Transcriber’s Note

This book uses inconsistent spelling and hyphenation, which were retained in the ebook version. Some corrections have been made to the text, including normalizing punctuation. Further corrections are noted below:

p. 4: veered to to the east -> veered to the east

p. 6: parts of the the coast -> parts of the coast

p. 7: and and having already -> and having already

p. 9: morning of of the 12th -> morning of the 12th

p. 14: and and the extent -> and the extent

p. 14: he sovereign of Tiaraboo -> the sovereign of Tiaraboo

p. 22: a party of us acompanied -> a party of us accompanied

p. 46: and and several other women -> and several other women

p. 52: and some otheir chiefs -> and some other chiefs

p. 62: a small pig, and a plaintain-tree -> a small pig, and a plantain-tree

p. 63: the principal priest uncoverd -> the principal priest uncovered

p. 76: apprehensions of mishief from us -> apprehensions of mischief from us

p. 87: waited some some time -> waited some time

p. 96: He had picked up at Otatheite -> He had picked up at Otaheite

p. 97: to enclose it intirely -> to enclose it entirely

p. 110: till we sould arrive -> till we should arrive

p. 111: My. Bayly -> Mr. Bayly

p. 113: a great plan of opertions -> a great plan of operations

p. 121: of of its inhabitants -> of its inhabitants

p. 128: The foregoing narative -> The foregoing narrative

Footnote 18: Captain Cook’s first vogage -> Captain Cook’s first voyage

p. 139 I met with with -> I met with

p. 148: large share of its happines -> large share of its happiness

p. 160: of a less geneneral nature -> of a less general nature

p. 169: which lies betwen the two channels -> which lies between the two channels

p. 177: I immediatey brought-to -> I immediately brought-to

p. 211: appear to to have -> appear to have

p. 215: or there position -> or their position

p. 215: wich is laid on slender poles -> which is laid on slender poles

p. 217: though a disagreable mess -> though a disagreeable mess

p. 222: should find a a bit of iron -> should find a bit of iron

p, 222: of those neigbouring Islands -> of those neighbouring Islands

p. 229: expose any other anima -> expose any other animal

p. 233: After the discovery had joined us -> After the Discovery had joined us

p. 265: the ills that bounded it -> the hills that bounded it

p. 310: was loosing on mean time -> was losing on mean time

p. 328: stepped into into their boats -> stepped into their boats

p. 357: down the the inlet -> down the inlet

p. 358: in every repect -> in every respect

p. 373: Two-headed headed Point -> Two-headed Point

p. 385: In the afternooon -> In the afternoon

p. 386: extended to to the S. W. -> extended to the S. W.

p. 387: near the the southern shore -> near the southern shore

p. 396: for their was no wind -> for there was no wind

p. 398: it was was narrow -> it was narrow

p. 399: we seered back to the southward -> we steered back to the southward

p. 402: Mr. Stæehlin -> Mr. Stæhlin

p. 406: both were detrmined -> both were determined


p. 434: the chart prefixed to his cook -> the chart prefixed to his book

p. 440: cut this foot very much -> cut his foot very much

p. 449: So that beteen this latitude -> so that between this latitude

p. 453: and once a a halibut -> and once a halibut

p. 459: had been had been corrected -> had been corrected

p. 459: in the bottom of the the gulf -> in the bottom of the gulf

p. 500: plying off and and on -> plying off and on

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