooro'r_ee_.
   The sense of Feeling, Fa'fa.
   To feel, Tear'ro.
   A young clever dexterous Fellow, or boy, Te'my de pa'ar_ee_.
   The Female kind of any animal, E'_oo_ha.
   The Fern-tree, Ma'mo_oo_.
   Fertile land, Fen_oo_a,maa.
   Fetch, go fetch it, Atee.
   Few in number, Eote.
   To fight, E'neotto.
   A Fillip, with the fingers, Epatta.
   The Fin of a fish, Tirra.
   To finish, or make an end, Eiote.
   A Finger, E'r_ee_ma.
   Fire, Ea'hai.
   A flying Fish, Mara'ra.
   A green flat Fish, E_eu_me.
   A yellow flat Fish, Oo'morehe.
   A flat green and red P_ai'ou_.
   The cuckold Fish, Etata.
   A Fish, Eya.
   Fishing wall for hauling the seine at Epa.
      the first point,
   A Fish pot, E'wha.
   A long Fishing _rod of Bamboo, used Ma'k_ee_ra.
       to catch bonettoes_, etc.,
   A Fissure, or crack, Motoo.
   Fist, to open the fist, Ma'hora.
   Fist, striking with the fist in dancing, A'moto.
   A fly Flapper, or to flap flies, Dah_ee_'ere e'r_eu_pa.
   Flatness, applied to a nose, or a vessel
   broad and flat; also a spreading
   flat topt tree, Papa.
   A red Flesh mark, E_ee_'da.
   To float on the face of the water, Pa'noo.
   The Flower of a plant, P_oo_a.
   Open Flowers, T_ee_arre'oo wa.
   Flowers, white odoriferous flowers,
   used as ornaments in the ears, T_ee_arre tarr_ee_a.
   Flown, it is flown or gone away, Ma'h_ou_ta.
   A Flute, W_ee_wo.
   A black Fly-catcher, a bird so called, O'mamäo.
   A Fly, P_oo_re'h_oo_a.
   To fly, as a bird, E'r_ai_re.
   Fog, or mist, Ry'po_ee_a.
   To fold up a thing, as cloth, etc. He'fet_oo_.
   A Fool, scoundrel, or other epithet of
   contempt, Ta'_ou_na.
   The Foot, or sole of the foot, Tapooy.
   The Forehead, E'ry.
   Forgot, or lost in memory, Oo'aro.
   Foul, dirty, nasty, Erepo.
   A Fowl, Möa.
   Four, E'ha.
   The Frapping of a flute, Ahëa.
   Freckles, Taina.
   Fresh, not salt, Eanna,anna.
   Friction, rubbing, E'oo ee.
   Friend, a method of addressing a
   stranger, Ehöa
   A particular Friend, or the salutation E'apatte.
   to him,
   To frisk, to wanton, to play, E'hanne.
   From there, No,r_ei_ra,
                                                    s. No,r_ei_da.
   From without, No,waho'oo.
   From before, No,m_oo_a.
   Fruit, 'Hoo'ero.
   Perfume Fruit from Tethuroa, a
   small island, Hooero te manoo.
   A yellow Fruit, like a large plumb
   with a rough core, A'v_ee_.
  Full, satisfied with eating, Pÿa,s.Oo'pÿa,
   A Furunculus, or a small hard boil, Apoo.

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