
   Obesity, corpulence, Ou'p_ee_a.
   The Ocean, Ty, s. Meede.
   Odoriferous, sweet-smelled, No'nöa.
   Perfumed Oil they put on the hair, Mo'nöe.
   An Ointment,_plaister, or any thing E'ra'pa_oo_.
       that heals or relates to medicine_,
   Old, Ora'wheva.
   One, A'tahai.
   Open, clear, spacious, Ea'tëa.
   Open, not shut, Fe'r_ei_.
   To open, Te'haddoo.
   Opposite to, or over against, Wetoo'wh_ei_tte.
   Order, in good order, regular, without Wara'wara.
   Ornament, any ornament for the ear, T_ooee_ ta'r_ee_a.
   Burial Ornaments, viz. nine noits Ma'ray Wharre.
      stuck in the ground,
   An Orphan, Oo'hoppe,
   Out, not in, not within, T_ei_we'ho.
   The Outside of a thing, _Oo_a'p_ee_.
   An Oven in the ground, E_oo_'m_oo_.
   Over, besides, more than the quantity, Te'harra.
   To overcome, or conquer, E'ma'_oo_ma.
   To overturn, or overset, Eha'pa_oo_.
   An Owner E'whattoo.
   A large species of Oyster, I't_eë_a.
   The large rough Oyster, or Spondylus, Paho'öa.

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