
   The Paddle of a canoe, or to paddle, E'höe.
   To paddle a canoe's head to the right What'tëa.
   To paddle a canoe's head to the left, Wemma.
   Pain, or soreness,the sense of pain, Ma'my.
   A Pair, or two of any thing together, Ano'ho.
   The Palate, E'ta'nea.
   The Palm of the hand, Ap_oo_'r_ee_ma.
   To Pant, or breathe quickly, Oo'pou'pou,tëa'ho.
   Pap, or child's food, Mamma.
   A Parent, Me'd_oo_a.
   A small blue Parroquet, E'v_ee_n_ee_.
   A green Parroquet, with a E'a'a.
      red forehead,
   The Part below the tongue, Eta'raro.
   A Partition, division, or screen, Par_oo_'r_oo_.
   A Pass, or strait, E,aree'ëa.
   A fermented Paste, of bread,
    fruit and others, Ma'h_ee_.
   A Path, or road, Eä'ra.
   The Pavement before a house or hut, Pÿe,pye.
   A Pearl, Pöe.
   The Peduncle, and stalk of a plant, A'mäa, s. E'atta.
   To peel _or take the skin off a
      cocoa-nut_etc. A'tee, s. E'atee.
   Peeled, it is peeled, Me'at_ee_.
   A Peg to hang a bag on, 'Pe'a_oo_.
   A Pepper-plant, from the root of
   which they prepare an inebriating
   liquor, Awa.
   Perhaps, it may be so, E'pa'ha.
   Persons of distinction, Patoo'nehe.
   A Petticoat of plantane leaves, AArou'm_aiee_a.
   Petty, small, trifling, opposed to Nooe, R_ee_.
   A Physician, or person who
   attends the sick, Taata no E'rapa_oo_.
   Pick, to pick or choose, Eh_ee_ te mai my ty.
   A large wood Pigeon, Er_oope_.
   A large green and white Pigeon, O_o_'_oo_pa.
   A small black and white Pigeon,
   with purple wings, _Oooo_wy'deroo.
   A Pimple, H_oo_a'h_ou_a.
   To Pinch with, the fingers, _Oo_ma.
   A Plain, or flat, E'_pee_ho.
   Plane, smooth, Pa'_ee_a.
   A Plant of any kind, O'mo.
   A small Plant, E'rabo.
   The fruit of a Plantane-tree M_aiee_'a, s. Maya.
   Horse Plantanes, Fai'ee.
   Pleased, _good humoured, not cross or Mar_oo_.
   Pluck it up, Ar_ee_te.
   To pluck hairs from the beard, H_oo_h_oo_tee.
   To plunge a thing in the water, E,oo'wh_ee_.
   The Point of any thing, Oë,öe, or Oi,oi.
   Poison, bitter, Awa,awa.
   A Poll, _Oo_ra'h_oo_.
   Poor, indigent, not rich, Tee'tee.
   A bottle-nosed Porpoise, E'_ou_a.
   Sweet Potatoes, Oo'marra.
   To pour out any liquid substance, Ma'n_ee_.
   Pregnant with young, Waha'p_oo_.
   To press, or squeeze the legs gently
   with the hand, when tired or pained, Roro'm_ee_.
   Prick, to prick up the ears, Eoma te ta'r_ee_.
   A Priest, Ta'h_ou_a.
   Prone, or face downwards, T_ee_'opa.
   A sort of Pudding, made of fruits,
   oil, etc. Po'po'ee.
   Pumpkins, A'h_ooa_.
   To puke, or vomit, E'awa, s. e'r_oo_'y.
   Pure, clear, E'oo'ee.
   A Purging, or looseness, Hawa,hawa.
   To pursue, _and catch a person who Er_oo_,Er_oo_,
   has done some mischief_, s. Eha'r_oe_.
   To push a thing with the hand, T_oo_'ra_ee_.
   Put it up, or away, Orno.

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