
   A Garland of flowers, A'v_ou_t_oo_,
                                                     s. A'r_ou_too
                                                      Ef ha, apai.
   Generosity, benevolence, Ho'röa.
   A Gimblet, Eho'oo.
   A Girdle, Ta't_oo_a.
   A Girl, or young woman, Too'n_ee_a.
   A Girthing manufacture, Tat_oo_'y.
   To give a thing, Höa't_oo_.
   A looking-Glass, H_ee_o'_ee_ota.
   A Glutton, or great eater, Taata A'ee, s.
                                                     Era'pöa n_oo_e.
   To go, or move from where you stand Harre.
             to walk
   To go, or leave a place, Era'wa.
   Go, begone, make haste and do it, Haro.
   Go and fetch it, At_ee_.
   Good, it is good, it is very well, My`ty, s.
                                                      s. Maytay.
   Good-natured, Mama'h_ou_,
                                                       s. Ma'r_oo_.
   A Grandfather, Too'b_oo_na.
   A Great-grandfather, Tooboona tahe'too.
   A Great great-grandfather, Ouroo.
   A Grandson, Mo'b_oo_na.
   To grasp with the hand, Hara'wa_ai_.
   Grasping the antagonist's thigh when Tomo.
   Grass, _used on the floors of their Ano'noho.
   To grate cocoa-nut kernel, E'annatehea'r_ee_.
   Great, large, big, Ara'h_ai_.
   Green colour, P_oo_re p_oore_.
   To groan, Er_oo_,whe.
   The groin, Ta'pa.
   To grow as a plant, etc. We'r_oo_a.
   To grunt, or strain, Etee,_too_whe.
   The blind Gut, Ora'b_oo_b_oo_.
   The Guts of any animal, A'a_oo_.

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